
Greet the crescent moon and greet the nation of the Nile

حيوا الهلال وحيوا أمة النيل

1. Greet the crescent moon and greet the nation of the Nile
And welcome the feast, the feast of the age and generation

١. حَيّوا الهِلالَ وَحَيّوا أُمَّةَ النيلِ
وَاِستَقبِلوا العيدَ عيدَ العَصرِ وَالجيلِ

2. O year that brings closer all hopes
And nears all expectations

٢. يا أَيُّها العامُ يُزجي كُلَّ مُرتَقَبٍ
مِنَ الرَجاءِ وَيُدني كُلَّ مَأمولِ

3. Give glad tidings with the most truthful news of wishes, O nations
Time has declined upon them with falsehoods

٣. بَشِّر بِأَصدَقِ أَنباءِ المُنى أُمَماً
أَنحى الزَمانُ عَلَيها بِالأَباطيلِ

4. Hope grew long so all consolations from sorrows wearied
And all arguments expired

٤. طالَ الرجاءُ فَعافَت كُلَّ تَسلِيَةٍ
مِنَ الأُساةِ وَمَلَّت كُلَّ تَعليلِ

5. Reveal to us from the unseen's mysteries what misfortunes'
Veils concealed of what was postponed and delayed

٥. اكشِف لَنا مِن خَفايا الغَيبِ ما كَتَمَت
حُجبُ الحَوادِثِ مِن مُرخىً وَمَسدولِ

6. Indeed I see the matter's mirages
In a truthful one of God's covenants, requested

٦. إِنّي أَرى الأَمرَ قَد لاحَت مَخايِلُهُ
في صادِقٍ مِن عُهودِ اللَهِ مَسؤولِ

7. The prophet walks with it and the progeny hastening
And the Spirit between exaltations and praises

٧. يَمشي النَبِيُّ بِهِ وَالآلُ هاتِفَةٌ
وَالروحُ ما بَينَ تَكبيرٍ وَتَهليلِ

8. Flowing from revelation, whoever denies its majesty
God reveals to him the awe of Gabriel

٨. سارٍ مِنَ الوَحيِ مَن يُنكِر جَلالَتَهُ
يَكشِف لَهُ اللَهُ عَن رَوعاتِ جِبريلِ

9. Whoever prevents the matter, God fulfills its certainty
And repels falsehood from an inspiration and a revelation

٩. مَن يَمنَعُ الأَمرَ يَقضي اللَهُ واقِعَهُ
وَيَدفَعُ الحَقَّ مِن وَحيٍ وَتَنزيلِ

10. O summoner of despair, hoping to frighten us
Look to the signs, did they waver with changes?

١٠. يا داعِيَ اليَأسِ يَرجو أَن يُرَوِّعَنا
اِنظُر إِلى الآيِ هَل ريعَت بِتِبديلِ

11. What makes you doubt when you want to lead us astray
From a promised time in God's protections, guaranteed?

١١. ماذا يُريبُكَ إِذ تَبغي بِنا شَطَطاً
مِن مَوعِدٍ في ذِمامِ اللَهِ مَكفولِ

12. O year, release from our positions in Egypt
Every captive of the plains, shackled

١٢. يا أَيُّها العامُ أَطلِق مِن مَواقِفِنا
في مِصرَ كُلَّ أَسيرِ الساحِ مَكبولِ

13. And ask its supreme pulpits, did they not tremble
When time fell with heavy calamities?

١٣. وَاِسأَل مَنابِرَها العُليا أَما رَجَفَت
لَمّا هَوى الدَهرُ بِالغُرِّ البَهاليلِ

14. They were platforms every transgressor guided
With what they say, and heals every crazed

١٤. كانوا المَصاقِعَ يَهدي كُلَّ مُعتَسِفٍ
ما يَنطِقونَ وَيَشفي كُلَّ مَخبولِ

15. When they declaimed with them, their sides shook
And the earth shook, of vast breadth and length

١٥. إِذا اِستَهَلّوا بِها اِرتَجَّت جَوانِبُها
وَاِرتَجَّتِ الأَرضُ ذاتُ العَرضِ وَالطولِ

16. The people do not know, did they bring clear proofs
Of an amazing saying, or did they come with a Gospel?

١٦. لا يَعرِفُ الناسُ هَل جاءوا بِبَيِّنَةٍ
مِن رائِعِ القَولِ أَم جاءوا بِإِنجيلِ

