1. I justify myself while my hopes are greedy,
And the soul of youth is heedless while he who lives hopes.
١. أُعلِّلُ نَفسي وَالأَماني طماعةٌ
وَنَفسُ الفَتى تَلهو وَذو العَيش يَأملُ
2. I justify it with good deeds and wishes
And with time after wrongdoing becoming beautiful.
٢. أُعلّلها بِالصالحاتِ مِن المُنى
وَبِالدَهرِ مِن بَعد الإِساءَةِ يُجمِلُ
3. I have no need to graze upon lush life,
I quench my thirst with the water of humility.
٣. وَما حاجَتي أَن أَرتَعي العَيش ناضِراً
أُعَلُّ بِماءِ الخَفضِ فيهِ وَأُنهَلُ
4. But I hope for life for a nation
That is led unjustly to the executioner and is killed,
٤. وَلكنّني أَرجو الحَياةَ لِأُمَّةٍ
تُقادُ إِلى الجَلّادِ ظُلماً وَتُقتَلُ
5. Its enemies scheme against it and its own sons betray it
So it knows not in whom it should place its trust,
٥. يَكيدُ لَها أَعداؤُها وَيَخونُها
بَنوها فَما تَدري عَلى مَن تُعوِّلُ
6. I see an ugly disgrace that I cannot remove
Except with shed blood washed away from Egypt.
٦. أَرى سَوءَةً شَنعاءَ لَستُ إِخالها
بِغَيرِ الدَمِ المُهراقِ عَن مَصرَ تُغسَلُ