1. The homes are empty of you, and the homelands,
And the vicissitudes of time have passed their judgement on you.
١. خَلَتِ المنازلُ منكَ والأوطانُ
وقَضَى عَليكَ قَضاءَهُ الحِدثانُ
2. Were you not yesterday a towering palace,
Whose corners the epochs made tremble on their foundations?
٢. أوَ لم تكن بالأمسِ صَرحْاً قَائماً
لِصُروفِ دَهرِكَ حَوْلَهُ رَجفَانُ
3. The stars continued to blow their winds
Until that edifice collapsed.
٣. جَثَمَتْ جَوانِبُه على آسَاسِها
وسَمَتْ إلى غَاياتِها الأركانُ
4. O you who defend Islam against its enemies!
Neither injustice nor aggression ever exceeded you.
٤. ما زالتِ الأقدارُ تَعصِفُ ريحُها
حتّى تَهدَّمَ ذَلكَ البُنيانُ
5. Do you slumber in the face of a condition that makes
The tombs roar and the shrouds shudder?
٥. يا مُنصِفَ الإسلامِ من أعدائهِ
لا الظُّلمُ جَاوَزَهُ ولا العُدوانُ
6. Arise to struggle - the time for rest has not come -
The outcry is raised and the horsemen have ridden.
٦. أَتنامُ عَن حَالٍ تظلُّ لِمثلها
تَهفو القُبورُ وتَفزعُ الأكفانُ
7. War keeps vigil, and the soldiers are heroes,
So when will the aged leader awaken?
٧. قُمْ لِلكفاحِ فَلاتَ حِينَ هَوادةٍ
ضَجَّ الصَّريخُ وجَالتِ الفُرسانُ
8. Arise in your armor - none but you is fit
To bear a cutting blade and sharp spear.
٨. الحربُ يَقْظَى والجنودُ بَواسِلٌ
فَمَتَى يُفيقُ القائدُ الوَسنانُ
9. What do the cautious think of a hero
Whose banner is the Quran?
٩. قُم في سِلاحِكَ مَا لِمثلِكَ صَاحبٌ
إلا حُسامٌ قاطعٌ وَسِنَانُ
10. Dedicated to God, devotion fills his breast,
And faith fills his heart.
١٠. ماذا يظنُّ أُولوا الحِفاظِ بِبَاسلٍ
عَالي اللّواءِ سِلاحُه القرآنُ
11. He casts and meets death, never sparing himself,
For he who spares himself is a coward.
١١. مُتجرِّدٌ للهِ حَشْوُ قَميصهِ
تَقْوَى وَمِلءُ فُؤادهِ إيمانُ
12. The unlawful shedding of blood restrains him from the greed and cowardice of fools,
For the sanctity of blood must be preserved.
١٢. يَرْمِي ويُرْمَى لا يَضِنُّ بِنَفْسِهِ
إنّ الضَّنينَ بِنَفْسِه لجبانُ
13. A sword is appointed to the necks of the tyrants -
Swords grow dull, but its edge stays sharp.
١٣. يَنهاهُ عن حِرصِ الغَبيِّ وَجُبْنِهِ
أنّ المحَارِمَ بالدّماءِ تُصانُ
14. The dazzling flash of his blade, richly adorned -
Souls yearn for it, and it is a bride's delight.
١٤. سَيفٌ بأعناقِ الغُواةِ مُوكَّلٌ
تَعْفَى السُّيوفُ وَحدُّه يَقْظانُ
15. Through him God's hand glows, its rays
Lighting the paths of life for the Prophet's tongue.
١٥. عَضْبُ المضاربِ مُشرِقٌ ذُو رَوْنَقٍ
تهفو الحُلومُ إليهِ وَهْيَ رِزانُ
16. Have you not seen how the light of truth and clear speech
Adorned him?
١٦. للهِ فيه يَدٌ يُضئُ شُعاعُها
سُبُلَ الحياةِ وللنبيِّ لِسانُ
17. Abdul Hamid! Does not a cry shake you,
At which countries and lands tremble?
١٧. أوَ ما رَأَيْتُم كيف كان يَزِينُه
للحقِّ نُورٌ سَاطِعٌ وبَيانُ
18. Islam has cast into it a fire whose flames
Make breasts and hearts smoke?
١٨. عبدَ الحميدِ ألا تَهزُّكَ صَيْحَةٌ
فَزعتْ لها الأقطارُ والبُلدانُ
19. At losing you his soul overflowed with sorrow
As if it were a volcano.
١٩. أَلقَى بها الإِسلامُ ناراً تَرْتَمي
فَإذا الجوانحُ والقُلوبُ دُخانُ
20. Were you not a refuge for old and young Muslims
To take shelter?
٢٠. جَاشَتْ لِفقدِكَ نَفْسُه وطغَى الأَسَى
في قلبهِ فَكأنّه البُرْكانُ
21. You have, in confronting misfortunes, honorable stands
Wherein lies protection and safety for your people.
٢١. أَوَ لم تكن لِلمُسلمينَ مثابةً
يَأوِي إليها الشِّيبُ والشُّبَّانُ
22. It hurts you when the weak are unjustly cast down
By the most tyrannical of natures, whose habit is oppression.
٢٢. لَكَ في مُقارعةِ الخُطوبِ مَواقِفٌ
فيها لقومِكَ عِصمةٌ وأمانُ
23. And it provokes your anger when a Muslim's right is lost
And he is subjected to harm and humiliation.
