
O Abul Fadl, come closer and raise your voice in gratitude,

أبا الفضل أقبل وارفع الصوت شاكرا

1. O Abul Fadl, come closer and raise your voice in gratitude,
For that is Allah's immense grace which He has generously bestowed.

١. أبا الفضلِ أَقبِلْ وارفعِ الصَّوتَ شاكرا
فذلك فَضلُ اللَّهِ أسداهُ وافرا

2. You stood guarding the caravan, always alert and vigilant,
Congratulations - for this caravan has come to visit you.

٢. أقمتَ تُراعِي الركبَ حَرَّانَ شَيِّقاً
هَنِيئاً فهذا الركبُ وَافاكَ زائرا

3. Congratulations, for you have been granted all that you sought,
And found success and good fortune nearby.

٣. هنيئاً فقد أُوتيتَ سُؤْلَكَ كُلَّهُ
وَلُقِّيتَ عن قُرْبٍ من السَّعْدِ طائرا

4. When seeking the caravan, wherever you see the light of prophethood shining bright,
O Abul Fadl come closer, and make the most of this blessed time.

٤. إذا ما التمستَ الركبَ أين مكانَهُ
فحيثُ تَرَى نُورَ النُبوَّةِ باهرا

5. For yourself, to cure an ailment simmering within.
A beloved went far, enduring years of anguish and inner turmoil,

٥. أبا الفضلِ أقِبلْ واقضِهَا من لُبانةٍ
لنفسِكَ تَشفِي منك دَاءً مخامِرا

6. Bearing harm upon harm in His path,
Content and turning a blind eye for God's sake.

٦. حَبيبٌ نأى يَطْوِي السِّنينَ وذُو هَوىً
يُعالِجُ وَجداً بين جَنْبَيْهِ ثائرا

7. Allah be with you O Abbas, here is Muhammad,
Greet him well and speak what you wish heartily and openly.

٧. ويلقى الأذَى بعد الأذى في سبيلِهِ
فَيَرضَى ويُغضِي الجفنَ في اللَّهِ صابرا

8. He came after dragging on many years in migration,
Dragging behind him caravans and armies.

٨. لَكَ اللَّهُ يا عباسُ هذا مُحَمَّدٌ
فَسَلِّمْ وَطِبْ ما شِئْتَ نَفْساً وخَاطِرا

9. When he saw you, his eyes welled up,
As greetings poured from him, fresh flowers to welcome you.

٩. أتى بَعدَ ما جَرَّ السنينَ مُهاجراً
يَجُرُّ السَّرايا خَلفَهُ والعساكِرا

10. A scent of God's mercy lingers with you two until today,
Your place fragrant with it since that time.

١٠. رَآكَ فَقرَّتْ عَينُهُ وترافدَتْ
تَحيّاتُهُ تَلقَاكَ زُهْراً نَواضِرا

11. In Mecca, you stood by the weak,
Turning away harm and nurturing bonds.

١١. لها عَبَقٌ من رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ لم يَزَلْ
مَكانُكُما منه إلى اليومِ عاطرا

12. When they panicked under injustice, you were their shelter,
And when the loyal ones lacked support, you aided them.

١٢. أقمتَ على المُسْتَضْعَفِينَ بِمَكَّةٍ
تَرُدُّ الأذَى عنهم وَتَرْعَى الأَواصِرا

