
By your Lord, what has befallen the country?

بربك ماذا أصاب البلادا

1. By your Lord, what has befallen the country?
The eye sees nothing but grief.

١. بِرَبِّكَ ماذا أَصابَ البِلادا
فَما تَنظُرُ العَينُ إِلّا حِدادا

2. Alas for the hearts and alas for the eyes,
For sorrows that continue and troubles that persist.

٢. فَوَيحَ القُلوبِ وَوَيحَ العُيونِ
لِحُزنٍ تَوالى وَخَطبٍ تَمادى

3. We have lost the supporter, we have lost the helper,
We have lost the protector, we have lost the pillar.

٣. فَقَدنا الظَهيرَ فَقَدنا النَصيرَ
فَقَدنا المُجيرَ فَقَدنا العِمادا

4. We have lost generosity, we have lost loyalty,
We have lost nobility, we have lost integrity.

٤. فَقَدنا المَضاءَ فَقَدنا الوَفاءَ
فَقَدنا الإِباءَ فَقَدنا السَدادا

5. O what grievous news that appalls souls!
And time insists on getting even worse.

٥. فَيا لَكَ خَطباً يَهولُ النُفوسَ
وَيَأبى عَلى الدَهرِ إِلّا اِشتِدادا

6. O how long my pain for a nation
Whose times did with it as they pleased!

٦. وَيا طولَ وَجدي عَلى أُمَّةٍ
أَساءَ الزَمانُ بِها ما أَرادا

7. When it brought forth a man, the hand of death was quick
To overwhelm him, bringing grief to the country.

٧. إِذا أَنجَبت رَجُلاً عاجَلَتهُ
يَدُ المَوتِ تُفجِعُ فيهِ البِلادا

8. Peace be upon one who lies dead, having never wished
To settle down or be content to slumber.

٨. سَلامٌ عَلى راقِدٍ لَم يَكُن
لِيَهوى القَرارَ وَيَرضى الرُقادا

9. The eyes closest to sleep are eyes
That slay the long nights with wakefulness.

٩. وَأَدنى العُيونِ مِنَ النَومِ عَينٌ
تُميتُ طِوالَ اللَيالي سُهادا

10. If his body finds rest in the earth,
That is after prolonged struggle.

١٠. فَإِن يَستَرِح جِسمُهُ في الثَرى
فَذَلِكَ مِمّا أَطالَ الجِهادا

11. A crime it was that a soul, if entrusted
To the highest, steepest mountain, would not be secure.

١١. جِنايَةُ نَفسٍ لَو اِستودِعَت
ذُرى شاهِقٍ مُستَقِرٍّ لَمادا

12. Souls are indeed the steeds of bodies
To death, if we would look for guidance.

١٢. وَإِنَّ النُفوسَ مَطايا الجُسومِ
إِلى المَوتِ لَو نَستَبينُ الرَشادا

13. As for the hardy, they go quickly,
While the weak walk haltingly.

١٣. فَأَمّا الشِدادُ فَتَمضي سِراعاً
وَأَمّا الضِعافُ فَتَمشي اِتِّئادا

14. A young man's life is like wealth:
He disposes it lavishly or thriftily.

١٤. وَإِنَّ حَياةَ الفَتى كَالثَراءِ
يُصَرِّفُهُ سَرَفاً وَاِقتِصادا

15. One postpones its remainder;
Another hastens its dwindling.

١٥. فَهَذا يُؤَخِّرُ مِنهُ البَقاءَ
وَهَذا يُعَجِّلُ مِنهُ النَفادا

16. We fancy life is blood forever flowing,
A spirit that saves us from decay and corruption.

١٦. نَظُنُّ الحَياةَ دَماً جائِلاً
وَروحاً تَقينا البَلى وَالفَسادا

17. Yet it is only the good deeds
That benefit the country and aid the servants of God.

١٧. وَما هِيَ إلّا حِسانُ الفِعالِ
تُفيدُ البِلادَ وَتُجدي العِبادا

18. God have no mercy on a man who does not
Respond when high ambitions call,

١٨. فَلا رَحِمَ اللَهُ إِلّا اِمرَأً
يُجيبُ نِداءَ العُلا إِذ يُنادى

19. And plunge into the thick of things,
Marching through difficulties purposefully!

١٩. يَخوضُ إِلَيها جِسامَ الأُمورِ
وَيَقتادُ فيها الصِعابَ اِقتِيادا

20. If he saw death apart from this,
He would not think of retreating.

٢٠. وَلَو أَبصَرَ المَوتَ مِن دونِها
لَما رامَ عَن جانِبَيها اِرتِدادا

21. Comfort the people of Egypt for the loss
Of a star that the hands of fate have turned to ashes,

٢١. عَزاءً بَني مِصرَ عَن كَوكِبٍ
أَحالَتهُ أَيدي المَنايا رَمادا

22. As though I see him rousing the tombs
And quickening life in them strenuously,

٢٢. كَأَنّي بِهِ يَستَثيرُ القُبورَ
وَيَبعَثُ فيها الحَياةَ اِجتِهادا

23. As though I see the hands of destruction, enfeebled,
Inflicting on him the worst calamities.

٢٣. كَأَنّي بِأَيدي البِلى واهِناتٍ
تُمارِسُ مِنهُ خُطوباً شِدادا

24. Comfort the people of Egypt for his absence
And sympathy for his companions and comrades.

٢٤. عَزاءً بَني مِصرَ عَن فَقدِهِ
وَضَنّاً بِشِرعَتِهِ وَاِعتِدادا

25. Do not let yourselves diverge, for nations
Die when divided and live when united.

٢٥. وَلا تَتَعادَوا فَإِنَّ الشُعوبَ
تَموتُ اِنقِساماً وَتَحيا اِتِّحادا