1. What has the owner of the two swords done
He bid the two ranks and the world farewell together
١. صاحبُ السَّيْفَيْنِ ماذا صنعا
ودَّعَ الصفَّيْنِ والدنيا معا
2. He was absent from his companions, they did not know
Which abode did he stay when he bid them farewell
٢. غابَ عن أصحابهِ ما علموا
أيَّ دارٍ حلَّ لما وَدّعا
3. He was absent from their eyes in deep darkness
The horror of terror blocked its emergence
٣. غاب عن أعينهم في غَمْرَةٍ
سدَّ غُولُ الهولِ منها المطلعا
4. They sought him and his group called out
A disaster occurred and events took place
٤. طلبوه وتَنادى جَمعُهم
نَكبةٌ حلّتْ وخَطبٌ وقعا
5. O Messenger of Allah, this is Hamza
Do you see that he met his death
٥. يا رسولَ اللهِ هذا حمزةٌ
أترى عيناك منه المصرعا
6. He is your uncle except for nursing
His ears and nose were cut off
٦. إنّه عَمُّكَ إلا أُذُناً
قُطِعَتْ منه وأنفاً جُدِعا
7. He is your uncle so look at his belly
How they tore it open and ravaged his intestines
٧. إنّه عمّك فانظرْ بَطْنَهُ
كيف شقُّوه وعاثوا في المِعَى
8. The liver of the knight, what did they do to it
Where did it fall after being ripped out
٨. كبدُ الفارسِ ماذا فعلت
أين طاحت من قضى أن تُنزَعا
9. It was Hind's vow, if not for
Her inability to swallow, she would have eaten it whole
٩. نَذرُ هندٍ هِيَ لولا أنها
لم تُسِغْها أكلتها أجمعا
10. She began chewing the chunks of his liver
Bitter, poisoned morsels
١٠. طفقت تَمضغُ مِن أفلاذِها
عَلقماً مُرّاً وسُماً مُنقَعا
11. Whenever she wanted to swallow them
With a mouth full she refused to swallow
١١. كلّما هَمَّتْ بها تَدفعُها
مِلءَ شِدْقَيْها أبتْ أن تُدفعا
12. She had made a vow the day of his father
Hoping it would soothe her anguished heart
١٢. نَذرتْ يومَ أبيها نذْرها
عَلّها تشفِي الفُؤادَ المُوجَعا
13. Al-Wahshi came and she shrieked with joy
The earth trembled with horror
١٣. جَاءَ وَحْشِيٌّ فضجَّتْ فَرحاً
وَيْكِ إنّ الأرضَ ضَجَّتْ فَزَعا
14. You offer your jewelry and wealth
For he who ignorantly brought terror
١٤. تَبذلينَ الحَلْي والمالَ على
أن جناه جاهلياً مُفظعا
15. Oh Hind, what a bloody wound
Patience falls short of what it could bear
١٥. يا له يا هندُ جُرحاً دامياً
ضاقَ عنه الصّبرُ مما اتّسعا
16. Did you not see the Pillars of Uhud
When the wounds poured forth ruptured
١٦. أفما أبصرتِ رُكنَيْ أُحُدٍ
حِينَ سالَ الجرحُ كيف انصدعا
17. And Abu Sufyan, why did he become enraged
Does he not intend to be deterred
١٧. وأبو سُفيانَ ماذا هاجه
أفما يُزمِعُ أن يَرتدعا
18. He was fooled that day by his foolishness
Surely there is a secret for tomorrow
١٨. غَرَّهُ في يومِه ما غرّه
إنّ عند الغدِ سِرّاً مُودَعا
19. He strikes the lion and splits its cheek
When it lays its side down to rest
١٩. يَطعنُ اللّيثَ ويَفرِي شِدْقَهُ
حِينَ ألقَى جَنْبَهُ فاضطجعا
20. If it saw him challenging himself
It would see it plummet severed
٢٠. لو رآه يتحدَّى نفسَهُ
لرآها كيف تَهوِي قِطعَا
21. He mentions al-Uzza and calls upon Hubal
Woe to him from a rememberer, what has he called
