
Khuza'ah, rejoice at the covenant, gentle one,

خزاعة أبشري بالعهد سمحا

1. Khuza'ah, rejoice at the covenant, gentle one,
And increase the rule of Islam with victory.

١. خَزَاعَةُ أَبشِري بالعهدِ سَمْحا
وَزِيدِي دَولَةَ الإسلامِ فَتْحا

2. The tie of the most faithful of people is enough,
For every ally, spoils and profit.

٢. كَفَى بذمامِ أوفى النّاسِ عهداً
لكلِّ مُعاهدٍ غُنْما ورِبْحا

3. Misery insisted upon Bani Bakr
Minds slip when they insist.

٣. ألحَّ على بني بكرٍ شَقَاءٌ
تَزِلُّ له العُقُولُ إذا ألَحَّا

4. They followed ruin and returned wounded,
So what they committed increased their wound.

٤. هُمُ اتَّبعُوا الأُلى انقلبوا بِقَرْحٍ
فزادوهم بما اقترفوهُ قَرْحا

5. Be gentle with those men who anger you,
They resolved and forgave the misguided.

٥. حُوَيْطِبُ ما يَغيظُكَ من رجالٍ
هموا ضربوا عن الغاوينَ صَفْحا

6. Their criticism was facilitated, an evident gain,
And those who loved your people were disappointed.

٦. أُتِيحَ لِقَدْحِهم فَوزٌ مُبينٌ
وخُيِّبَ مَن أَحبَّ ذويكَ قِدْحَا

7. Restrain yourself, the in-laws of Ibn ‘Amr
Are the highest dome and most honorable palace.

٧. رُويدَكَ إنَّ أخوالَ ابنِ عمروٍ
لأَرفعُ قُبَّةً وأعزُّ صَرْحا

8. If not for the misguidance in your opinion,
You would have avoided blame and said farewell.

٨. ولولا ما برأيِكَ من ضَلالٍ
لجانبتَ الملامَ وقُلتَ مَرْحَى

9. Does one who knows guidance and is content
And seeks it, equal one who turns away?

٩. أَمَنْ عَرَفَ الرّشادَ فطابَ نَفساً
وأقبلَ يبتغِيهِ كَمَنْ تَنَحَّى

10. You try to ignite war until
You see it scorch the heroes with burning.

١٠. تُحاوِلُ أن تثيرَ الحَرْبَ حَتّى
تراها تَلفحُ الأبطالَ لَفْحا

11. The words of an intelligent one have passed,
Who says the truth, not ceasing to advise you.

١١. لقد مَضَتِ المقالةُ من لبيبٍ
يقولُ الحقَّ لا يألوكَ نُصْحا

12. O Huwyyatib, do you strike an evil spark?
Leave the wise opinion and kindle it more.

١٢. أَتَقدَحُ يا حُويطبُ زَنْدَ سُوءٍ
دَعِ الرأيَ الرشيدَ وَزِدْهُ قَدْحا

13. Perhaps if you see it has flame,
You will be firmer in extinguishing it quickly.

١٣. لعلَّكَ إن رأيتَ له لهيباً
تكونُ أشدَّ مَن يصلاَهُ بَرْحا

14. Behind you, O Huwyyatib, is every anger
That death wipes with its edges smoothly.

١٤. وَرَاءَكَ يا حُوَيْطِبُ كُلُّ عَضْبٍ
يَسُحُّ الموتُ من حَدَّيْهِ سَحّا

15. A group prepares for God's victory,
Charging and wiping the necks smoothly.

١٥. يُجَرِّدُهُ لِنَصرِ اللَّهِ قَرْمٌ
يَصولُ فَيَمْسَحُ الأعناقَ مَسْحا

16. Generous of soul and stir crazy,
Filling the souls of the brave with courage.

١٦. سَخِيُّ النَّفسِ والهيجاءُ تَغلِي
فتملأ أَنْفُسَ الشُّجعانِ شُحّا

17. O Bani Bakr, have you not grieved me
As Khuza'ah and Wuhayb did and were glad?

١٧. بني بكرٍ أما أُبْتُمْ حَزَانَى
كما آبَتْ خزَاعَةُ وَهْيَ فَرْحَى

18. It is misery, high upon misery,
That met favor and attained success.

١٨. هو الجدُّ الشَّقِيُّ عَلاهُ جَدٌّ
تَلَقَّى نِعمةً وأصابَ نُجْحا