1. Do your eyes sleep while eyes around you slumber?
Does your side rest while sides around you wander?
١. أَتنامُ عَينُكَ والعُيونُ سُهادُ
ويقَرُّ جنبُكَ والجُنوبُ قَتادُ
2. Rise to defend, for your people have no justice.
On a day of darkness, none can be hoped or expected.
٢. قُمْ للدّفاعِ فما لقومكَ مُنْصِفٌ
يُرجَى ليومِ ظَلامةٍ ويُرادُ
3. After you, truth is mourning, shrouded by it.
Knowledge of sacred law and justice are grieving.
٣. الحقُّ بعدك مأتمٌ يُطوَى به
عِلمُ الشرّيعةِ والقضاءُ حِدادُ
4. Justice travels unveiled, no light shows its path,
Nor any darkness overshadows its track.
٤. والعدلُ سارٍ لا يُضيءُ سبيلَه
نورٌ ولا ينجابُ عنه سوادُ
5. When judges go astray, conjectures about them
Become guidance and counsel, rightly or wrongly.
٥. وَمِنَ المدارهِ للقُضاةِ إذا التَوَتْ
سُبلُ الظنونِ بهم هُدىً ورشادُ
6. At your death the keening of women was such
It nearly demolished their huts as they wailed.
٦. ضجّت لمصرعك الكنانةُ ضجّةً
كادت تميد لهولها الأطوادُ
7. When word reached nations, Mecca was shaken
And Baghdad was in chaos, distraught and bewildered
٧. لمّا نُعِيتَ إلى الممالكِ أَجفلتْ
أمُّ القُرى وتفزّعتْ بغدادُ
8. They carried your remains on biers bowed down
By the glory and splendor too great for their wood.
٨. حملوا على الأعوادِ منك بقيّةً
خَشعتْ لفرطِ جلالها الأعوادُ
9. They swore a just covenant, its new leaves
Healing decay and making waste flourish anew.
٩. ومضوا بعهدٍ للمُروءة صالحٍ
ألوَى بِنَضرتهِ بِلىً ونفادُ
10. But see, your huge armory lies dejected,
Your arsenal now a pit with cold ashes.
١٠. فإذا العَتادُ الضَّخمُ لوعةُ جازعٍ
وإذا الذَّخيرةُ حُفرةٌ ورَمادُ
11. Who protects the innocent when oppressors attack,
Seeking victims, resolved to strike without hesitation?
١١. مَن للبريءِ إذا تَوثَّبَ ظالمٌ
يبغي الفريسةَ وانبرَى يرتادُ
12. When bullies roam the valley, once pasture for sheep
It becomes, under clouds, a desolate wasteland.
١٢. وطغَى على الوادي فأصبحتِ الرُّبَى
وكأنَّها تحت العُبابِ وِهادُ
13. Who wards off floods when no dams can restrain them,
When no weapons or armies stand in their way?
١٣. مَن يدفعِ الطُّوفانَ لا يعتاقُه
سُورٌ ولا يُعْدَى عليه مَصادُ
14. Who defends our land when perils surround it,
And armies in panic scatter in disarray?
١٤. مَن للبلادِ إذا الخطوبُ تألّبتْ
وتفرّقتْ من حولها الأجنادُ
15. Protectors who flee leave no refuge secure,
No forts to be manned, no camps to be made.
١٥. وأبى الحماةُ فما يُصانُ لها حِمىً
تحت العَجاجِ ولا يُصابُ عَتادُ
16. Where are the brigades who alarmed our foes,
When conquest awaited and glory pervaded?
١٦. أين الكتائبُ في البلادِ مُغيرةً
ما للفتوحِ وما لهنَّ عِدادُ
17. Who now has the souls the executioner severs,
Which Azrael releases for slaughter each day?
١٧. ولِمَن نُفوسٌ رِيعَ من صَعَقاتها
عِزريلُ مُنطلقاً بها ينطادُ
18. Traders sell them cheaply at dawn, and by dusk
The torturer has purchased them all, I would say.
