
O you who break covenants, there is no complaint or regret,

يا ناقض العهد لا شكوى ولا أسف

1. O you who break covenants, there is no complaint or regret,
Allah is the avenger and the sword takes revenge.

١. يا ناقضَ العهدِ لا شَكْوَى ولا أَسَفُ
اللَّهُ مُنتقِمٌ والسّيفُ مَنتصِفُ

2. You insult the Prophet and incite the polytheists against him,
Woe to you, what sins are you committing?

٢. تهجو النبيَّ وتُغرِي المُشرِكينَ بِهِ
مَهْلاً لكَ الويلُ ماذا أنتَ مُقترِفُ

3. How many corpses emerged from your mouth, abhorrent
When they were thrown back at Badr - those corpses.

٣. كم جيفةٍ خرجتْ من فيكَ مُنكَرَةٍ
لمّا تردَّتْ ببدرٍ تِلكمُ الجِيَفُ

4. Indeed Allah disgraced the host of that banquet,
It was harmful, there was no affection or kindness.

٤. إنّ الوليمةَ أخزى اللّهُ صانِعَها
كانت ضِراراً فلا وُدٌّ ولا لَطَفُ

5. Do you think the Messenger of Allah does not know of it,
A plot which its secrets the caves exposed.

٥. أتحسَبونَ رسولَ اللَّهِ يَجهلُها
مَكيدةً فَضَحَتْ أسرارَها السُّجُفُ

6. Rather Allah exposed what you conceal so it was uncovered,
Woe to you, which coward does not get exposed?

٦. بل أظهرَ اللهُ ما تُخفونَ فانكشفتْ
يا وَيلَكم أيُّ خافٍ ليس يَنكشِفُ

7. You dared to plot against the one none alive can equal,
If glory among people and nobility is distributed.

٧. لقد هَممتُمْ بمن لا حَيَّ يَعدِلُه
إن نُوزِعَ المجدُ بين النّاسِ والشَّرفُ

8. Woe to whoever thought Allah will forsake him,
And that he can snatch from the right hand of Allah.

٨. يا ويلَ من ظنَّ أن اللَّهَ يَخذُلُه
وأنّهُ من يمينِ اللهِ يُخْتَطَفُ

9. O Ka'b and Malik, you hurt him and deny him,
Why this obsession with lies and passion?

٩. يا كعب مالك تؤذيه وتنكره
وما الولوع بقول الزور والشغف

10. You made Malik a source of corruption for the rabbis,
Wherein harm is accessible and can be drawn anytime.

١٠. جلعت مالَكَ للأحبارِ مفسدةً
يُمتاحُ فيها الأذى حِيناً ويُغتَرفُ

11. He rejected the truth when you came to ask him,
And they declared the certainty of the matter they knew.

١١. رَمَوْكَ بالحقِّ لمّا رُحتَ تسألُهم
وأعلنوا من يقينِ الأمرِ ما عَرَفوا

12. So you said "return, I have no ties to you",
The spring ran dry, neither purpose nor excess.

١٢. فقلتَ عُودوا فما عندِي لكم صِلَةٌ
جَفَّ المَعِينُ فلا قَصْدٌ ولا سَرَفُ

13. My rights are enough, I do not transgress them
To superfluities, nor am I inclined to that.

١٣. حَسْبِي الحقوقُ فمالِي لا يجاوزُها
إلى الفُضولِ وما عن ذاكَ مُنصرَفُ

14. They returned saying "how stern is this man!
He does not accept words except if they are crooked".

١٤. عادوا يقولونَ ما أشقاهُ من رَجُلٍ
لا يرتضِي القولَ إلا حينَ ينحرِفُ

15. Then they inclined and spoke lies so they turned
With money you pour forth, from which the honorable recoil.

١٥. ثم انثَنوْا ينطقونَ الزُّورَ فانقلبوا
بالمالِ يَصدِفُ عنه المعشرُ الأُنُفُ

16. Evil is the gift and evil are those people,
And the affair of their master in misguidance brought together.

١٦. بِئسَ العطاءُ وبِئسَ القومُ أمرُهُم
وأمرُ سيّدهم في الغَيِّ مُؤتلِفُ

17. They are the Jews, if money was made lawful to them
In the eyes of Moses, the one who spoke to Allah, they would not have recoiled.

