
O son of 'Awf, march swiftly with the banner,

يا ابن عوف سر حثيثا باللواء

1. O son of 'Awf, march swiftly with the banner,
And advance the army with resolve and purpose.

١. يَا ابنَ عَوْفٍ سِرْ حثيثاً باللِّواءْ
وَاقْدِمِ الجيشَ بعزْمٍ وَمَضاءْ

2. March swiftly, O son of 'Awf, for it is
The hill of Jandal, and the people there are slow.

٢. سِرْ حثيثاً يا ابنَ عوفٍ إنّها
دُومَةُ الجندلِ والقومُ البِطاءْ

3. They preceded to the truth, which encompasses them,
Neither that light, nor this vastness.

٣. سُبقوا للحقِّ ما يأخذُهُم
ذلك النّورُ ولا هذا الرُّواءْ

4. And woe to them, what would befall them, if they were content
With the law of God, and the religion of the Hanifs.

٤. وَيحَهمُ ماذا عليهم لو رَضُوْا
شِرْعَةَ اللهِ ودينَ الحُنَفَاءْ

5. Fear God, and do not seek to cause harm,
And follow what the best of the merciful has said.

٥. اتَّقِ اللّهَ ولا تَبْغِ الأَذَى
وَاتَّبِعْ ما قال خيرُ الرُّحَمَاءْ

6. Indeed, war itself has a code of conduct,
That restrains the sword, and protects the weak.

٦. إنّ للحربِ لديه أدباً
يَزَعُ السَّيْفَ ويَحمي الضُّعَفَاءْ

7. He who ignores it will not attain glory, even if
He conquered the land, and the corners of the sky.

٧. مَنْ يَدَعْهُ لا يَنَلْ مَجداً وإن
فَتَحَ الأرضَ وأقطَارَ السَّماءْ

8. The people turned away and said: Our religion,
O son of 'Awf, is our religion, not what you desire.

٨. أَعرضَ القومُ وقالوا دِينُنا
يا ابنَ عوفٍ دِينُنا لا ما تَشاءْ

9. Nothing but the sword will judge between us,
And it is more worthy, O son of 'Awf, to pass judgement.

٩. ليس غير السيفِ يقضي بيننا
وَهْوَ أَوْلَى يا ابنَ عوفِ بالقَضَاءْ

10. And their leader saw what amazed him,
Of matters not seen by the ignorant.

١٠. وَرَأى سَيّدُهم ما هَالَهُ
من أمورٍ لا يراها الجُهَلاءْ

11. Indeed, he is al-Asbagh, he cannot be deceived,
By the vanity of assumption, and the hated confusion.

١١. إنّهُ الأصبغُ لا يَخدعُهُ
باطلُ الوَهْمِ ومكْروهُ الهُراءْ

12. He said: I have submitted, so O people bear witness,
And be guided, for God is the truth, there is no doubt.

١٢. قَالَ أَسلمتُ فيا قوم اشْهَدُوا
وَاهْتدُوا فاللهُ حَقٌّ لا مَرَاءْ

13. He has legislated the religion, which was entrusted
To the best of messengers, and the elder of prophets.

١٣. شَرَعَ الدِّينَ الذي وَصَّى بهِ
عُمدَةَ الرُّسْلِ وشيخَ الأنبياءْ

14. It is the religion of God in truth, whatever is in it,
Whether we are pleased or have refused in secret.

١٤. هُوَ دِينُ اللهِ حَقّاً ما بِهِ
إن رَضِينَا أو أَبَيْنَا من خَفَاءْ

15. A group of his people submitted,
And a group utterly refused.

١٥. أَسْلَمَتْ من قومِهِ طائفةٌ
وَأَبَتْ طائفةٌ كُلَّ الإباءِ

16. No burden falls on the resolute,
If perseverance falters, or hope is prolonged.

١٦. ما على ذي هِمَّةٍ من حَرَجٍ
إن تَرَاخَى الجِدُّ أو زَاغَ الرّجاءْ

17. Every matter has its appointed time,
Whether selves are content, or distress is prolonged.

١٧. كلُّ أمرٍ فَلَهُ مِيقاتُه
طابتِ الأنفسُ أم طالَ العَناءْ

18. O daughter of al-Asbagh, this is what
Your Exalted Lord has decreed, so rejoice in comfort.

١٨. يا ابنةَ الأصبغِ هذا ما قَضَى
ربُّكِ الأعلى فَفُوزِي بالرَّفَاءْ

19. A meritorious creed and a righteous husband,
The decree has approved, and the gift was benevolent.

١٩. مِلَّةٌ فُضْلَى وبَعلٌ صالحٌ
حَبَّذَا القَسمُ وما أسنَى العَطَاءْ

20. Indeed, it is the order of the Chosen Prophet,
The essence of piety, and master of the righteous.

٢٠. إنّه أمرُ النبيِّ المُجتَبَى
معدنِ التّقوى وَمَوْلَى الأتقياءْ

21. O son of 'Awf, if a man could see the unseen,
Your eyes would see what is beneath the cover.

٢١. يا ابنَ عوفٍ لو رأى الغيبَ امرؤٌ
لَرَأتْ عيناكَ ما تَحتَ الغِطَاءْ

22. You have been given, in your wife, a precious treasure,
Among God's treasures, most enriching of the wealthy.

٢٢. لَكَ من زَوْجِكَ كَنزٌ جَلَلٌ
مِن كُنوزِ اللَّهِ أغنى الأغنياءْ

23. Knowledge and guidance are derived from her,
And religion is established, most sacredly constructed.

٢٣. يُستمَدُّ العِلمُ مِنهُ والهُدَى
ويُقامُ الدِّينُ قُدْسِيَّ البِناءْ

24. A blessing from God—how great it is!
So to Him belongs all praise and gratitude.

٢٤. نعمةٌ للَّهِ ما أعظَمَها
فله الحمدُ جَميعاً والثَّناءْ