13. The disbelievers thought you one of them, but in truth,
You intended something else - you were never an unbeliever.

١٣. إذا فزعوا للظلمِ كنتَ لهم حِمىً
وإن أعوزَ الأنصارُ أَلْفَوْكَ ناصرا

14. You strengthened the foundations of Islam in their lands
And deceived them about it, until it prevailed.

١٤. يَظنُّكَ أهلُ الكفرِ منهم وإنّما
أرَدْتَ بهم أمراً وما كُنتَ كافرا

15. You were the eye, with the hand that spreads
Their secrets and exposes their hidden schemes.

١٥. شددتَ قُوى الإسلامِ بين ربُوعهِم
وخادعتَهم عنه فأَصَبَحَ ظاهرا

16. Supplying the Messenger of Allah with letters full
Of their news, traversing the vast desert.

١٦. وكنتَ له عيناً تُظاهِرُهَا يَدٌ
تُذيعُ خَفَايَاهُم وتَبدِي السَّرائِرا

17. A courier, when couriers give up from fatigue,
Who continues steadfastly in his mission without tiring.

١٧. تُمِدُّ رسولَ اللَّهِ بالكُتْبِ حُفَّلاً
بأنبائهم تَطوي الفِجاجَ سوائرا

18. And when you sought permission to visit him,
He refused - for he and his love did not want you as a neighbor.

١٨. بَريدٌ إذا كفَّ البريدُ مِنَ الونَى
مَضَى دائباً في شأنِهِ مُتواتِرا

19. And said: "Wait, my uncle, you are a source of hope
For an appointment God will bring at the end."

١٩. وكنتَ إذا استأذَنتَ تبغِي جوارَهُ
أَبَى وَهَواهُ أن يَراكَ مُجاوِرا

20. With me, God sealed off all the prophets,
Completing those lofty achievements and miracles.

٢٠. وقال انتظرْ يا عمِّ إنّكَ مرجأ
إلى موعد يأتي به الله آخرا

21. And I do hope that you will remain in Medina,
As one of those who migrate and join us here.

٢١. فبي ختم الله النبيين كُلَّهُم
وَتَمَّمَ هاتِيكَ العُلَى والمآثِرا

22. It is Allah, so watch, O Abul Fadl, what He has ordained -
Ease after hardship - blessed are those who witness!

٢٢. وَإنّي لأرجو أن تكونَ بيثربٍ
بَقِيَّةَ من يأتِي إلينا مُهاجِرا

23. The gloomy clouds of worries have cleared,
And the faces of life are brightly joyful.

٢٣. هو اللَّهُ فانْظرْ يا أبا الفضلِ ما قَضَى
من اليُسرِ بعد العُسْرِ بُورِكْتَ ناظرا

24. Oh, how many days you tasted the bitterness
Of what the idolaters sowed, crushing sorrows!

٢٤. تجلَّتْ دَياجيرُ الهُمومِ ذَميمةً
وأضحتْ وجوهُ العيشِ بِيضاً سَوافِرا

25. And nights, when the coward was terrified and anxious,
You spent sleepless, your mind clouded in gloom.

٢٥. ألا رُبَّ يومٍ ذُقْتَ من سُوءِ ما جَنَى
ذَوُو الشِّرْكِ فيه ما يَشُقُّ المرائرا

26. As was your way, when they said Muhammad was killed,
And those mocking brought them the false news.

٢٦. وليلٍ كما اهتاجَ الجبانُ مُفَزَّعٍ
طويتَ دُجاهُ كاسِفَ البالِ ساهرا

27. But when you verified the truth, you set out lively
To kiss the one visiting you, bringing good tidings.

٢٧. كَدَأْبِكَ إذ قالوا أًصيبَ مُحَمَّدٌ
وقد جاءَهم بالزُّورِ مَن كان سَاخِرا

28. And you released him free and unharmed, though he
Remained in dear dignity that amazes noble souls.

٢٨. فلمّا عرفتَ الحقَّ أوفيتَ ناهضاً
تُقَبِّلُ مَن وَافَاكَ يُزْجِي البَشَائِرا

29. You set out light and quick on your feet, though never before
Were you able to do the likes of this feat.

٢٩. وتُرْسِلُهُ حُرّاً طليقاً وإنّه
لفي عِزَّةٍ تُعيي النفوسَ الحرائرا

30. What pleased the Messenger pleased you, and any harm
Aimed at him, you took upon yourself as harmful.

٣٠. نَهضتَ خَفيفَ الجانِبَيْنِ ولم تَكُنْ
على مثلِها من قبلِ ذلكَ قادرا

31. You guided Abu Sufyan to regret his soul
And dislike remaining astray for eternity.

٣١. يَسُرُّكَ ما سَرَّ الرسولَ وما يكن
بهِ من أذىً ألفيتَه لك ضائِرا

32. You brought him, while the army lay waiting in the night
Preparing for battle, sharpening swords.

٣٢. هَدَيْتَ أبا سُفيانَ تَرحَمُ نَفسَهُ
وَتَكرَهُ أن يَبْقَى مَدَى الدّهرِ حائرا

33. So he became Muslim, pleasing Allah after refusal,
And were it not for you, he would not have left his denial.

٣٣. وَجِئْتَ بِهِ والجندُ باللّيلِ رَاصِدٌ
يُقَلِّبُ للحربِ الرِّقاقَ البواتِرا

34. In Ibn Hizam and Ibn Warqa there is evidence
Of your merit, for those who remember.

٣٤. فأسلمَ يُرضِي اللَّهَ من بَعدِ نَفْرَةٍ
ولولاكَ لم يبرحْ عن الحقِّ نافرا

35. Three pillars you turned their hearts
To Allah, enlivening them and hoping for their fate.

٣٥. وفي ابن حِزامٍ وابنِ ورقاءَ شاهدٌ
بِما لَكَ من فضلٍ لمن كانَ ذاكرا

36. Had they refused, no deterrent would prevent war
Or wrest away its claws and fangs.

٣٦. ثلاثةُ أقطابٍ صَرَفتَ قُلوبَهُم
إلى اللَّهِ تُحْييهِم وترجو المصائرا

37. You saved blood which, if freed,
Would have flowed under the banners of invaders.

٣٧. ولو أعرضوا لم يَرْدَعِ الحربُ رَادِعٌ
ولم يَنتزِعْ أنيابَهَا والأظافرا

38. And so Quraysh were left with no remnants,
And that pride they were used to was ruined.

٣٨. حقنْتَ دِماءً لو يُخَلَّى سَبيلُها
جَرَتْ تحتَ أعلامِ الغُزَاةِ مَوَائِرا

39. With your good fortune, O Uncle of the Messenger,
Helping hands came one after another, which Muslims see as treasures.

