
Abu Dharr, you journeyed on a camel

أبا ذر رحلت على بعير

1. Abu Dharr, you journeyed on a camel
If a speck of dust touched it, it would collapse

١. أبا ذرٍّ رَحلتَ على بعيرٍ
لو اَنَّ الذَّرَّ يَلْمَسُهُ لَهدَّهْ

2. The travel showed him one state after another
So it weakened his bones and melted his skin

٢. بَراهُ السَّيرُ حالاً بعد حالٍ
فأوْهَنَ عَظْمَهُ وأذابَ جِلْدَهْ

3. You went for your belongings, not leaving them behind
Despite his weakness, he did not leave you behind

٣. عَمدتَ إلى متاعِكَ لم تَدَعْهُ
عليهِ ولم يَدَعْكَ الضّعفُ عِنْدَهْ

4. You strengthened your power when his power weakened
And you accepted the matter when you saw its seriousness

٤. شددتَ قُواكَ إذ وَهَنتْ قُواهُ
وَرُضْتَ الأمرَ إذ أبصرتَ جِدَّهْ

5. And you walked on, becoming firmer in resolve than him
With the most truthful determination and the most intense diligence

٥. وسِرْتَ فكنتَ أصلبَ منه عَزماً
وأصدقَ هِمّةٌ وأشَدَّ نَجْدَهْ

6. You walked wanting the face of God until
You reached His Messenger and met His troops

٦. مَشَيْتَ تُريدُ وَجْهَ اللَّهِ حتّى
بلغتَ رَسولَهُ ولَقيتَ جُنْدَهْ

7. They saw you leading them alone, so they said
A brother in God, who fears God with all his effort

٧. رأوكَ تَؤُمُّهُمْ فرداً فقالوا
أخٌ في اللَّهِ يخشى اللَّهَ جُهْدَهْ

8. And it was said, Abu Dharr has come, so welcome
Our companion who did not betray his covenant

٨. وقال أتى أبو ذَرٍّ فأهلاً
بِصاحبنا الذي ما خان عَهْدَهْ

9. Lo, the one who strives towards us
Walks alone, dies alone, and is resurrected alone after this

٩. ألا إنّ الذي يَسْعَى إلينا
ليمشي وَحْدَهُ ويَموتُ وَحْدَهْ

10. Glory to Him who chooses His servant

١٠. وَيُبْعَثُ وَحْدَهُ مِن بعدِ هذا
وَسُبحانَ الذي يَختارُ عَبْدَهْ