
Is there a tear in your eyes for one who cries

هل في جفونكما دمع لممتاح

1. Is there a tear in your eyes for one who cries
For a crying man whose tears are all dried?

١. هَل في جُفونِكُما دَمعٌ لِمُمتاحِ
لَم يَبقَ مِن دَمعِهِ رِيٌّ لِمُلتاحِ

2. Every day for my people is a huge mourning
With the efforts of crying and wailing.

٢. في كُلِّ يَومٍ لِقَومي مَأتَمٌ جَلَلٌ
يودي بِمَجهودِ بَكّاءٍ وَنَوّاحِ

3. Nothing is left but the blackness of my eyes overflowing
With tears for the past youth that is departing.

٣. لَم يَبقَ غَيرُ سَوادِ العَينِ أَسفَحُهُ
دَمعاً لِعادٍ مِنَ الحِدثانِ مُجتاحِ

4. He shot two meteors from their horizons, aiming
At two birds, wounding them with injuries and gashes.

٤. رَمى الشِهابَينِ مِن أُفقَيهِما وَسَما
لِلطائِرَينِ بِظُفرٍ مِنهُ جَرّاحِ

5. After arbitration among the birds of every forest and copse
He hit them. The eagles held back from the piercing glances.

٥. رَماهُما نَسرُهُ مِن بَعدِما اِحتَكَما
في الطَيرِ مِن كُلِّ غَدّاءٍ وَرَوّاحِ

6. And nations came to the birds thronging
To declare allegiance with bodies and souls.

٦. مَرّا بِها وَهيَ فَوضى في مَسارحِها
فَاِهتاجَ غافِلُها وَاِستَوفَزَ الصاحي

7. They dominated the atmosphere until it was said they took
The manner of controlling water with wind.

٧. حَيّاهُما كُلُّ نَعّابٍ وَحَفَّهُما
إِجلالٌ كُلِّ رَخيمِ الصَوتِ صَدّاحِ

8. When the messenger of the wind called them, they approached.
They found their mounts in the shining procession.

٨. رَدَّ العُقابُ جَناحَي نافِذٍ عَجِلٍ
وَأَمسَكَ النَسرُ مِن أَلحاظِ طَمّاحِ

9. Two martyred kings fell from their thrones and their rule
Fell between pains and wounds.

٩. وَأَقبَلَت أُمَمٌ لِلطَيرِ حاشِرَةً
تُصفي الوَلاءَ بِأَجسامٍ وَأَرواحِ

10. Rule belongs to God - how many a kingdom
Has perished between morning and evening!

١٠. تَمَلَّكا الجَوَّ حَتّى قيلَ قَد أَخَذا
جَوَّ الكنانَةِ أَخذَ الماءِ بِالراحِ

11. The calamity of the Caliphate - Egypt felt its bitterness.
She does not awake, nor listen to the ardent.

١١. لَمّا دَعاها بَشيرُ الريحُ فَاِزدَلَفَت
تَلقى رِكابَهُما في المَوكِبِ الضاحي

12. It erased joy and made every winged creature weep,
Yet in the heart it left no trace of solace.

١٢. خَرّا شَهيدَينِ عَن عَرشَيهِما وَهَوى
مُلكاهُما بَينَ آلامٍ وَأَتراحِ

13. Continued mourning by the clan of Othman after which
They saw naught but festivals and joy.

١٣. المُلكُ لِلَهِ كَم أَهوى بِمَملَكَةٍ
شَمّاءَ ما بَينَ إِمساءٍ وَإِصباحِ

14. The two martyrs built their glory high among the stars
In a shining place of pure honor and brilliance.

١٤. رُزءُ الخِلافَةِ ذاقَت مِصرُ لَوعَتَهُ
فَما تُفيقُ وَلا تُصغي إِلى اللّاحي

15. My sublime people know their abode
In the meeting place of treasures and illuminations.

١٥. مَحا العَزاءَ وَأَدمى كُلَّ جانِحَةٍ
فَما لِرَوعَتِهِ في القَلبِ مِن ماحِ

16. They shone in the orbits of meteors and were revived
In the highest view of the discerning and perceptive.

١٦. مَآتِمٌ مِن بَني عُثمانَ لا شَهِدوا
مِن بَعدِها غَيرَ أَعيادٍ وَأَفراحِ

17. They came when the world adorned itself with necklaces
And they adorned it with swords and spears.

١٧. بَنى الشَهيدانِ فَوقَ النَجمِ مَجدَهُمُ
في مُشرِقٍ مِن صَميمِ العِزِّ لَمّاحِ

18. If glory were asked, “To whom are you affiliated?”
Glory would eloquently declare their elocution.

١٨. قَومي الأُلى تَعرِفُ العَلياءُ مَوضِعَهُم
في مُلتَقى غُرَرٍ مِنها وَأَوضاحِ

19. No closed blindness did people suffer
Except my people treated it with a key.

١٩. تَأَلَّقوا في مَساري الشُهبِ وَاِنبَعَثوا
في عَرفِ كُلِّ ذَكِيِّ العَرفِ فَوّاحِ

20. They freed the universe from the shackles of corruption,
And administered affairs, so they reformed them.

٢٠. جاءوا وَقَد نَضَتِ الدُنيا قَلائِدَها
فَقَلَّدوها بِأَسيافٍ وَأَرماحِ

21. I have not come to them with winding rhymes in praise
Except I found them above my praises.

٢١. لَو قيلَ لِلمَجدِ فيمَن أَنتَ مُنتَسِبٌ
لَأَفصَحَ المَجدُ عَنهُم أَيَّ إِفصاحِ

٢٢. ما عالَجَ الناسُ مِن عَمياءَ مُقفَلَةٍ
إِلّا وَعاجَلَها قَومي بِمِفتاحِ

٢٣. هُمُ أَطلَقوا الدَّهرَ مِن أَسرِ الفَسادِ وَهُم
ساسوا الأُمورَ فَزانوها بِإِصلاحِ

٢٤. ما جِئتُهُم بِالقَوافي الغُرِّ مُمتَدِحاً
إِلّا وَجَدتُهُمو مِن فَوقِ تَمداحي