١٧. هُمُ اليهودُ لَو اَنَّ المالَ لاح لهم
في عَيْنِ مُوسى كليمِ اللهِ ما صَدَفوا

18. The son of Maslama rose for the truth to support it
And for the Messenger to show him the way to storm.

١٨. هبَّ ابنُ مسلمةٍ للحقِّ يَنصرُه
وللرسولِ يُريه كيفَ يَزدهِفُ

19. So he said "Consult Sa'd about her if you intend to",
How excellent the advisor, the intelligent and perspicacious!

١٩. فقال دُونكَ سعداً إن هممتَ بها
شَاوِرْهُ فيها فَنِعمَ الحاذقُ الثَّقِفُ

20. He judged for three days with much reflection,
And for the experienced, the prudent, what he describes!

٢٠. قَضى ثلاثةَ أيامٍ على سَغَبٍ
وللمجرِّبِ ذي التدبيرِ ما يَصِفُ

21. And he came in his company asking permission
Of the Godfearing, they did not sway or deviate.

٢١. وجاءَ في صحبِهِ يستأذنونَ على
تَقْوَى من اللهِ ما مالوا ولا جَنَفُوا

22. The Messenger said "you have your goal with the people,
What is the pearl to what makes one think it is nacre?"

٢٢. قال الرسولُ لكمُ في القومِ مأربُكم
ماذا على الدُّرِّ ممّا يُوهِمُ الصَّدَفُ

23. They are the hearts, so if their secrets are pure,
There is no fault in your words, no blemish.

٢٣. هِيَ القلوبُ فإن طابتْ سَرائرُها
فما بأفواهِكم عَيْبٌ ولا نَطَفُ

24. They left and said to Ka'b "You are our refuge,
You are the protected hope in origin and all shelter".

٢٤. مَضوْا فقالوا لكعبٍ أنتَ مَوئلُنا
أنت الحِمى المُرتجى في الأزْلِ والكَنَفُ

25. "Do you not see us starving, with no food for us,
To the point that demise has almost overcome our people?"

٢٥. أما ترانا جِياعاً لا طعامَ لنا
حتّى لقد كادَ يَغْشَى أهلَنا التَّلَفُ

26. "Our companion did not leave anything we can live by,
The provisions ransacked and the money seized."

٢٦. لم يُبقِ صاحِبُنا شيئاً نَعيشُ بهِ
فالزّادُ مُنتهِبٌ والمالُ مُجترفُ

27. "If you loan us what we can regain by
The spirit of life, it will be a saving downpour."

٢٧. إن أنتَ أسلفتَنا ما نَستعيدُ به
رُوحَ الحياةِ فَغَيْثٌ ودْقُهُ يَكفُ

28. The cunning one said "with collateral but no food for you
Except through them". So they said "a demand cast off!"

٢٨. قال الحلائلُ رَهْنٌ ولا طعامَ لكم
إلا بهنّ فقالوا مَطلبٌ قُذُفُ

29. "Our brides have refused us and forbidden us
This beauty you were granted and luxury."

٢٩. تأبَى علينا سَجايانا ويمنعُنا
هذا الجمالُ الذي أُوتيتَ والتَّرَفُ

30. He said "the boys", so they said "do not be difficult!
Misery is easier than what you sought and dignity."

٣٠. قال البنونَ فقالوا لا تَكُنْ عَسِراً
البؤسُ أهونُ ممّا رُمْتَ والشَّظَفُ

31. "Take up arms even if you task us beyond limit,
Hardships through it become easy burdens."