17. The prophets and God's messengers we know them
The most faithful guides, and the most preferred of them

١٧. الأَنبِياءُ وَرُسلُ اللَهِ نَعرِفُهُم
أَوفى الهُداةِ وَأَولاهُم بِتَفضيلِ

18. They were given certainty so no ambitions failed them
No army remained on earth except vanquished

١٨. أوتوا اليَقينَ فَلَم تُخذَل لَهُم هِمَمٌ
لَم تُبقِ في الأَرضِ جَيشاً غَيرَ مَخذولِ

19. Crowns fell from them in awe
From the heads of the weak and toppled

١٩. تَساقَطَت لَهُمُ التيجانُ مِن رَهَبٍ
عَنِ المَعاقِدِ مِن واهٍ وَمَحلولِ

20. Ranks of virtue were not judged for one with conceit
And not opened for the weak in power, debased

٢٠. مَراتِبُ الفَضلِ لَم تُقدَر لِذي خَوَرٍ
وَلَم تُتَح لِضَعيفِ البَأسِ إِجفيلِ

21. And the truth - if not for the proud souls raising it -
Every vile soul would deem it lowly outcast

٢١. وَالحَقُّ لَولا الأُنوفُ الشُمُّ تَرفَعُهُ
عَلاهُ كُلُّ وَضيعِ النَفسِ مَرذولِ

22. Were it not for resolves, no hand would win a feat
And no soul would rejoice in veneration

٢٢. لَولا العَزائِمُ لَم تَظفَر بِمَنقَبَةٍ
يَدٌ وَلَم تَغتَبِط نَفسٌ بِتَبجيلِ

23. Indeed, the swords let every marked one
Succumb to their terror and every coward flee

٢٣. إِنَّ السُيوفَ لَيَمضي كُلُّ ذي شُطَبٍ
في الرَوعِ مِنها وَيَنبو كُلُّ مَفلولِ

24. The Prophet exemplified for us, in his emigration days
Sincere determination, an ununknown law

٢٤. سَنَّ النَبِيُّ لَنا أَيّامَ هِجرَتِهِ
مِن صادِقِ العَزمِ شَرعاً غَيرَ مَجهولِ

25. He walked the truth, the winds of misguidance did not shake his resolve
And he did not care for intimidation

٢٥. مَضى عَلى الحَقِّ لَم تَعصِف بِهِمَّتِهِ
ريحُ الضَلالِ وَلَم يَحفِل بِتَهويلِ

26. Quraysh grew angry so every unsheather
With arms that sever the Indian sword drawn

٢٦. غيظَت قُرَيشٌ فَهاجَت كُلَّ مُنصَلِتٍ
ذي ساعِدٍ يَقطَعُ الهِندِيَّ مَفتولِ

27. Seeking to kill an assailant ravaging
A religion for them protected in the idols' sanctuary

٢٧. يَبغونَ بِالقَتلِ مِقداماً يَصولُ عَلى
دينٍ لَهُم في حِمى الأَصنامِ مَقتولِ

28. He does not frighten people, whether few or many
In a revered pursuit of God or a messenger

٢٨. لا يَرهَبُ الناسَ إِن قَلّوا وَإِن كَثُروا
في مطلَبٍ جَلَلٍ لِلَهِ أَو سولِ

29. He intended to go to Medina, gathering his resolve
By God's ordainment of a matter to be done

٢٩. رامَ المَدينَةَ جَمَّ العَزمِ يَبعَثُهُ
قَضاءُ أَمرٍ لِرَبِّ الناسِ مَفعولِ

30. So he sought refuge in the cave, and its sides rose high
With the protection of the lion, and the cubs and the forest

٣٠. فَاِستَعصَمَ الغارُ وَاِستَعلَت جَوانِبُهُ
بِعِصمَةِ اللَيثِ وَالأَشبالِ وَالغيلِ

31. When he saw the darkness of the truthful one, he unveiled it
With an illumination from God's clear proofs

٣١. لَمّا رَأى غَمرَةَ الصَدّيقِ كَشَّفَها
بِمُشرِقٍ مِن بَيانِ اللَهِ مَصقولِ

32. So the steadfast soul and certainty returned through it
And answered what was of assumption and imagination

٣٢. فَثابَتِ النَفسُ وَاِرتَدَّ اليَقينُ بِها
وَاِنجابَ ما كانَ مِن ظَنٍّ وَتخييلِ

