1. The defenders were enraged for Ahmad's religion
God granted victory through it, and the Mus'haf was honored
١. غَضِبَ الحُماةُ لدين أَحمدَ غَضبَةً
نُصر الإِلهُ بِها وَعزَّ المُصحَفُ
2. It cast down Hanutu, so it fell in turmoil
It throws the brave men and casts them
٢. قَذَفَت بِهانوتو فَطاحَ بَهبوَةٍ
تَرمِي بِأَبطالِ الرِجالِ وَتقذفُ
3. Before it demolishes, it throws the Muslims with its severity
Until the destined arose, that is not severe
٣. ما انقضَّ يَرمي المُسلِمِينَ بِعَسفِهِ
حَتّى اِنبَرى القَدرُ الَّذي لا يَعسِفُ
4. The defenders were provoked, so every supporter was provoked
O events, hasten the horsemen, blowing fiercely
٤. هاج الحُماةَ فَهاجَ كُلَّ مُشيَّعٍ
عَجِلِ الوَقائع بِالفَوارس يَعصفُ
5. Gabriel turns up with the banner, and Ahmad
Between the successor and Hamza, marches
٥. جبريلُ يَدلِفُ بِاللواءِ وَأَحمدٌ
بَينَ الوَصيِّ وَبَينَ حَمزَةَ يَزحَفُ
6. Or whenever prejudice provoked its people
The heretic cried to us, and the troublemaker clamored
٦. أَو كلّما هاجَ التعصُّبَ أَهلُهُ
صاح الغَوِيُّ بِنا وضجَّ المُرجِفُ
7. Every day, for prejudice, there is a raid
Called for by the crusader's preacher, and he screams
٧. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لِلتَعَصُّبِ غارَةٌ
يَدعو بِها داعِي الصَليبِ وَيَهتِفُ
8. The Muslim nations were startled and terrified by
The oppression of the tyrants - if not for politics they would have been fair
٨. ضَجَّت شُعوبُ المُسلمين وَراعهم
ظُلمُ الأُلى لَولا السياسَةُ أَنصفوا
9. They made the cross its weapon, and it warded off
Blood from its sides, yet they did not refrain
٩. جَعلوا الصَليبَ سِلاحَها وَتدَّفعت
عَن جانِبَيهِ دَماً فَلَم يَستنكفوا
10. Indeed the cross, in its people's ignorance
Will see the path of the reformers, and know
١٠. إِنّ الصَليبَ عَلى جَهالةِ أَهلِهِ
ليرى سَبيلَ المُصلِحينَ وَيَعرِفُ
11. Which of Hanutu is at Muhammad's grave
And Jesus circling and praying around it
١١. أَيَهِمُّ هانوتو بِقَبرِ مُحمَّدٍ
وَيَسوعُ حَولَيهِ يَطوف وَيَعكِفُ
12. Will it say this is unacceptable for its people
Paris does not sway in fear, and the museum collapses
١٢. أَيقولُ تِلكَ فَلا تَميدُ بِأَهلِها
باريسُ مِن فَزَعٍ وَيَهوي المُتحَفُ
13. So it will see which kingdom folds
And it will know which throne gets demolished
١٣. فَلَسَوفَ يَنظرُ أَيّ مُلكٍ يَنطَوي
وَلَسَوفَ يَعلم أَيّ عَرشٍ يُنسَفُ
14. And it will live for Islam, while Han wavered
And the hands of calamities shook its people, so they were weakened
١٤. وَيحي عَلى الإِسلامِ هان وَزَلزَلَت
أَيدي الخُطوبِ شُعوبَه فَاستُضعِفوا
15. If not for prejudice, nations would not be startled under its shadow
Nor kingdoms quake
١٥. لَولا التَعصُّبُ لَم تُرَع في ظِلِّهِ
أُمَمٌ تَميدُ ولا ممالكُ تَرجُفُ
16. And I see those whose desires differed
If they were angry at it, they would unite
١٦. وَأَرى الَّذين تَفرَّقَت أَهواؤُهم
لَو أَنَّهُم غَضِبوا لَهُ لتأَلّفوا
17. Wait, you evil callers, for behind you
Is a day when the nations will remain snatched
١٧. مَهلاً دُعاةَ الشَرِّ إِنّ وَراءَكُم
يَوماً تَظلُّ بِهِ الشُعوبُ تَخطَّفُ
18. Events will flounder in its depths
And remain unveiling its horrors
١٨. تَتَخبّط الأَحداث في غَمراتِهِ
وَتظلُّ عَن أَهوالِهِ تَتَكشَّفُ
19. To God, in what you do to His religion
Is a promise more binding, and an appointment not to be missed
١٩. لِلّهِ فيما تَفعلون بِدينهِ
عَهدٌ أَبرُّ وَمَوعدٌ ما يُخلَفُ
20. Wait, for on that day, His decree will protect
Indeed, when the decree comes to pass, it will not be diverted
٢٠. مَهلاً فيومئذٍ يُحَمُّ قَضاؤُهُ
إِنّ القَضاءَ إِذا جَرى لا يُصرَفُ
21. The Book has uncovered the proof, so look
And I see the proof with you is to collide
٢١. كشف الكِتابُ عَن المَحجَّةِ فَانظُروا
وَأَرى المحجّة عِندَكُم أَن تَصدِفوا
22. Take refuge in the most frightening thing your souls fear
Indeed the Book, over souls, is most frightening
٢٢. لُوذوا بِأروَعَ ما تَخافُ نُفوسُكُم
إِنّ الكِتابَ عَلى النُفوسِ لَأَخوَفُ
23. Indeed, He who subdued the tyrants, nothing
Can equal Him, nor can He be described
٢٣. إِن الَّذي قَهرَ الجَبابر ما لَهُ
مَثَلٌ يُعَدُّ وَلا شَبيهٌ يُوصَفُ
24. Its lines maneuver the fleets of destiny
And from it, the letters lead the horses of God
٢٤. يُزجِي أَساطيلَ القَضاءِ سُطورهُ
وَتَقود خَيلَ اللَهِ مِنهُ الأَحرُفُ
25. And it may have ridden the galaxy, rising high
While the star swooped down on the soaring clouds
٢٥. وَلربّما ركب المجرَّةَ فَاعتَلى
وَهَوى المُنيفُ عَلى العُبابِ المُشرِفُ
26. A fortress which religion takes refuge in its side
Azrael lurks over it, fluttering
٢٦. حِصنٌ يلوذُ الدينُ مِنهُ بِجانبٍ
عَزريلُ مُرتَقِبٌ عَلَيهِ يُرَفرفُ
27. The atmosphere is miserable with what melts of powers
And is narrow with the passions it receives
٢٧. تَشقى الجِواءُ بِما يُذِيبُ مِن القُوى
وَتَضيقُ بِالمُهجِ الَّتي يَتَلقَّفُ
28. Nothing between the leap of a rebel and his recoil
Except a space for the defenders, and a stance
٢٨. ما بَينَ وَثبَةِ ثائِرٍ وَنُكوصِهِ
إِلّا مجالٌ للحُماةِ وَمَوقفُ