
We were too weak to traverse both easts,

أعجزنا أن نجوب المشرقين

1. We were too weak to traverse both easts,
Or too blind to miss both brilliant lights,

١. أَعجزنا أن نَجوبَ المَشرِقَيْنْ
أم عَيينا أن نَفوت النَّيِّرَيْنْ

2. The slayer of heroes in their armor -
Fate tossed them both into darkness.

٢. قاتِلُ الأبطالِ في أدراعها
عصفتْ أقدارُهُ بالبطليْنْ

3. It commanded the wind but it did not carry them
And veered away from them, tipped to both sides.

٣. أَمَر الرّيحَ فلم تَحْمِلْهُما
وتنحَّتْ عنهما بالمنكَبَيْنْ

4. The atmosphere clad itself in a smoke that blocked it
And folded its banners from every eye.

٤. وكسا الجوَّ دُخاناً سَدَّهُ
وَطَوى أعلامَهُ عن كلِّ عَيْنْ

5. Among them fate cast down the two eagles
Whose claws were sharp and deadly.

٥. طَاحَ بالنَّسْرينِ منه قَدَرٌ
نَافِذُ النَّابيْنِ مَاضي المِخلبيْنْ

6. The furious warrior whom the throngs of war
And might of armies cannot drive back.

٦. مُستَطيرُ البأسِ ما تَدفعُهُ
عُدَدُ الحربِ وبأسُ الفيلقيْنْ

7. The white swords fall before him
And the eggs take flight filling both quivers.

٧. تَسقطُ الجُردُ المَذَاكِي دونه
وتطير البيضُ مِلءَ المأزميْنْ

8. He sent off both messengers in a wink
And cast himself into a soul with two calamities.

٨. بعث الخَطْبين في إيماءةٍ
وَرمَى في نَفَسٍ بالنكبتيْنْ

9. If he protects a sorrowful nation
He could unite both communities.

٩. إن يَرُعْها أمَّةً مَحزونةً
فلقد يَجمعُ بين الأُمَّتيْنْ

10. Knowledge has power if it greets him
And is powerless if he opposes it, where can it be?

١٠. يَقْدِرُ العلمُ إذا سَالَمَهُ
وَهْوَ إن عَادَاه ذُو عجزٍ وأَيْنْ

11. Swimming in both land and sea and in
The orbit of wind and course of both streams.

١١. سَابحٌ في البَرِّ والبحرِ وفي
مَسْبَحِ الريحِ ومَجرَى الشِّعريَيْنْ

12. Every living being, when a hand casts it
With strong grip and hands bound.

١٢. كلُّ حيٍّ حين يرمي عن يدٍ
مُوثَقُ القُوّةِ مغلولُ اليدَيْنْ

13. The valley's look made tears pour forth
From the wonderful eye watering both eyelids.

١٣. نظر الوادي ففاضت عَبرةٌ
من بديع الدّمعِ تروي المعنَييْنْ

14. Hot tears flowed and mourning broke out
Singing joyfully among the bereaved.

١٤. هَطلتْ حرَّى وراحت جهرةً
تتغَنّى فرحاً في المأتميْنْ

15. The rejoicing of the critic but he is
Farther from fault or disgrace than any critic.

١٥. خِلَّةُ الشّامتِ إلا أنّها
أبعدُ الخلّانِ عن عَيْبٍ وشيْنْ

16. It rose with fervor and glory together
And fulfilled what right it knew between two parties.

١٦. نَهضتْ بالوجدِ والمجدِ معاً
وقضتْ ما عَرَفتْ من حقِّ ذيْنْ

17. How much glory in a coveted life
And life that is doomed in an instant.

١٧. رُبَّ حَتفٍ في حياةٍ تُشتهَى
وحياةٍ هي في حتفٍ وحَيْنْ

18. What misfortune did its horror not mitigate -
The death of Al-Farooq or the sermons of Al-Hussain?

١٨. أيُّ خطبٍ لم يُخَفِّفْ هولَه
مصرعُ الفاروقِ أو خطبُ الحُسَيْنْ

19. Look at the two processions in their dignity
And describe to me the pride of both processions.

١٩. انظروا النَّعشين في عزّهما
وصِفوا لي كبرياءَ الموكبَيْنْ

20. Seek flowers from me and take
From my eloquence a garden or two gardens.

٢٠. واطلبوا الرّيحان عندي وخذوا
من بياني روضةً أو روضتيْنْ

21. Recall for the East about its poet
The confusion of grief between both seasons.

٢١. واذكروا للشَّرق عن شاعرهِ
حَيرةَ الرُّزءين بين الموسميْنْ

22. After Shauqi you do not want other than him
The best poetry is the poetry of the two Ahmads.

٢٢. لا تُريدوا بعد شوقي غيرَه
إنّ خيرَ الشّعرِ شعرُ الأحمديْنْ

23. The world was active in its needs
Seeking them in the realm of the two bright stars.

٢٣. نشط العالَمُ في حاجاتهِ
يبتغيها في مجالِ الفرقديْنْ

24. If we did this, the Nile in its hopes
Would not be this way, if we adorned it.

٢٤. أنخونُ النّيل في آمالهِ
ليس هذا إن فعلناه بِزَيْنْ

25. It's time for the fathers to regain
What is due from the sons, a right and debt.

٢٥. آن للآباءِ أن يسترجعوا
ما على الأبناءِ من حقٍّ ودَيْنْ

26. If we were as sincere to them as they were,
We wouldn't be content with lies and disgrace.

٢٦. لو صدقنا للعوادي مِثلهم
ما ارتضينا العيشَ من زُورٍ ومَيْنْ

27. They took the exemplary stand while we remained
Stuck between two stands.

٢٧. أخذوا الموقف وضَّاحَ السَّنا
وبقينا نحن بين الموقفيْنْ

28. What is this world that
We have of it nothing but suppressed yearning?

٢٨. أيُّ دنيا هذه الدنيا التي
مالنا منها سوى خُفَّيْ حُنَيْنْ

29. O youth of the Nile, be diligent and persevere
This glory is no easy thing.

٢٩. يا شبابَ النّيلِ جِدُّوا وادأبوا
إنّ هذا المجدَ شيءٌ غَيرُ هَيْنْ

30. And if you need help
Seek it from the builders of the two pyramids.

٣٠. وإذا ما أعوزتكم نجدةٌ
فاطلبوها من بُناةِ الهرميْنْ

31. Use the monumental past to build greatness
For the sons of the world and shake the two banners.

٣١. واستعينوا بالأُلى سنُّوا العُلا
لبني الدنيا وهزّوا الخافقيْنْ

32. Are we from Pharaoh or Omar?
What glory is like the glory of the two fathers?

٣٢. نحن من فرعونَ أو من عُمرٍ
أيُّ مجدٍ مثل مجد الأبويْنْ

33. Remember the two eras, how much power
Kindling its fire in both memories.

٣٣. اذكروا العصريْنِ كم من قُوّةٍ
تتلظَّى نارُها في الذكريَيْنْ

34. And seek in your time the furthest extent
Do not fear that - one of two designs.

٣٤. واطلبوا في عصركم أقصى المدى
لا تهابوا تلك إحدى الخُطّتيْنْ