٢٣. يُؤذيكَ أن يُرْمَى الضّعيفُ بِظالمٍ
شَرِسِ الخلائقِ دَأبُهُ الطُّغيانُ
24. You were not like one who sleeps contentedly
While his neighbors around him starve.
٢٤. ويُثيرُ سُخْطَكَ أن يضيعَ لِمُسلمٍ
حَقٌّ ويَغشاهُ أذىً وهَوانُ
25. The Aqsa mosque is humbled at your death,
And the Kaaba, after you, is in mourning clothes.
٢٥. ما كُنتَ كالجافي يَبيتُ مُنعَّماً
وتَبيتُ تُعوِلُ حوْلَهُ الجيرانُ
26. And your death has marked the Madina
With a sign of sorrow - the title page of grief.
٢٦. المسجدُ الأقصَى لِموتِكَ خَاشِعٌ
والبيتُ بَعدَك جَازعٌ أَسْوَانُ
27. When suddenly the pulpits were emptied of you,
No place remained untouched by agony for you.
٢٧. وعلى المدينةِ مِن مُصابِكَ آيةٌ
هِيَ لِلأسَى وكتابهِ عُنوانُ
28. For your time and its length you have
Responsibility and a pledge against events.
٢٨. لمّا خَلَتْ مِنكَ المنابرُ بغْتةً
لم يَخْلُ مِن أَسَفٍ عَليكَ مكانُ
29. Generations will contend in remembering you kindly,
Fragrant, and times will chant your name.
٢٩. لَكَ مِن زَمانِكَ بالبقاءِ وطُولهِ
وَمِنَ الحَوادِثِ ذِمّةٌ وضَمانُ
30. Decay has no command over the highest genius,
Nor does it have dominion.
٣٠. تَتنازعُ الأجيالُ ذِكركَ طَيِّباً
عَبِقاً وتَهتفُ باسمكَ الأزمانُ
31. Journey through the ages and rise above their pinnacles
As a flag giving light by which caravans are guided.
٣١. ما لِلبلَى في العبقريّاتِ العُلىَ
أمرٌ يُطاعُ ولا لَهُ سُلطانُ
32. Ascend to your place in the firmament,
For there you soar where eagles soar.
٣٢. سِرْ في الدُّهورِ وقُمْ على هَاماتِها
عَلَماً يُضييءُ فَتهتدِي الرُّكبانُ
33. You continue to pass by stages seeking
What the hastening pilgrim seeks.
٣٣. وَاطْوِ الجِواءَ إلى مَكانِكَ صَاعِداً
فَمداكَ حيثُ تُحلِّقُ العِقبانُ
34. Until you have reached from God a sure place
That no life or Umar attained.
٣٤. ما زِلتَ تَجتازُ المنازلَ تَبْتغِي
ما يَبتغِي المُتزوِّدُ العَجلانُ
35. Live there as a good neighbor, content;
The flag has not fallen, nor is the battlefield vacant.
٣٥. حتّى حَللتَ من الإلهِ مَحلّةً
ما جازها عُمرٌ ولا عُثمانُ
36. The army is forgiving, and the Caliph good,
And the matter is sound, nothing is lacking.
٣٦. أَنْعِمْ بهِ جاراً وَطِبْ نَفْساً فما
سَقطَ اللّواءُ ولا خَلا المَيْدانُ
37. And God - how excellent is His help when passions
Conquer souls, and supporters are few!
٣٧. الجُندُ سَمحٌ والخليفةُ صَالحٌ
والأمرُ وَافٍ ما بهِ نُقْصانُ
38. To truth belongs the power of its onslaught
And the force of its might, and failure belongs
٣٨. واللهُ نِعمَ المُستعانُ إذا الهَوَى
غَلبَ النُّفوسَ وقَلَّتِ الأَعْوانُ
39. to those who war against its host.
Were it not for His severity and the strength of His strike,
٣٩. لِلحقِّ صَوْلَتُه وشِدّةُ بأسهِ
وَلِمَنْ يُحارِبُ جُندَه الخِذلانُ
40. Its appearance would not have triumphed, nor would its prestige have been great.
The earth is confused - its landmarks remain
٤٠. لولا صَرامَتُه وقُوَّةُ بَطشِه
ما عَزَّ مَظهرُه وجَلّ الشَّانُ
41. In darkness, as if blind.
For evil there is an earthquake - its peoples
٤١. الأرضُ حَيرَى ما يزالُ هُداتُها
في غَمْرَةٍ وكأنّهم عُميانُ
42. Quake from it, and for harm a deluge.
The beasts are shocked - their lions and wolves -
٤٢. لِلشَّرِّ زلزالٌ تَبيتُ شُعوبُها
ترتَجُّ منه وللأَذَى طُوفانُ
43. At what man comes and does.
Look to the world, and ask its masters
٤٣. الوَحْشُ تَعجبُ أُسْدُها وَذِئابُها
ممّا يَجئُ ويَصنعُ الإنسانُ
44. Whether the weak have in it an inviolable existence.
Is it ambitions that destroyed its servants,
٤٤. انْظُرْ إلى الدُّنيا وسَلْ سَاداتِها
أَيُصانُ فيها للضّعيفِ كِيانُ
45. Or the civilized world's idols?
٤٥. أهِيَ المطامعُ أهلكت عُبّادَها
دُنيا الحضارةِ أم هي الأوثانُ