١٨. بكر التِّجارُ بها فما سطع الضُّحى
حتّى اشتراها منهمُ الجلّادُ
19. These who call to God get no price for their work,
Their trade prospers only through pleas and through bribes.
١٩. كسدت على أيدي الدُّعاةِ وما بها
لولا مُساومةُ الدُّعاةِ كسادُ
20. Are these captured spoils or an oppressed people?
Are these foreign goods or our plundered tribes?
٢٠. لم أدرِ أهْيَ بِضاعةٌ مجلوبةٌ
أم أمّةٌ محروبةٌ وبلادُ
21. The flaw of a nation led by those who are tempted
To rule by their whims, by the fancies that swayed.
٢١. داءُ الممالكِ أن تُصابَ بقادةٍ
تُزْجَى على حُكم الهوى وتُقادُ
22. Consider the outcome when leaders play games —
No people so ruled shall have comfort or aid.
٢٢. انظُرْ إلى عُقبى الأمور وما جَنى
قومٌ سياستُهم أذىً وفسادُ
23. Ask the nobles: are they content without
The integrity shown by their virtuous kin?
٢٣. وسَلِ الكنانةَ هل قَنعتِ بما ارتضَى
بعد الإِباءِ حُماتُكِ الزُّهّادُ
24. Freedom of law startled and scattered its flock,
Oppressed its own partisans, made justice decline.
٢٤. حُرّيَةُ الدُّستورِ رَوَّعَ سربَها
عَسَفٌ وأرهق حزبَها استعبادُ
25. No voice dares to speak for the rights of our land
But is silenced by tyrants obsessed with their pride.
٢٥. لا يهتفُ الدّاعِي بحقّ بلادهِ
إلا طغى صَلَفٌ ولجَّ عِنادُ
26. The Sudan's to them but vain words without meaning,
Though minds melt like wax when that name is cried.
٢٦. وكأنّما السّودانُ في أسماعهم
خَطبٌ تذوبُ لذكرِه الأكبادُ
27. They took fine words and adorned them, but to them
What is said is done, not to be reused.
٢٧. أخذوا الحديثَ فزخرفوه وعندهم
أنّ الحديثَ مضَى فليس يُعادُ
28. The Nile is a resource shared by us together,
No excess or injustice was asked or excused.
٢٨. النّيلُ مُشتركُ المرافقِ بيننا
والقومُ لا شَططٌ ولا استبدادُ
29. Though we are the weak, did the mighty show care,
Bowing to the truth that our feeble voice carried?
٢٩. نحن الضّعافُ فهل تَورّعَ غالبٌ
وَانْقادَ للعاني الضَّعيفِ مُراد
30. They own all the riches of life, their justice
Alone stays their hand from the fate of `Aad's ruins.
٣٠. ملكوا بني الدنيا فلولا عَدْلُهم
ذهبوا كما ذَهبتْ ثمودُ وعادُ
31. Let no fool think their feast is open to all.
No deadline awaits their oasis of ease.
٣١. لا يطمعِ المغرورُ ما لِثوائهم
أَجَلٌ ولا لجلائهم ميعادُ
32. Are those their advisors? Does one seeking guidance
Find in Egypt an ear that is open and pure?
٣٢. تلك الوُصاةُ فهل لمن يَبغي الهُدَى
في مِصرَ سَمْعٌ صادقٌ وفُؤادُ
33. Where is Ahmad when perils surround us,
To dispel the clouds, whom sharp swords cannot endure?
٣٣. من لي بأحمدَ في العظائمِ مُقدِماً
يَرِدُ الغِمارَ تعافُها الوُرّادُ
34. To whom but his people did the hero bring glory,
If they call, where are kin to rush forth with their aid?
٣٤. هل كان إلا للكِنانةِ نجدةً
إن صيحَ أين حماتُها الأنجادُ
35. Though elders stood between you, intrigues undermined,
They spun webs to entrap men of honor, undone.
