1. The dawn of blood contested by darkness,
And the night of calamity followed by daybreak.
١. صَبوحُ دَمٍ يُساجِلُهُ غَبوقُ
وَلَيلُ رَدىً يُواصِلُهُ شُروقُ
2. Indeed, the drinking of death has been prolonged,
So neither the swords awaken, nor the conscious awaken.
٢. لَقَد طالَت مُعاقَرَةُ المَنايا
فَما تَصحو السُيوفُ وَما تَفيقُ
3. When they describe their wars to a people,
The joints and veins are paralyzed.
٣. إِذا وَصَفوا حُمَيّاها لِقَومٍ
تَخاذَلَتِ المَفاصِلُ وَالعُروقُ
4. The water-bearers do not know with which cup
They go around, and which euphoric one they seek.
٤. وَما تَدري السُقاةُ بِأَيِّ كَأسٍ
تَطوفُ وَأَيَّ ذي طَرَبٍ تَشوقُ
5. You see its drinkers dead when
The disasters and calamities afflict them.
٥. تَرى شُرّابَها صَرعى إِذا ما
تَحَسَّتها الحَلاقِمُ وَالحُلوقُ
6. It is as if the earth has inherited misfortunes,
So both its hungry and its deprived have become hopeless.
٦. كَأَنَّ الأَرضَ والِهَةً تَوالَت
فَجائِعُها وَأَعوَزَها الشَفيقُ
7. It continually inflicts upon its inhabitants
Severe hardships and overwhelming adversities.
٧. تَتابَعَ ما يَحِلُّ بِساكِنيها
مِنَ النُوَبِ الثِقالِ وَما يَحيقُ
8. It is as if all its inhabitants are merchants,
And all its lands are markets of death.
٨. كَأَنَّ جَميعَ أَهليها تِجارٌ
وَكُلَّ بِلادِها لِلمَوتِ سوقُ
9. Indeed, the kingdoms have been shaken by what they suffer
From the available fate and what they have tasted.
٩. لَقَد هَدَّ المَمالِكَ ما تُعاني
مِنَ القَدرِ المُتاحِ وَما تَذوقُ
10. Wars from which sinfulness recoils,
And immorality and corruption flee from.
١٠. حُروبٌ يَستَغيثُ البَغيُ مِنها
وَيَنبو الإِثمُ عَنها وَالفُسوقُ
11. Sacred laws and commandments are trampled by them,
Prohibitions and rights are violated.
١١. تُداسُ بِها الشَرائِعُ وَالوَصايا
وَتُنتَهَكُ المَحارِمُ وَالحُقوقُ
12. Those who ignite them have mastered destruction,
And some of the skill of experts is destruction.
١٢. تَفَنَّنَ في المَهالِكِ موقِدوها
وَبَعضُ تَفَنُّنِ الحُذّاقِ موقُ
13. Righteousness and faith have declined in them,
And disbelief, defiance and transgression have prevailed.
١٣. تَرَدَّى البِرُّ وَالإيمانُ فيها
وَضَجَّ الكُفرُ مِنها وَالعُقوقُ
14. So neither the God of the people is pleased with them,
Nor does the helper or preventer consent.
١٤. فَما يَرضى إِلَهُ الناسِ عَنها
وَلا يَرضى يَغوثُ وَلا يَعوقُ
15. When its arguers unleash heavy rainfall,
The eagles are saddened and the ostriches collapse.
١٥. إِذا اِبتَدَرَت أَجادِلُها مَطاراً
أَسَفَّ النَسرُ وَاِنحَطَّ الأَنوقُ
16. When it settles in the place of a star, it stirs anxiety
And its whispering, so the shy one plunges into it.
١٦. إِذا دانَت مَكانَ النَجمِ هاجَت
وَساوِسُهُ وَلَجَّ بِهِ الخُفوقُ
17. The slumberers spend the night apprehensive,
When darkness exposes its faint light to them.
١٧. تَبيتُ لَهُ الفَراقِدُ جازِعاتٍ
إِذا هَتَكَ الظَلامُ لَها بَريقُ
18. The illusion of a specter awakens their worries,
Imagining for it either a banner or plaits.
١٨. يَهيجُ خِبالَها تَأويبُ طَيفٍ
يُخالُ لَهُ لِمامٌ أَو طُروقُ
19. When a group of horsemen set out from it,
A group stumbles in their passage.
١٩. إِذا اِبتَدَرَ السُرى مِنها فَريقٌ
تَعَثَّرَ في مَساريهِ فَريقُ
20. Clouds of a melody of white and black
Let out from the death pangs what they let out.
٢٠. غَمائِمُ لُحنَ مِن بيضٍ وَسودٍ
تُريقُ مِنَ المَنايا ما تُريقُ
21. They pour out death red, not by destiny
That can be averted, or by a fate that can be prevented.
٢١. تَصُبُّ المَوتَ أَحمَرَ لا قَضاءٌ
يُدافِعُهُ وَلا قَدَرٌ يَعوقُ
22. Arrows of chaos aimed by minds,
For them in each mystery is an outlet.
