
They departed in droves like a flock of ostriches

نفرن أصيلا كسرب المها

1. They departed in droves like a flock of ostriches
Stirring up passion and igniting fervor

١. نَفَرنَ أَصيلاً كَسِربِ المَها
يُثِرنَ الهَوى وَيَهِجنَ الجَوى

2. I confront them so they bend me
And depart hastily treading their path

٢. أُعارِضُهُنَّ فَيَلوينَني
وَيَمضينَ مُبتَدِراتِ الخُطى

3. I entreat them with the bridle of passion
If only they would taste it, echo would be quenched

٣. أُناشِدُهُنَّ ذِمامَ الهَوى
وَلَو ذُقنَهُ لَشَفَينَ الصَدى

4. They divided the regions of this heart
One part is there, the other here

٤. تَوَزَّعنَ أَشطارَ هَذا الفُؤادِ
فَشَطرٌ هُناكَ وَشَطرٌ هُنا

5. And they went away, bliss makes them laugh
While their absence kills me with weeping

٥. وَرُحنَ يُضاحِكُهُنَّ النَعيمُ
وَيَقتُلُني إِثرَهُنَّ البُكى

6. I swore to them by the Mother of the Book
Indeed ardor has reached its utmost extremity

٦. حَلَفتُ لَهُنَّ بِأُمِّ الكِتابِ
لَقَد بَلَغَ الوَجدُ أَقصى الحَشا

7. And I adjured them by the crescent's bridle
Which contains no mercy or guidance

٧. وَناشَدتُهُنَّ ذِمامَ الهِلالِ
وَما فيهِ مِن رَحمَةٍ أَو هُدى

8. Then they came from the gardens' sides
Breezes dripping with dew

٨. فَأَقبَلنَ مِن جَنَباتِ الرِياضِ
رَياحينَ مُخضَلَّةً بِالنَدى

9. They greeted me so I kissed palms
When they departed, I kissed the ground

٩. فَصافَحنَني فَلَثَمتُ الأَكُفَّ
فَلَمّا اِنطَلَقنَ لَثَمتُ الثَرى

10. They went bestowing upon the virtuous
Moving every hand to generosity

١٠. ذَهَبنَ يَطُفنَ عَلى المُحسِنين
فَحَرَّكنَ كُلَّ يَدٍ لِلنَدى

11. That was not out of their concerns
Nor were they among those deprived of riches

١١. وَما كانَ ذَلِكَ مِن هَمِّهِنَّ
وَلا هُنَّ مِمَّن حُرِمنَ الغِنى

12. But they extended their palms
To mend separation and relieve distress

١٢. وَلَكِنَّهُنَّ مَدَدنَ الأَكُفَّ
لِرَأبِ الثَأى وَلِكَشفِ الأَذى

13. They clothed the wounded their mantles enveloped
Layers of fine gossamer

١٣. رَثَينَ لِجَرحى كساها الحِفاظُ
سَوابِغَ مِن عَلَقٍ يُمتَرى

14. May God reward a people called to bounty
So their palms overflowed with blessings

١٤. جَزى اللَهُ قَوماً دُعوا لِلنَوالِ
فَفاضَت أَكُفُّهُمو بِاللُهى

15. Braids that humble the armor of warriors
And from which the sinews of might branch out

١٥. ذَوائِبُ تَأسو كُلومَ الغُزاةِ
وَتَشعَبُ مِنها صَديعَ القِوى

16. Jostling in the billows of generosity
As they jostle in the darkness of battle

١٦. تَدافَعنَ في غَمَراتِ السَماحِ
تَدافُعَهُم في غِمارِ الوَغى

17. May God reward every glorious hero
Who defends the household and protects sanctuary

١٧. جَزى اللَهُ كُلَّ فَتىً ماجِدٍ
يَصونُ الذِمارَ وَيَحمي الحِمى