٣١. خُذِ السِّلاحَ وإن كَلَّفْتَنا شَططاً
إنّ الشدائدَ فيها تَسْهُلُ الكُلَفُ

32. He did not know their goal as they ridiculed him
And as they wished it an obscure plot.

٣٢. لم يَدْرِ مأْرَبهم إذ يسخرونَ بهِ
وإذ يُريدونَها دَهماءَ تُلتحَفُ

33. He said "I accept". They said "a gloom has departed
From us, its darkness dispersed and the breastplate opened."

٣٣. قال ارتضيتُ فقالوا غُمَّةٌ ذَهبت
عنّا غياهِبُها وَانْجابَتْ السُّدُفُ

34. And they put him off until the time of his arrival,
When the deadly poison will drink and infiltrate.

٣٤. وأرجأوهُ إلى إبَّانِ مَوْرِدهِ
يَعُبُّ من سُمِّهِ المُردِي ويَرتشِفُ

35. They came to him at night, delighted at his room,
And the cloak of the chamber cannot save the youth from his demise.

٣٥. جاءوه باللّيلِ مَسروراً بغرفته
وليس يُنجِي الفتى من حَتفِهِ الغُرَفُ

36. And the voice of his brother rang at his resting place:
"Come out to us! Do you not cease to be cloistered?"

٣٦. وَرَنَّ صَوتُ أخيهِ عندَ مضجعهِ
اُخرُجْ إلينا أما تَنْفَكُّ تَعْتَكِفُ

37. So he sprang up running while his wife shuddered:
"Wait! My heart is fearful and trembling."

٣٧. فَهَبَّ يركضُ وَارْتاعتْ حَلِيلَتُه
مَهْلاً فإنّ فُؤادي خائِفٌ يَجِفُ

38. "You are a warrior, unsuited to respond
To the possessors of grudges if they come harassing."

٣٨. أنت امرؤٌ ذُو حروبٍ لا يُلائِمُه
أن يستجيبَ ذَوِي الأضغانِ إن دَلفوا

39. "I hear a voice I do not feel safe from,
As if it is blood flowing or it is the paddle."

٣٩. إنّي لأسمعُ صَوْتاً لستُ آمنُهُ
كأنّه الدمُ يَجرِي أو هُوَ الجَدَفُ

40. He said "be silent and let me go, it is my brother,
Fearing for me, so he protects me and turns to me."

٤٠. قالَ اسْكُتِي ودَعينِي إنّه لأخي
يَخْشَى عليَّ فَيرعاني وينعطِفُ

41. And he went to meet him while Islam was smiling
And polytheism frowning, trembling.

٤١. وراحَ يلقاهُ والإسلامُ مُبتسِمٌ
والشِّركُ مُتَّسِمٌ بالحزنِ مُرتجِفُ

42. He met him in his company, taking slow steps gently,
As if she is a swaying branch adorned by the pendant.

٤٢. وافاهُ في صَحْبِهِ يُدنِي الخُطَى عَبِقاً
كأنّه ذاتُ دَلٍّ زَانها هَيَفُ

43. They said "will you walk to the cliff of the old woman? For in
This solitude a gain for the soul to be seized."

٤٣. قالوا أتمشِي إلى شِعبِ العجوزِ ففي
هذا الخلاءِ جَنىً للنفسِ يُخْتَرَفُ

44. "And look at the shining moon and its splendor,
And wonder at it after this - how can it eclipse?"

٤٤. وَانْظُرْ إلى القمرِ الزَّاهِي وبَهجتِهِ
وَاعْجَبْ له بعد هذا كيفَ يَنكسِفُ

45. They walked to the cliff and destinies pursued them,
Upon Allah's guidance, neither deviating nor transgressing.

٤٥. ساروا إلى الشِّعبِ والأقدارُ تَتبعُهم
على هُدى اللهِ ما زَاغَتْ ولا اعْتَسَفُوا

