
Our Lord, indeed we have been guided,

ربنا إنا اهتدينا

1. Our Lord, indeed we have been guided,
So to You belongs all praise over us.

١. ربّنا إنّا اهْتدينا
فَلَك الشُّكرُ عَلَيْنا

2. You have done good to us
With righteous men.

٢. أَنتَ أَحْسَنْتَ إلينا
بالرّجالِ المُحسِنينْ

3. They preserved the Quran within us
And guarded it sincerely.

٣. حَفِظوا القُرآنَ فينا
وَرَعَوْهُ مُخْلِصِينا

4. They were truthful in worldly life and religion,
What a great reward for the truthful.

٤. صَدَقوا دُنيا ودِينا
نِعمَ أجرُ الصّادقين

5. Indeed it is the best merchandise,
None among us has wasted it.

٥. إنّهُ خيرُ البِضَاعَهْ
ليس مِنّا مَنْ أَضاعَهْ

6. Our Lord, be with the group,
Indeed they are the people of the right.

٦. رَبَّنا كُنْ لِلجَماعَهْ
إنّهم أهلُ اليمين

7. And reward with goodness every free,
Truthful, righteous man

٧. واجْزِ خَيراً كُلَّ حُرِّ
صادقِ الإِيمانِ بَرِّ

8. Who has fulfilled his duty
Among the working men.

٨. عَاملٍ قَامَ بِشَطْرِ
في الرّجالِ العامِلينْ

9. There are ambitions that go on aspiring,
And souls that compete,

٩. هِمَمٌ تَمضِي كِبارا
ونُفوسٌ تَتَبَارَى

10. Openly helping God,
Under the protection of the trusted guardian.

١٠. تَنْصُرُ اللهَ جِهَارا
في حِمَى الهادي الأمينْ

11. They taught us so we rose,
And from the truth we quenched our thirst.

١١. عَلَّمونا فارْتَقَيْنا
وَمِنَ الحقّ ارْتَوَيْنا

12. Where is one who drinks as we do?
We are the best of drinkers.

١٢. أينَ مَن يَشربُ أينا
نحنُ خيرُ الشّاربينْ

13. We are the soldiers of Islam,
Our courage is the strongest courage.

١٣. نَحنُ للإِسلامِ جُنْدُ
بأسُنا البأسُ الأَشدُّ

14. Eternal and fortunate through us,
We will open the clear conquest.

١٤. خالدٌ فينا وسعدُ
نفتحُ الفتحَ المبينْ

15. We send verses that make the enemies tremble with fear,
Our Lord, God, grant us victory,

١٥. نُرسلُ الآياتِ غُرّا
تَنفضُ الأعداءَ ذُعْرا

16. Our Lord, You are the helper.
Our sword is God is the greatest,

١٦. رَبّنا اللّهمَّ نصرا
رَبَّنا أَنتَ المُعينْ

17. It guarantees victorious support,
What matter can become difficult

١٧. سَيفُنا اللهُ أكبرْ
يضمن النَصْرَ المُؤَزَّرْ

18. If we go as conquerors?

١٨. أيُّ أمرٍ يَتعذّرْ
إن ذهبنا فاتحينْ