33. And through God's Messenger determination flowed
It casts aside difficulties and twists past obstacles

٣٣. وَاِستَرسَلَت بِرَسولِ اللَهِ هِمَّتُهُ
تَرمي الصِعابَ وَتَلوي بِالعَراقيلِ

34. Misguidance marches its troops so he strikes it
With a blade in God's right hand unsheathed

٣٤. يُزجي الضَلالُ سَراياهُ فَيَضرِبُهُ
بِصارِمٍ في يَمينِ اللَهِ مَسلولِ

35. Until truth rose in horizons and the whiteness of laws spread
Guiding every lost one

٣٥. حَتّى عَلا الحَقُّ في الآفاقِ وَاِطَّرَدَت
بيضُ الشَرائِعِ تَهدي كُلَّ ضِلّيلِ

36. And good gathered, walking after his death
Over blood of inviters to evil, spilled

٣٦. وَاِستَجمَعَ الخَيرُ يَمشي بَعدَ مَصرَعِهِ
عَلى دَمٍ مِن دُعاةِ الشَرِّ مَطلولِ

37. They extended a rope of mischief but he pushed it back with a
Hand whose strength overwhelmed, so it remained unbound

٣٧. مَدّوا مِنَ الغَيِّ حَبلاً رَدَّهُ بِيَدٍ
غالَت قُواهُ فَأَمسى غَيرَ مَوصولِ

38. He shot arrows at kings, leaving no openings for them
Beside attacks, undeterred and unbroken

٣٨. رَمى المُلوكَ فَلَم تَترُك نَوافِذُهُ
مِنهُم لَدى الكَرِّ شِلواً غَيرَ مَأكولِ

39. He topples a throne with a throne, Caesar's flew
From it, and he hurls a crown with a crown

٣٩. يَهُدُّ عَرشاً بِعَرشٍ طارَ قَيصَرُهُ
عَنهُ وَيَقذِفُ إِكليلاً بِإِكليلِ

40. The soul defeats if its determination is sound
Splitting armies and sinking armadas

٤٠. النَفسُ تَغلُبُ إِن صَحَّت عَزيمَتُها
فَتكَ الجُيوشِ وَتَدميرَ الأَساطيلِ

41. And the protected glory is unattained by its seeker
Except through a blood-stained throat offered

٤١. وَلَن يَنالَ مَصونَ المَجدِ طالِبُهُ
إِلّا بِغالٍ مِنَ الأَعلاقِ مَبذولِ

42. How far from success is one with no resolve
Who wasted the matter between saying and telling

٤٢. ما أَبعَدَ النُجحَ عَمَّن لا مَضاءَ لَهُ
وَأَضيَعَ الأَمرَ بَينَ القالِ وَالقيلِ

43. The people are of two kinds, all work
Seeking life, and of kinds like statues

٤٣. الناسُ شَعبانِ شَعبٌ كُلُّهُ عَمَلٌ
يَبغي الحَياةَ وَشَعبٌ كَالتَماثيلِ

44. O Egypt that stands farewelling it
Take your place after time has passed or settled

٤٤. يا حِجَّةً وَقَفَت مِصرٌ تُوَدِّعُها
خُذي مَكانَكِ خَلفَ الدَهرِ أَو زولى

45. How grave upon you were it not for what reassures us
Of God's power that has become inevitable

٤٥. كَم فادِحٍ فيكِ لَولا ما يُؤَيِّدُنا
مِن قُوَّةِ اللَهِ أَضحى غَيرَ مَحمولِ

46. The eye sees nothing showing her
Except it saw beside it Ezrael's statue

٤٦. ما تُبصِرُ العَينُ مِن شَيءٍ يَلوحُ لَها
إِلّا رَأَت عِندَهُ تِمثالَ عِزريلِ

47. When deaths pounced confused, frightened by them
Is the uproar of one fateful upon lifespans ripped

٤٧. إِذا المَنايا اِرتَمَت حَيرى أَهاب بِها
تَهدارُ حادٍ عَلى الآجالِ مَدلولِ

48. No neck was released except flowing in a predetermined
Lifespan shackled in the hands of fate chained

٤٨. ما أَطلَقَ الحَتفَ إِلّا اِنسابَ في أَجَلٍ
مُصَفَّدٍ في يَدِ الأَقدارِ مَغلولِ

