
O people of the Nile, your fast has ended

يا بني النيل تقضى صومكم

1. O people of the Nile, your fast has ended
So seek righteousness, the reward of the pious

١. يا بَني النيلِ تَقَضّى صَومُكُم
فَاِبتَغوا بِالبِرِّ عُقبى الأَتقِياء

2. And the zakat al-fitr is due on this day
So give it to the orphans of the martyrs

٢. وَزَكاةُ الفِطرِ هَذا يَومُها
فَاِجعَلوها لِيَتامى الشُهَداء

3. The weather was enraged at the downpour
That fell into the hands of the Chosen One, the generous

٣. غيظَتِ الأَنواءُ مِمّا اِنهَمَرَت
في يَدِ المُختارِ أَيدي الكُرَماء

4. He went around calling every noble generous man
Of agreeable deeds and sweet gifts

٤. طافَ يَدعو كُلَّ سَمحٍ مُفَضلٍ
سائِغِ المَعروفِ مَعسولِ العَطاء

5. Truthful in his faith, fearing His Lord
And seeing His pleasure as the best reward

٥. صادِقِ الإيمانِ يَخشى رَبَّهُ
وَيَرى رِضوانَهُ خَيرَ الجَزاء

6. O Messenger of God, walking around him
Are the multitudes of messengers and the delegations of prophets

٦. يا رَسَولَ اللَهِ يَمشي حَولَهُ
مَلَأُ الرُسلِ وَوَفدُ الأَنبِياء

7. You have in Egypt, though the enemies were enraged
What diminished souls and wealth

٧. لَكَ مِن مِصرَ وَإِن غيظَ العِدى
ما أَقَلَّت مِن نُفوسٍ وَثَراء