
I see blood flowing in the goblet steadily

أرى الدم يجري في الكنانة دائبا

1. I see blood flowing in the goblet steadily
And the rousing call to evil never ceases nor stops

١. أَرى الدَمَ يَجري في الكِنانَةِ دائِباً
وَما اِنفَكَّ داعي الشَرِّ يَجري وَيَدأَبُ

2. How great the tribulation of a nation whose sons
Betray their covenant when she is tipped over

٢. لَعَمري لَقَد جَلَّت مُصيبَةُ أُمَّةٍ
يَخونُ بَنوها عَهدَها حينَ تُنكَبُ

3. Never did I fear the eye would see youths
Reveling in pleasures, playing and dancing frivolously

٣. وَما كُنتُ أَخشى أَن تَرى العَينُ فِتيَةً
عُكوفاً عَلى اللَذّاتِ تَلهو وَتَطرَبُ

4. As if nothing in Egypt frightened them
Nor did a day of ill omen make them ashen

٤. كَأَن لَم يَكُن في مِصرَ شَيءٌ يَروعُها
وَلَم يَعرُها يَومٌ مِنَ النَحسِ أَشهَبُ

5. Have mercy, Lord of mankind, upon souls
That spend the night perplexed and tossing about

٥. حَنانَكَ رَبَّ الناسِ بِالأَنفُسِ الَّتي
تَبيتُ مِنَ المَكروهِ حَيرى تَقَلَّبُ

6. Save them from the innovations that alarmed them
And the enormities of fate they apprehensively await

٦. عَناها مِنَ الحِدثانِ ما رُوِّعَت بِهِ
وَمِن هائِلِ المَقدورِ ما تَتَرَقَّبُ

7. Have mercy! Living has saddened their faces
While the faces of death have become inflamed and burned

٧. حَنانَكَ إِنَّ العَيشَ غُمَّت وُجوهُهُ
وَراحَت وُجوهُ المَوتِ حُمراً تَلَهَّبُ

8. To You we cried, seeking refuge in a mercy
That is the greatest protection when a sinner wanders

٨. إِلَيكَ أَنبَنا لائِذينَ بِرَحمَةٍ
هِيَ العِصمَةُ الكُبرى إِذا ريعَ مُذنِبُ

9. Horrors collided from every side
And the calamities of fate came attacking and pouncing

٩. تَدافَعَتِ الأَهوالُ مِن كُلِّ جانِبٍ
وَجاءَت خُطوبُ الدَهرِ تَتَرى تَأَلَّبُ

10. The herald of good turned from good, preoccupied
And the warner of evil arose calling for evil

١٠. وَوَلّى بشيرُ الخَيرِ بِالخَيرِ مُعرِضاً
وَقامَ نَذيرُ الشَرِّ بِالشَرِّ يَنعَبُ

11. From us came the father, bidding farewell
To his sons, fearing death, tears pouring

١١. وَأَقبَلَ مِنّا ذو البَنينِ مُوَدِّعاً
بَنيهِ يَخافُ المَوتَ وَالدَمعُ يُسكَبُ

12. They cried from the anthems of farewell, not knowing
Whether their father was grieving or just playing around

١٢. بَكوا لِأَناشيدِ الوَداعِ وَما دَروا
أَجَدَّ أَبوهُم أَم تَطَرَّبَ يَلعَبُ

13. And a terrified mother not knowing what had befallen her -
Would it destroy or would her spouse remain for her sons?

١٣. وَمَذعورَةٍ لَم تَدرِ مِمّا أَصابَها
أَيهلِكُ أَم يَبقى لِأَبنائِهِ الأَبُ

14. Two spend the night obeying the arrows of fate
But it is what has exhausted Egypt that has wearied him

١٤. يَبيتانِ طَوعَ السُهدِ مِن تَعَبِ النَوى
وَلَكِنَّهُ مِمّا دَها مِصرَ أَتعَبُ

15. He fears for her the evil of a folk who are hostile
Wanting evil for her when they leapt up

١٥. يَخافُ عَلَيها شَرَّ قَومٍ تَنَمَّروا
يُريدونَها بِالسوءِ لَمّا تَوَثَّبوا

16. Roaming the outskirts of the land with nothing but
Hunting prey and seeking quarry to occupy them

١٦. يَجوبونَ أَطرافَ البِلادِ وَما بِهِم
سِوى الصَيدِ يُرمى وَالفَريسَةِ تُطلَبُ

17. Aiming arrows at a folk desiring calamity
And for the traitor deceived into evil - a gain!

١٧. رَمانا بِهِم قَومٌ يُريدونَ مَأرِباً
وَلِلخائِنِ المَخدوعِ في السوءِ مَأرِبُ

18. They fear the day of justice, and justice is coming
In its days, and time alternates among people

١٨. يَخافونَ يَومَ العَدلِ وَالعَدلُ مُقبِلٌ
بِأَيّامِهِ وَالدَهرُ بِالناسِ قُلَّبُ

19. So that is a day bound to come
Though their vain dreams have misled and confounded them

١٩. فَذَلِكَ يَومٌ لا مَحالَةَ واقِعٌ
وَإِن سَفَهَت أَحلامُهُم فَتَرَيَّبوا