49. A soul that flies and another that has no peace
Except upon a number hoped for and expected

٤٩. نَفسٌ تَطيرُ وَأُخرى لا قَرارَ لَها
إلّا عَلى عِدَّةٍ تُرجى وَتَأميلِ

50. The weak call upon a right with no protector
Far from defenders, entrusted to the Judge

٥٠. يَدعو اللَهيفُ لِحَقٍّ لا مُجيرَ لَهُ
نائي الحُماةِ إِلى الدَيّانِ مَوكولِ

51. He does not see guidance in a matter he plans
Nor turns to an opinion and reasonable

٥١. لا يُبصِرُ الرُشدَ في أَمرٍ يُدَبِّرُهُ
وَلا يَفيءُ إِلى رَأيٍ وَمَعقولِ

52. Recurring misfortunes that did not calm their horrors
From an Egyptian man or busy

٥٢. عادٍ مِنَ الخَطبِ لَم تَسكُن رَوائِعُهُ
عَن ذاهِلٍ مِن بَني مِصرٍ وَمَشغولِ

53. We did not forget Egypt, and our resolves were not fooled
By what they told us of the long-necked and the ghoul

٥٣. لَم نَنسَ مِصرَ وَلَم يَخدَع عَزائِمَنا
ما حَدَّثونا عَنِ العَنقاءِ وَالغولِ

54. We walked the path seeking a reasonable plan
That would erase suspicions and negate interpretations

٥٤. سِرنا عَلى النَهجِ نَبغي خُطَّةً رَشَداً
تَمحو الظُنونَ وَتَنفي كُلَّ تَأويلِ

55. The pursuit of glory is no innovation among nations, nor
Is the rightful in his quest ever rejected

٥٥. لا مَطلَبُ المَجدِ بِدعاً في الشُعوبِ وَلا
ذو الحَقِّ في سَعيِهِ يَوماً بِمَعذولِ

56. Who taught people that truth will be pushed
By the falsity of tales or the vileness of deeds?

٥٦. مَن عَلَّمَ القَومَ أَنَّ الحَقَّ يَدفَعُهُ
زورُ الأَقاويلِ أَو سوءُ الأَفاعيلِ

57. They said, O multitudes that disgrace covers their sides
So the lions roared protecting the Nile's dignity

٥٧. قالوا أَقاطيعُ يَغشى الذُلُّ جانِبَها
فَاِهتاجَتِ الأُسدُ تَحمي عِزَّةَ النيلِ

58. And Egypt approached, its people walking in groups
Of defenders, and diverse troops

٥٨. وَأَقبَلَت مِصرُ يَمشي أَهلُها زُمراً
مِن حاشِدينَ وَمِن شَتّى أَبابيلِ

59. Guiding the winds of fragrances and greens
Dyed with tears of parting, spilled

٥٩. تُهدي الرَياحينَ مِن غَضٍّ وَمِن خَضِلٍ
مُضمَّخٍ بِدُموعِ الغيدِ مَطلولِ

60. No tender white-skinned virgin remained in its bosom
Nor chaste mothers of highborn boys

٦٠. لَم تَبقَ في خِدرِها بَيضاءُ ناعِمَةٌ
مِنَ العذارى وَلا العوذِ المَطافيلِ

61. Rage blazed when its anklets rang softly
Among its bracelets and anklets

٦١. تَلَهَّبَ البَأسُ إِذ خَفَّت عَقائِلُها
بَينَ الأَساوِرِ مِنها وَالخَلاخيلِ

62. Reciting verses of signs enchantingly
Increasing in beauty of recital and chant

٦٢. يُنشِدنَ مِن رائِعاتِ الآيِ مُطرِبَةً
يَزِدنَها حُسنَتَرديدٍ وَتَرتيلِ

63. Egypt shouts, and every mother of Egypt
And father, unfailing, shouts

٦٣. يَهتِفنَ مِصرُ وَمِصرٌ كُلُّ مُنجِبَةٍ
وَمُنجِبٍ مِن بَنيها غَيرِ مَفضولِ

64. Whoever feared violent trials befalling him
Does not remain lifetimes suffering trials

٦٤. مَن كانَ يَحذَرُ تَنكيلَ الخُطوبِ بِهِ
لا يَبرَحِ الدَهرَ مَفجوعاً بِتَنكيلِ

65. They said peace, so their cry shook the universe
From a meadow with the blood of heroes, shed

٦٥. قالوا السَلامُ فَهَزَّ الكَونَ صارِخُهُم
عَن مُنهَلٍ بِدَمِ الأَبطالِ مَعلولِ

66. And orphaned hands unleashed cries and blew them
And mouths of infants, bereaved

٦٦. وَاِستَرسَلَت تَرفَعُ النَجوى وَتَنفُثُها
أَيدي اليَتامى وَأَفواهُ المَراميلِ

