
Ukaydir, you are a man of merit

أخالد إنك ذو نجدة

1. Ukaydir, you are a man of merit
So march on to Dumat Al-Jandal

١. أخالدُ إنّكَ ذو نَجْدَةٍ
فَهيَّا إلى دُومَةِ الجندلِ

2. To the people who rejected the Book
And deviated from the best path

٢. إلى معشرٍ كفروا بالكتابِ
وحَادوا عن المذهبِ الأمثلِ

3. The Messenger called upon you, so you are the Messenger's
He has none other than you to turn to

٣. دَعاكَ الرسولُ فأنت الرسول
وليس له عنك من مَعدلِ

4. Before you lies a fortress with high walls
So take it with your very long spear

٤. أمامك حِصنٌ طويلُ الذُّرَى
فَخُذْهُ بِصَمصامِكَ الأطولِ

5. And pass by Al-Akidar and pelt him with it
Though he is so arrogant and haughty

٥. وَمُرْ بالأكيدرِ يَقذفْ به
إليك على كِبرهِ من عَلِ

6. You killed his brother and he surrendered to you
The wing of one humbled, yet he was not killed

٦. قتلتَ أخاهُ وألقى إليك
جَناحَ الذليلِ فلم يُقتلِ

7. And you came with the master of conquerors
Who penetrated the gates of his closed heart

٧. وجِئتَ به سيِّدَ الفاتحين
فأوغَلَ في قلبهِ المقفلِ

8. He guided him to God after his misguidance
And after blindness his sight almost cleared

٨. هَداه إلى اللَّهِ بعد الضلالِ
وبعد العَمى لم يَكَدْ يَنجَلِي

9. And gave him safety through his covenant
What an excellent granter of refuge you are

٩. وأعطاه من عهدهِ موئلاً
يَقيهِ فيا لك من مؤئلِ

10. So patience Ukaydir, time
Will reveal your forthcoming future

١٠. فَصبراً أُكيدرُ إنّ الزمان
سيكشفُ عن غَدِكَ المقْبلِ

11. Your era will end the habit of the wretched one
And gather again your first perdition

١١. سَتنقُض عهدكَ دَأْبَ الشقِيِّ
وتجمعُ في غَيِّكَ الأوّلِ

12. Your Lord will strike you with the son of Al-Walid
And cure you from your perplexing disease

١٢. فيرميك ربُّكَ بابنِ الوليدِ
ويشفيكَ من دائِكَ المعضلِ

13. With a thunderbolt - whoever tastes it will say
It's as if thunderbolts were never sent

١٣. بصاعقةٍ مَنْ يَذُقْها يَقُلْ
كأنَّ الصّواعقَ لم تُرْسَلِ

14. Would you do, woe to you, what if you had reason
You would refrain from it and not do it

١٤. أتفعلُ وَيْحَكَ ما لو عقلتَ
لأعرضتَ عنه ولم تفعلِ

15. Ukaydir, no soul has immunity
When God decides to test those He tests

١٥. أُكيدرُ ليس لنفسٍ وَقاء
إذا ما ابتلى اللَّهُ مَن يبتلي