
I saw her seeking the path, to find guidance,

أرأيتها تبغي السبيل فتهتدي

1. I saw her seeking the path, to find guidance,
And making it white for the one seeking direction,

١. أرأيتها تبغي السّبيلَ فتهتدي
وتسنّها بيضاءَ للمُسْترشِدِ

2. Hail the abundant rays, go on
With your Lord's blessings in the flaming year,

٢. حَيِّ الشُّعاعَ المُستفيضَ وَسِرْ على
بركاتِ ربّكَ في السّنا المتوقِّدِ

3. Hail the taking one, her distance from you is long
Then she bent as if she never went far,

٣. حَيِّ الأخيذةَ طال عنك بِعادُها
ثم انثنتْ فكأنّها لم تبعدِ

4. She is the one you recognize by the beauty of her features
And by what she shows you of the unique design,

٤. هي تلك تعرفها بحسنِ سِماتِها
وبما تريك من الطّرازِ الأوحدِ

5. Al-Rafi'iyya rose above you free
In a glorious parade for the truth,

٥. طلعت عليك الرافعيّةُ حُرَّةً
في موكبٍ للحقِّ فخم المشهدِ

6. The heavens cast upon it the freshest they have
Of fragrant lily and basil,

٦. تُلقِي الجِنانُ عليه أنضرَ ما بها
من سَوْسَنٍ عَبِقٍ ورَيْحانٍ نَدِ

7. The Trustworthy took his place in her heart,
So it shone with the religion of guidance and secured worldly affairs,

٧. أخذ الأمينُ مكانَه في صدرها
فزهت بدين هُدىً ودنيا سُؤدُدِ

8. God preferred his method with artistry
So remember God's work and thank and prostrate,

٨. اللهُ آثر بالصنيعِ فَريقَهُ
فاذْكر صنيعَ اللهِ وَاشْكُرْ وَاسْجُدِ

9. Say O loyal one, and call your people for they are
Between the drowsy and the deep sleeping,

٩. قُلْ يا وَفيقُ ونادِ قومَك إنهّم
ما بين مُعتَسٍّ وشاربِ مُرقِدِ

10. Repeat to them the voice of the warner, for it is
A trait of the weak and the hesitant's manner.

١٠. رَدِّدْ لهم صوتَ النَّذيرِ فإنّها
سِمَةُ الضّعيفِ وشيمةُ المتردّدِ

11. It is not in human nature for a nation to compromise
Its dignity and worship the enslaver,

١١. ما في الطبائعِ أن تُساوَمَ أُمّةٌ
في عِرضها وتَدينَ للمُسْتعبِدِ

12. And if a person is given immortality while shackled
He would prefer the taste of death unshackled,

١٢. والمرءُ لو رُزِقَ الخُلودَ مُقيَّداً
لالْتذَّ طعمَ الموتِ غيرَ مُقيَّدِ

13. Gather your strength even if its extent is far,
We consider you ready for the struggle as if it already started,

١٣. اجمعْ قُواكَ وإن تَباعَدَ شأوُها
إنّا نَعُدُّك للوغَى وكأن قدِ

14. If only the countries would disappear on the day
Their protectors betray from the lurking darkness,

١٤. ليتَ البلادَ تَزولُ يومَ يَخونُها
أهلُ الحِفاظِ من السَّوادِ المُرصدِ

15. They carried the trust but it is around their necks
To God it calls even if we don't call,

١٥. حملوا الأمانةَ فَهْيَ في أعناقهم
للهِ يَنشُدها وإن لم ننشُدِ

16. Indeed she who men fell in love with
Was not built from the corpses of victims to the predators,

١٦. إنَّ التي شُغِفَ الرّجالُ بحبِّها
لم تُبْنَ من جُثَثِ الضَّحايا للددِ

17. It is the weapon of the weak people for their day
And the nation's store for the tortured tomorrow,

١٧. هي عُدَّةُ الشَّعبِ الضَّعيفِ ليومهِ
وذخيرةُ الوطنِ المُعذَّبِ للغدِ

18. God in those seats they are
The warmth of fatherhood and the worried children,

١٨. الله في تلكَ المقاعدِ إنّها
مُهَجُ الأُبوَّةِ والبنينَ الهُمَّدِ

19. The worst affliction is he who sells his country
When dire straits come from his seat,

١٩. شرُّ البليَّةِ من يَبيعُ بلادَه
منها إذا جدَّ البلاءُ بمقعدِ

20. Say to the gallant youth in his struggle
The archers stirred so if you gain a kill,

٢٠. قُلْ للفتى الثَّعليِّ عند نضالهِ
هذي سِهامُ الرّافعيِّ فسدِّدِ

21. Then to it, and if fatigue holds back, then try again,
The worst of your friends in the struggle are its injuries,

٢١. نشطَ الرُّماةُ فإن ظَفرتَ بمقتلٍ
فإليه إن نَكَلَ الهَيوبَةُ فَاعْمدِ

22. And the best company for you are those harmed with you,
Welcome the inheritance of the Trustworthy and blessings

٢٢. فَلَشَرُّ صحبِكَ في النّضالِ سليمُها
ولَخَيْرُ رفقتِكَ الشَقِيُّ بك الرَّدي

23. Upon your hand that snatched it from that hand,
A sword passed between men so sometimes

٢٣. أهلاً بميراثِ الأمين وبوركت
يدُكَ التي نزعته من تلك اليدِ

24. Its strikes go blind and other times find their way,
Strengthen your hand on it, its deception is

٢٤. سَيفٌ تعاورهُ الرجال فتارةً
تعمَى مضاربُه وأُخرى تهتدي

25. The end of the unjust and the destination of the obstinate,
And be keen on the ember you were given

٢٥. اشْدُدْ يديكَ عليه إنّ غِرارَهُ
حَتْفُ الظَّلومِ ومَصرعُ المُتَمرِّدِ

26. Of your Lord's light, the Majestic, and increase it,
I shielded the pens of the generous for they are

٢٦. وَاحْرِصْ على القَبَسِ الذي أوتِيتَه
من نور ربِّكَ ذي الجلالةِ وازْدَدِ

27. The provision of the clan in the most difficult times,

٢٧. عَوَّذْتُ أقلامَ الكِرامِ فإنّها
ذُخرُ الكِنانةِ للزَّمانِ الأنكدِ