
He called and his call roused the heedless,

دعا فأثار الساكنين دعاؤه

1. He called and his call roused the heedless,
And cried aloud, startling the tranquil with his cry.

١. دَعا فَأَثار الساكنين دعاؤُهُ
وَنادى فَراعَ الآمنين نِداؤُهُ

2. A brother whose ties will not defend when they are severed,
A kinsman whose kinship avails naught when it is tested.

٢. أَخو وَصَبٍ ما إِن يَحمُّ اِنقضاؤه
وَذو أَرَبٍ ما إِن يَحين قَضاؤُهُ

3. From Egypt’s folk he brought distress that vexes grievously.
Would that I knew, will his distress be ever dispelled?

٣. بِهِ مِن بَني مَصرٍ عَناءٌ مُبرِّحٌ
فَيا لَيتَ شِعري هَل يَزولُ عَناؤُهُ

4. Nay, but tears for Egypt will never assuage their anguish
If they wept for her, their weeping would last forever.

٤. أَما إِنَّهُ لَو كانَ يَشفِي غَليلَهُ
بُكاءٌ عَلى مِصرٍ لَطالَ بُكاؤهُ

5. The tribes partitioned her, none with loving heart to shield her
And ward her – none trusty to be hoped for and relied on.

٥. تقسَّمها الأَقوامُ لا ذو حَمِيَّةٍ
فَيَحمي وَلا واقٍ فَيُرجى وَقاؤُهُ

6. Egypt’s only our homeland, precious to us her land and skies.
Blest was her bliss before adversity, but blest too its advent after.

٦. وَما مِصرُ إِلّا مَوطنٌ نَحنُ أَهلُهُ
عَزيزٌ عَلَينا أَرضُهُ وَسَماؤُهُ

7. Some settled in her, but we wearied of their settlement;
Would that settling were without tedium of settlers!

٧. فَيا حَبّذا قَبل الشَقاءِ نَعيمُهُ
وَيا حَبّذا بَعد النَعيمِ شَقاؤُهُ

8. Staunch was she, disdaining humiliation by an aggressor -
Would that I knew where her staunchness went, where her pride!

٨. ثَوى فيهِ أَقوامٌ مَلَلنا ثَواءَهم
وَيا رُبَّ ثاوٍ لا يُملُّ ثَواؤُهُ

9. Would that I knew where her might departed and her glory,
Her repute and pre-eminence fled!

٩. لَقَد كانَ يَأبى أَن يَذِلَّ لغاصبٍ
فَيا لَيتَ شِعري أَينَ ضاعَ إِباؤُهُ

10. She was guarded by men mighty and proud;
Through the caprices of time they were her protection.

١٠. وَيا لَيتَ شِعري أَيَّةً بانَ عِزُّهُ
وَأَينَ تَولَّى مَجدُهُ وَعَلاؤُهُ

11. They who beat back from her preserved her repute
With the firm resolve that none could make recoil.

١١. لَقَد كانَ يَرعاه رِجالٌ أَعِزَّةٌ
بِهم مِن صُروفِ الدَهرِ كانَ احتماؤُهُ

12. My countrymen, provoke her not against you,
For her wrath and her favor are not equal.

١٢. همو ضارَبوا عَنهُ فَصانوا ذِمارَهُ
بِصارِمِ عَزمٍ ما يُرَدُّ مَضاؤُهُ

13. My countrymen, put cowardice far from you,
For it will overwhelm you along with its misfortune.

١٣. بَني وَطَني لا تُسخِطوهُ عَليكمو
فَلَيسَ سَواءً سُخطهُ وَرِضاؤُهُ

١٤. بَني وَطني خَلّوا التَخاذُلَ إِنَّهُ
بَلاؤكمو يَجتاحكم وَبلاؤُهُ