46. Until when they sat, it remained in its position,
And death approached from its right, waiting.

٤٦. حتّى إذا قعدوا ظَلَّتْ بموقفِها
وأقبلَ الموتُ عن أيمانِها يَقِفُ

47. And that is his brother's palm above his temple,
As if it is plucking a blossom from the garden.

٤٧. وتِلكَ كفُّ أخيهِ فَوْقَ مَفْرقِهِ
كأنّها من جَنيِّ الزّهرِ تَقْتَطِفُ

48. He smells it and it deceives him with words
About the perfume while in truth behind him is the goal.

٤٨. يَشُمُّها ويقولُ القولَ يَخَدَعُه
في الطِّيبِ وَهْوَ له من خلفهِ هَدَفُ

49. The swords of Allah's Messenger remained striking him,
Cleaving what they struck of him and harvesting.

٤٩. ظَلَّتْ سيوفُ رسولِ اللهِ تأْخذُهُ
تَشُقُّ ما ضربتْ منه وتَنْتَقِفُ

50. O excellent is that scream he sends out from his mouth,
It almost tore down from his house the ceiling.

٥٠. يا حُسْنها صَيحةً من فيهِ يُرسِلُها
كادتْ تَخِرُّ لها من دارِهِ السُّقُفُ

51. His bride could not be patient so she answered him,
A voice raging as if the master builder collapsed.

٥١. لم تستطع عِرسُهُ صَبْراً فَجاوبَها
صَوْتٌ يُجلجِلُ أودَى السَّيِّدُ اللَّقِفُ

52. "O children of Qurayza, arise from your beds!
O children of Nadir, rally for revenge and approach!"

٥٢. بَني قَريظةَ هُبُّوا من مَضاجِعكم
بني النَّضيرِ انْفرُوا للثأرِ وَازْدَلِفُوا

53. The men charged at Ka'b so O whatdifference after his death
Except crying and except copious tears?

٥٣. عَدا الرجالُ على كعبٍ فوالهفا
أين الحماةُ وماذا يَصنعُ اللَّهَفُ

54. The one who would bend his shoulder arrogantly
Has fallen dead, so neither pride nor arrogance.

٥٤. تَبكِي عليه وماذا بعدَ مصرعِهِ
إلا البكاءُ وإلا الأدمعُ الذُرُفُ

55. They returned with his scalp, thrown repulsively
Before the Messenger, from him only aversion and refusal.

٥٥. إنّ الذي كان يَثْنِي عِطْفَهُ صَلَفاً
أمسى صَريعاً فلا كِبْرٌ ولا صَلَفُ

56. The Jews fled their traces but they could not
Be reached, resolves that cast them into the winds.

٥٦. عادوا بهامتِهِ تُلْقَى مُذمَّمةً
عِندَ الرسولِ ومنه الصَدُّ والنَّكَفُ

57. Allah is Great and praise in abundance belongs to Him,
A new victory and grace from Him renewed.

٥٧. طار اليهودُ على آثارهم فأبَتْ
أن يُدرَكوا هِمَمٌ تَرْمِي بهم عُصُفُ

58. The meek Jews returned seeking a pact,
"Return O Jews, excellent is the covenant and pact."

٥٨. اللَّهُ أكبرُ والحمدُ الجزيلُ له
نَصرٌ جديدٌ وفضلٌ منهُ مؤتَنَفُ

59. Far from you O Malik any covenant, even if
The plain of Bisya were filled with your scriptures!

٥٩. رِيعَتْ يهودُ فجاءَتْ تَبتَغي حِلفاً
عُودِيَ يَهودُ فنعمَ العهدُ والحلفُ

60. Servants of Allah, say that in poetry is a reminder,
And the best of it is what the predecessors passed down.

٦٠. هَيهاتَ مالكِ من عهدٍ ولو حَمَلَتْ
مِلءَ البسيطةِ من أيْمانِكِ الصُّحفُ

61. Sing, O friends, the revelation of truth I recite to you,
The dispraiser has passed away and the senile poet perished.

٦١. عَبّادُ قُلْ إنّ في الأشعارِ تذكرةً
وإنَّ أحسنَها ما أورثَ السَّلَفُ