1. Recite the tales of Amr and Omar
Recite them as tale after tale
١. رَدِّدي أَخبارَ عَمرٍو وَعُمَرْ
رَدِّديها خَبَراً بَعدَ خَبَرْ
2. The adornment of tales is in them and chivalry
And the majesty of time is in them and greatness
٢. زينَةُ الأَخبارِ فيها وَالسِيَرْ
وَجَلالُ الدَهرِ مِنها وَالعِظَمْ
3. Mention mercy being compassionate and just
And mention justice being comprehensive and inclusive
٣. اذكُري البَأسَ رَحيماً عادِلا
وَاِذكُري العَدلَ عَميماً شامِلا
4. Mention the covenant being noble and virtuous
Honorable morals, refined manners
٤. اذكُري العَهدَ كَريماً فاضِلا
ماجِدَ الأَخلاقِ غِطريفَ الشِيَمْ
5. Remember O Egypt the era of the conquerors
Of God's soldiers, Lord of the worlds
٥. اذكُري يا مِصرُ عَهدَ الفاتِحينْ
مِن جُنودِ اللَهِ رَبِّ العالَمينْ
6. They removed harm from the oppressed
And made them taste the joys of bounty
٦. كَشَفوا الضُرَّ عَنِ المُستَضعَفينْ
وَأَذاقوهُم أَفاويقَ النِعَمْ
7. They freed the sons of tyrannical Pharaoh
Oppression did to them what it did
٧. حَرَّروا أَبناءَ فِرعَونَ الأُلى
فَعَلَ الظُلمُ بِهِم ما فَعَلا
8. Every day an arrogant master wrongs without
A state built or kingdom erected
٨. كُلَّ يَومٍ سَيِّدٌ يَطغى فَلا
دَولَةٌ تُبنى وَلا مُلكٌ يُرَمْ
9. Remove the shackles, for too long has it been
Does yesterday and today pass in vain?
٩. اخلَعي القَيدَ فَقَد طالَ المدى
أَيَضيعُ الأَمسُ وَاليَومُ سُدى
10. Do not say if the caller calls tomorrow
Remove it and lift from yourself worries
١٠. لا تَقولي إِن دَعا الداعي غَدا
اخلَعيهِ وَاِرفَعي عَنكِ الغُمَمْ
11. We are your children seeking the sublime
Not caring for deaths taken as pathways
١١. نَحنُ أَبناؤُكِ نَسعى لِلعُلى
لا نُبالي بِالمَنايا سُبُلا
12. Whenever you attempted a noble deed
Our souls ventured into the daring
١٢. كُلَّما حاوَلتِ أَمراً جَلَلا
غامَرَت أَنفُسُنا في المُقتَحَمْ
13. We are your supporters if fate intensifies
And the people retreat turning their backs
١٣. نَحنُ أَنصارُكِ إِن هالَ القَدَرْ
وَمَضى القَومُ يُوَلّونَ الدُبُرْ
14. We keep the covenant and disobey betrayers
For religion is covenants and pacts
١٤. نَحفَظُ العَهدَ وَنَعصي مِن غَدَرْ
إِنَّما الدينُ عُهودٌ وَذِمَمْ