٣٥. شيخُ النيابةِ حال بينهما الأُلى
دَسُّوا الدَّسائِسَ للرّجالِ وكادوا
36. Their treaties were ropes made of malice and lies,
Their cords were of hates and of burdens unfair.
٣٦. عقدوا العُهودَ عُرىً كواذِبُها الأَذى
وحِبالُها الأضغانُ والأحقادُ
37. No balm exists for the deep wounds they gave
Except the martyr's shroud to cover his cares.
٣٧. جُرْحٌ بأحشاءِ الكِنانةِ ما له
أبداً سِوَى كَفَنِ الجَريحِ ضِمادُ
38. The deceiver spoke truly: Ahmad was not helped
By his comrades who stole all the thrones for their lair.
٣٨. صَدَق المُخادِعُ ما لأحمدَ في الأُلى
أخذوا الأرائكَ خِلْسَةً أندادُ
39. But for his defiance he too would have been
Hunted down like a lion pursued in its layer.
٣٩. لولا حميّتُه لكان محَلُّهُ
فيهم محلَّ اللَّيْثِ حيثُ يُصادُ
40. Have you seen when swords flashes and scabbards sway
As warriors close in and blood debt is to be paid?
٤٠. أرأريتَ إذ تُلقَى السُّيوفُ بواتراً
عند اللقاءِ وتُحمَلُ الأغمادُ
41. Have you seen justice pour forth till the violent yield,
And regret their rash deeds and wild disarray?
٤١. وشَهِدتَ حين جَرى القَضاءُ فأصبحت
تُقْصَى الكُماةُ عن الوغَى وتُذادُ
42. He who planted courage was felled before harvest.
When goodness sprouts here, soon sickles appear.
٤٢. إنّ الذي زرعَ الإِباءَ لقومهِ
أودى به قبل الأوانِ حَصادُ
43. Say to elders: sheathe swords, prepare yourselves now,
True men are arming, and conflict is near.
٤٣. أَوَ كلّما نَبتَ الصّلاحُ بأرضِنا
نَبتتْ مَناجلُ للفسادِ حِدادُ
44. You shunned battle while archers stood ready.
The warriors advanced, though you cowered in fear.
٤٤. قُلْ للأُلى وَضعوا السِّلاحَ تأهَّبوا
إنّ الرِّجالَ تأهُّبٌ فجهادُ
45. The Nile watches for where its leaders have gone.
Did you shield it or flee, or were you unclear?
٤٥. لستُم كمن جَدَّ الرُّماةُ فأعرضوا
ومضى الكُماةُ مُغامرِين فحادوا
46. Now it seems you defended it not, your alleged
Stout blows and stabs were but empty and vain.
٤٦. النّيلُ ينظرُ أين قَادَتُه الأُلى
مَنعوا الحِمَى أَتفرَّقوا أم بادوا
47. When the trusted took power, and then were deposed,
The lion's den crumbled; its cubs wandered, distressed.
٤٧. أَمْسَى كأن لم يمنعوهُ ولم يكن
ضَرْبٌ وطَعْنٌ صادقٌ وجِلادُ
48. The Nile Valley was ravaged, its serenity gone,
Usurpers exulting, their dominance plain.
٤٨. لما استقلَّ أولو الحِفاظِ فغُيِّبوا
نُكِبَ العَرينُ وريعتِ الآسادُ
49. While prisoners languish in chains and in woe,
Their chains and their shackles protest and complain.
٤٩. وتُنوزِعَ الوادي فذَلَّ قطينُه
واعتزَّ فيه الغاصِبونَ وسادوا
50. Is this calamity final, or can our nation
Regain its lost way, have its honor again?
٥٠. يلهو المُصفَّدُ بالقُيودِ وقد بَكَتْ
منه القُيودُ وضجّتِ الأصفادُ
٥١. تلك البليَّةُ أو يكونَ لقومِنا
بعد الغَوايةِ مرجعٌ ومَعادُ