67. And they gave us glad tidings of what the president exemplified for us
Of a law of clear proofs and details

٦٧. وَبَشَّرونا بِما سَنَّ الرَئيسُ لَنا
مِن شِرعَةٍ ذاتِ تِبيانٍ وَتَفصيلِ

68. And they misled time in what they told it
Until it passed between entrusting and delegation

٦٨. وَغالَطوا الدَهرَ فيما حَدَّثوهُ بِهِ
حَتّى اِنقَضى بَينَ تَفويضٍ وَتَوكيلِ

69. The matter is not hard when the nation supports it
With its shoulders, and casts it easily

٦٩. لا يَصعُبُ الأَمرُ يوهي الشَعبُ جانِبَهُ
بِمَنكِبَيهِ وَيَرميهِ بِتَذليلِ

70. Today, the free people of nations incline
To a promise for Egypt, of old covenant breached

٧٠. اليَومَ يَعطِفُ أَحرارُ الشُعوبِ عَلى
وَعدٍ لِمِصرَ بَعيدِ العَهدِ مَمطولِ

71. If it was said, the day we rise, our promise is
They would say, hastening, "We have come at your service!"

٧١. لَو قيلَ يَومَ يَقومُ الناسُ مَوعِدُنا
قالوا مَساريعُ راعونا بِتَعجيلِ

72. God prevents what His care willed
Not to be permitted, and refuses all trespassing

٧٢. اللَهُ يَمنَعُ ما شاءَت عِنايَتُهُ
أَلّا يُباحَ وَيَأبى كُلَّ مَدخولِ

73. Look to the House, did its sanctities disappear
When the elephant's rider attacked it?

٧٣. اِنظُر إِلى البَيتِ هَل ضاعَت مَحارِمُهُ
لَمّا أَغارَ عَلَيهِ صاحِبُ الفيلِ

74. He pelted it with flocks of birds filling the air
Diving at it and stoning it with burning stones

٧٤. رَماهُ بِالطَيرِ مِلءَ الجَوِّ مُسرِعَةً
تَهوي إِلَيهِ وَتَرميهِ بِسِجّيلِ

75. We - by the life of the Exalted - they assumed vain assumptions about us
Not of the weak, nor the worthless people

٧٥. إِنّا لَعَمرُ الأُلى ظَنّوا الظُنونَ بِنا
لا بِالضِعافِ وَلا القَومِ التَنابيلِ

76. We rise to the highest honor, and raise us
A glory for us we did not increase except in enacting

٧٦. نَسمو إِلى الشَرَفِ الأَعلى وَيَرفَعُنا
مَجدٌ لَنا لَم نَزِدهُ غَيرَ تَأثيلِ

77. Steadfast over time, if its quakes clash
Twisting mountains and hurling them in change

٧٧. راسٍ عَلى الدَهرِ إِن جاشَت زَلازِلُهُ
تَطوي الجِبالَ وَتَرميها بِتَحويلِ

78. We protect Egypt and guard it with what it knows
Of strong shields and chainmail

٧٨. نَصونُ مِصرَ وَنَحميها بِما عَلِمَت
مِنَ الدُروعِ الغَوالي وَالسَرابيلِ

79. Those hearts that keep its secrets safeguarded
From every melting youth in it, burning in fervor

٧٩. تِلكَ القُلوبُ الَّتي تَرعى وَدائِعَها
مِن كُلِّ صَبٍّ بِها حَرّانَ مَتبولِ

80. The strongest beasts recoil from them even if
Worries toyed with them and left them like rags

٨٠. يَرتَدُّ أَمضى الظُبى عَنها وَإِن عَبَثَت
بِها الهُمومُ فَأَمسَت كَالغَرابيلِ

81. Passion did not cease overflowing in its sides
Until it infected them with a chronic disease

٨١. لَم يَبرَحِ الوَجدُ يَطغى في جَوانِبِها
حَتّى رَماها بِداءٍ ذي عَقابيلِ

82. O Egypt, your year is a year of good, so expect in it
Wishes, and trust in shifts

٨٢. يا مصرُ عامُكِ عامُ الخَيرِ فَاِرتَقِبي
فيهِ المُنى وَثِقي مِنهُ بِتَنويلِ

83. God has given you the bounty which has grown great
Will God deprive bounty after bestowing?

٨٣. اللَهُ خَوَّلَكِ النُعمى الَّتي عَظُمَت
هَل يَسلُبُ اللَهُ نُعمى بَعدَ تَخويلِ

84. God did not break a promise nor did the hopes of a nation
Blessed with God's gentleness, fail

٨٤. ما أَخلَفَ اللَهُ مِن وَعدٍ وَلا كَذَبَت
آمالُ شَعبٍ بِلُطفِ اللَهِ مَشمولِ