
I walk in fear and with much apprehension,

أمشي على خوف وطول تلفت

1. I walk in fear and with much apprehension,
Whenever I sit, I dread the evils of the gathering,

١. أَمشي عَلى خَوفٍ وَطولِ تَلَفُّتٍ
فَإِذا جَلَستُ خَشيتُ شَرَّ المَجلِسِ

2. And when I retire to my abode, I find myself
Dead in my joints, stifled in breath,

٢. وَإِذا ثُويتُ بِمَنزِلي أَلفَيتَني
مَيتَ المَفاصِلِ مُحرَجُ المُتَنَفَّسِ

3. O sorrow in my heart from a bitter life
In which time has gathered all kinds of misery,

٣. يا هَمَّ قَلبي مِن حَياةٍ مُرَّةٍ
جَمَعَ الزَمانُ بِها صُنوفَ الأَبؤُسِ

4. I will bear its concerns for a while
As if bearing the bankruptcy of patience,

٤. أُزجي طِوالَ هُمومِها بِبَقِيَّةٍ
لِلصَبرِ أَحسَبُها نُفاضَةَ مُفلِسِ

5. And I know, though sorrow has tired me,
That the noble one shows grace in adversity.

٥. وَلَقَد عَلِمتُ وَإِن تَكاءَدَني الأَسى
أنَّ الكَريمَ عَلى الحَوادِثِ يَأتَسي