
The path is clear, so why do we hesitate

وضح السبيل فما لنا نتردد

1. The path is clear, so why do we hesitate
For a rendezvous, but when will the rendezvous be?

١. وَضَحُ السَبيلُ فَما لَنا نَتَرَدَّدُ
أَلِمَوعِدٍ فَمَتى يَكونُ المَوعِدُ

2. The people walk adversity in our presence
Like the gait of a fighter at dawn lying in wait

٢. القَومُ يَمشونَ الضَراءَ حِيالَنا
مَشيَ المُخاتِلِ غُدوَةً يَتَصَيَّدُ

3. Where are the protectors? Are they asleep in beds
Or are they over there in the graves, laid?

٣. أَينَ الحُماةُ أَفي المَضاجِعِ نُوَّمٌ
أَم هُم هُنالِكَ في المَقابِرِ هُمَّدُ

4. O people, what is it you bring upon your countries?
Evil is the recompense for it and the bringer is evil

٤. يا قَومُ ماذا تورِدونَ بِلادَكُم
بِئسَ الجَزاءُ لَها وَبِئسَ المَورِدُ

5. Evil are the preachers whose way is deviant
And their guide, the sum of mishaps, is most malign

٥. بِئسَ الدُعاةُ سَبيلُهُم مُتَجانِفٌ
وَدَليلُهُم جَمُّ المَعاثِرِ أَنكَدُ

6. To them belong the ignorant, whom they ride with desire
While for us is proof and the path most right

٦. لَهُمُ المَجاهِلُ يَركَبونَ بِها الهَوى
وَلَنا المَحَجَّةُ وَالسَبيلُ الأَقصَدُ

7. The Nile knows, and the landmarks are clear
And time tells, and the kingdoms bear witness

٧. النيلُ يَعلَمُ وَالمَواقِفُ وُضَّحٌ
وَالدَهرُ يُخبِرُ وَالمَمالِكُ شُهَّدُ

8. Does any man, after his country, have in the earth
Glory with which to adorn life and bracelets?

٨. هَل لامرِئٍ في الأَرضِ بَعدَ بِلادِهِ
مَجدٌ يَزينُ بِهِ الحَياةَ وَسُؤدُدُ

9. The height of protection they covet, and nothing else
Is loftier for the free men and more glorious

٩. أَعلى الحِمايَةِ يَحرِصونَ وَغَيرُها
أَسمى لِأَحرارِ الرِجالِ وَأَمجَدُ

10. They tricked the little ones with it and said a blessing
The worst of afflictions, no blessing to be praised

١٠. خَدَعوا الصِغارَ بِها وَقالوا نِعمَةٌ
شَرُّ البَلِيَّةِ نِعمَةٌ لا تُحمَدُ

11. They hasten the matter, evil all of it
And the people clamor and the palm trees shed their fruit

١١. يَتَعَجَّلونَ الأَمرَ شَرّاً كُلُّهُ
وَالشَعبُ يَصخَبُ وَالكِنانَةُ تَحردُ

12. And God looks with His great, mighty majesty
Will He be obeyed or will the rebels transgress?

١٢. وَاللَهُ يَنظُرُ في عَظيمِ جَلالِهِ
أَيُطاعُ أَم يَطغى العُصاةُ فَيُجحَدُ

13. They grumble when His people stand bare
For truth to be sought and honesty to be called

١٣. يَتَذَمَّرونَ إِذا تَجَرَّدَ شَعبُهُ
لِلحَقِّ يُطلَبُ وَالأَمانَةِ تُنشَدُ

14. God is greatest! Is there any who can overcome Him
In the two worlds? And is there by His hand a hand?

١٤. اللَهُ أَكبَرُ هَل لَهُ مِن غالِبٍ
في العالَمينَ وَهَل على يَدِهِ يَدُ

15. What can the strong desire with His creation
And intend in His kingdom, the mutinous?

١٥. ماذا عَسى يَبغي القَوِيُّ بِخَلقِهِ
وَيُريدُ في مَلَكوتِهِ المُتَمَرِّدُ

16. Awaken, O countries! Will not a party rise to help them
And a delegation be sent out?

١٦. وَيحَ البِلادِ أَما يَقومُ بِنَصرِها
حِزبٌ يُقامُ لَهُم وَوَفدٌ يوفَدُ

17. O Egypt! Do not give birth to men after them
For I see men born for other than that

١٧. يا مِصرُ لا تَلِدي رِجالاً بَعدَهُم
وَأَرى الرِجالَ لِغَيرِ ذَلِكَ تولَدُ