٢١. يذكرُ العُزَّى ويدعو هُبلاً
وَيْحَهُ من ذاكرٍ ماذا دعا
22. The lion of Allah was struck by a fox
What a remarkable event he brought about
٢٢. أَسدُ اللّهِ رماهُ ثَعلبٌ
يا له من حادثٍ ما أبدعا
23. A stumbling stone seized him suddenly
The world called out to it imploring harm
٢٣. أخَذْتهُ عثرةٌ مَزؤودَةٌ
ضَجَّتِ الدنيا لها تدعو لعا
24. The coat of mail slipped exposing his belly
A stream of his blood so dress it
٢٤. زالتِ الدِّرعُ فغشَّى بطنَهُ
دافقٌ من دمهِ فادّرعا
25. A thirsty lance found an exposed target
Who was of goodness and righteousness grazed
٢٥. حَرْبَةٌ ظَمأى أصابت مَشرعاً
كان من خيرٍ وبرٍّ مُترَعا
26. Al-Hadi mourned it as an affliction
That brought great mourning to Quraysh
٢٦. جَزَع الهادي لها نازلةً
جلّلتْ عُليا قريشٍ جَزَعا
27. That was his dream and this is his sword
None are grazed by the Merciful but those who graze
٢٧. تلك رُؤياهُ وهذا سيفُهُ
لا رعَى الرحمنُ إلا مَن رعى
28. A piercing that protected Islam's sanctuary
From the disbelief that they claimed would not be ruptured
٢٨. ثَلمةٌ هدَّت من الكفرِ حِمىً
زعم الكفّارُ أن لن يُفْرَعا
29. Blessed is the resting place and the sublime people
In it they buried the most splendid martyr
٢٩. بُورِكَ المضجعُ والقومُ الألى
وسَّدوا فيه الشهيدَ الأروعا
30. The people's example of his tyranny against them
Is what their religion did not forbid or prevent
٣٠. مثَلَ القومُ به من بغيهِم
ما نهاهم دِينُهم أو منَعا
31. Morality has no law but its religion
It prefers what is most excellent and guides the aware
٣١. ليس للأخلاقِ إلا دينُها
يُؤثر المثلى ويهدِي مَن وعى
32. Islam promised good to whoever pardons
Surely excellent pardon is what was legislated
٣٢. وَعَد الإسلامُ خيراً مَن عفَى
إنّ حُسنَ العفوِ ممّا شَرعا
33. Ask those wearing necklaces
Of skins - whoever saw them was humbled
٣٣. سائلِ اللائي تقلَّدنَ الحِلَى
من جلودٍ من رآها خَشعا
34. Are they like pearls or more brilliant than teeth
From their curves and highest position
٣٤. أهي كاللؤلؤِ أم أبهى سناً
من غواليهِ وأسمى موضعا
35. Blessed - I see them brought near
Allah elevated through them the elevated
٣٥. بوركَتْ إني أراها زُلَفاً
رفع اللّهُ بها من رَفعا
36. No slaughterer of disbelief will miss them
Not caring which skin is ripped open
٣٦. لن يفوتَ الكفرَ منها ذابحٌ
لا يُبالي أيَّ جلدٍ مَزعا
37. Oh how strange are the twists of fate
With an unfamiliar terrible agony
٣٧. يا لِرَيْبِ الدّهرِ ما أفدَحَهُ
حادثاً نُكراً ورُزءاً مُفجِعا
38. The mention returned to it repeatedly
And I worried it would not return
٣٨. رَجَع الذّكرُ به مُؤتنفاً
ولقد أشفقتُ أن لا يرجعا
39. The family was preoccupied from family, so strange
What has time done
٣٩. شُغِلَ الأهلُ عن الأهلِ فيا
عجباً للدهر ماذا صنعا
40. Do I not see except heedless
Or preoccupied with wishes immersed
٤٠. أفما أُبصِرُ إلا لاهياً
أو مُعَنّىً بالأماني مُولَعا
41. Remember O people your glories
Many a neglected mention benefits
٤١. اذكروا يا قومُ من أمجادِكم
ما نَسِيْتُم رُبَّ ذِكرٍ نَفعا