٣٩. فأمسَتْ قُرَيْشٌ ما لها من بَقِيَّةٍ
وأَمْسَى الذي اعتادت من العزِّ داثرا

40. And you were before, doing good,
Propping up ancestral ties that had fallen.

٤٠. بِيُمْنِكَ يا عمَّ الرسولِ تَتابعَتْ
أيادٍ يراهَا المسلمونَ ذخائرا

41. Great, relied on by Quraysh when facing
Affairs that frighten, fearing ruin.

٤١. وكنتَ امْرأً من قبلِ ذلك مُحسِناً
يُقِيمُ بِجَدْواهُ الجُدُودَ العواثرا

42. When you serve pilgrims water, you are a master
Teaching the masters of men noble qualities.

٤٢. عظيماً تُرَجِّيهِ قريشٌ لِمَا بها
إذا فَزعتْ للأمرِ تَخْشَى الدوائرا

43. Uthman deserves one rule, and Malik another -
The rule of one who gives and is most generous.

٤٣. وإنّك إذ تَسْقِي الحجيجَ لَسيِّدٌ
يُعَلِّمُ ساداتِ الرجالِ المفاخرا

44. One who forcibly takes the reins
Is not like one who gently takes the reins.

٤٤. لعُثْمَانَ ما يَرْضَى ومالكَ غَيرُها
ولايَةُ من يُعطِي وَيبذلُ كابرا

45. I am forbidden satisfaction if I criticize Uthman - he
Follows the way of victors, defying competitors.

٤٥. وليس الذي يأتي الخميلةَ غَارِساً
كمثلِ الذي يأتي الخميلةَ هَاصِرا

46. From Allah's gifts he has a blessed treasure
With which he establishes the rituals of Allah's faith.

٤٦. حُرِمْتُ الرِضَى إن عِبتُ عُثمانَ إنّه
على سُنَّةِ غلباءَ تُعيِي المُكاثرا

47. He is stingy in unlocking the doors of corruption,
And sees glory in this through time eternal.

٤٧. له من عَطَاءِ اللَّهِ كَنزٌ مُباركٌ
يُقيمُ لدينِ اللَّهِ فيه الشعائرا

48. The trust of the Keeper of the House was not given to a traitor
Who wants through it worldly gain, nor to a lewd one.

٤٨. يَضنُّ بمفتاحِ البنِيَّةِ جُهْدَهُ
ويعرفه مجداً على الدهرِ غابرا

49. O Abul Fadl, this is what Muhammad loved -
You have succeeded, your arrow still strikes its target.

٤٩. أمانةُ ربِّ البيتِ لم تُعْطَ خائناً
يُريدُ بها دُنيا ولم تُؤتَ فاجرا

50. If Allah makes the lands and its people thirsty,
It is in your name that He sends down torrential rain.

٥٠. أبا الفضلِ هذا ما أحَبَّ مُحمَّدٌ
ظفرتَ بهِ لا زالَ سهمُكَ ظافرا

51. By my life, you have undisputedly abandoned
Virtues, mentioning which would shake all pulpits.

٥١. إذا أظمأ اللَّهُ البلادَ وأهلَهَا
فَبِاسْمِكَ يَسْقِيهَا الغُيوثَ المواطرا

52. I speak truly - if I forgot your rights
Despite my abilities, I would find no excuse.

٥٢. لعمري لقد غادرتَ غيرَ مُنازَعٍ
مَناقِبَ ذِكراها تَهُزُّ المنابرا

53. Aid me, my Lord, with a breath from You, and guide me
Your way - if among people I stray as a poet.

٥٣. صَدقتُكَ إنّي لو تَنَاسَيْتُ حَقَّها
على ما عَنانِي لم أَجِدْ لِيَ عاذرا

54. I called you to Islam - uphold its glory
And attain from it what time has spread.

٥٤. أعِنِّي بروحٍ منكَ يا ربِّ واهدِني
سَبيلَكَ إنْ أضللتَ في النّاسِ شاعرا

٥٥. دَعوتُكَ للإسلامِ أُمْسِكُ مَجْدَهْ
وأُدرِكُ منه ما طَوَى الدّهرُ ناشرا