٢٢. سِهامُ وَغىً تُسَدِّدُها عُقولٌ
لَها في كُلِّ غامِضَةٍ مُروقُ
23. Sometimes they rival the jinn in innovation,
And at other times they surpass them.
٢٣. تُباري الجِنَّ في الإِبداعِ آناً
تُحاكيها وَآوِنَةً تَفوقُ
24. When causes are fragile,
The firm cause responds to them.
٢٤. إِذا الأَسبابُ كانَت واهِياتٍ
دَعَت فَأَجابَها السَبَبُ الوَثيقُ
25. They flowed freely, so they came first,
And after them came the far-reaching future.
٢٥. جَرَت طَلقاً فَجاءَت سابِقاتٍ
وَجاءَ وَراءَها الأَمَدُ السَحيقُ
26. And others spew terrors, destiny flows
With its missiles, the free destiny.
٢٦. وَأُخرى تَنفُثُ الأَهوالَ يَجري
بِمَقذوفاتِها القَدَرُ الطَليقُ
27. They turn the truths of the earthquake into delusions,
And nullify what the catapult has claimed.
٢٧. تَرُدُّ حَقائِقَ الزلزالِ وَهماً
وَتُبطِلُ ما اِدَّعاهُ المَنجَنيقُ
28. The returning calamity has carried from it
That which no being can endure.
٢٨. لَقَد حَمَلَ الرَدى المُجتاحُ مِنها
وَمِن أَهوالِها ما لا يُطيقُ
29. When it hurls, the atmosphere is filled with fear,
And the earth is filled with death or inferno.
٢٩. إِذا قَذَفَت فَمِلءُ الجَوِّ رُعبٌ
وَمِلءُ الأَرضِ مَوتٌ أَو حَريقُ
30. It inflicts two frenzied surge of blood and fire,
While people's safety between them is drowned.
٣٠. تُتابِعُ لُجَّتَينِ دَماً وَناراً
سَلامُ الناسِ بَينَهُما غَريقُ
31. One aspires to it and becomes addicted when called,
Even though the path is blocked and there is no path.
٣١. يَهُمُّ إِلَيهِ وَيلُسُنُ حينَ يُدعى
وَقَد سُدَّ الطَريقُ فَلا طَريقُ
32. It has been protected from attackers by every conqueror
Who leads the regiments that he leads.
٣٢. حَماهُ مِنَ القَياصِرِ كُلُّ غازٍ
يَسوقُ مِنَ الفَيالِقِ ما يَسوقُ
33. He organizes them and implements them quickly,
The storms and lightning bolts urge them.
٣٣. يُعَبِّئُها وَيُنفِذُها سِراعاً
تُراعُ لَها العَواصِفُ وَالبُروقُ
34. When the earth's crevices are too narrow for them,
It soars through the sky, so the constriction expands.
٣٤. إِذا ضاقَت فِجاجُ الأرضِ عَنها
سَمَت في الجَوِّ فَاِنفَرَجَ المَضيقُ
35. And in the darkness there is a lingering disease,
And a deep wound in its conscience.
٣٥. وَفي الدَأماءِ داءٌ مُستَكِنٌّ
وَجُرحٌ في جَوانِحِها عَميقُ
36. When the fleet causes a rupture in it,
Breach after breach occurs on its sides.
٣٦. إذا الأُسطولُ أَحدَثَ فيهِ رَتقاً
تَوالَت في جَوانِبِهِ الفُتوقُ
37. The cities of fire fly from it,
And ships in it collapse and sink.
٣٧. تَطيرُ مَدائِنُ النيرانِ مِنهُ
وَتَهوي الفُلكُ فيهِ وَالوُسوقُ
38. What is hoped for in it is lost,
And the unlucky astute one perishes in it.
٣٨. يَخيبُ الحُوَّلُ المَرجُوُّ فيهِ
وَيَهلَكُ عِندَهُ الآسي اللَبيقُ
39. Its evil has afflicted the whole world,
So neither life is clear, nor is it palatable.
٣٩. أَصابَ بِشَرِّهِ الدُنيا جَميعاً
فَما تَصفو الحَياةُ وَما تَروقُ
40. Afflictions have escalated, so there is no hope,
And assumptions have failed, so there is no certainty.
٤٠. تَفاقَمَتِ الخُطوبُ فَلا رَجاءٌ
وَأَخلَفِتِ الظُنونُ فَلا وُثوقُ
41. The years alarm us with horrors,
While we aspire for their crescent.
٤١. تُطالِعُنا السُنون مُرَوِّعاتٍ
وَنَحنُ إِلى أَهِلَّتِها نَتوقُ
42. Era after era brings increasing evil,
So where is the good, and where is the graceful era?
٤٢. يَمُرُّ العَهدُ بَعدَ العَهدِ شَرّاً
فَأَينَ الخَيرُ وَالعَهدُ الأَنيَقُ
43. Disasters of revelation were warned against it,
And the grave and the ancient house roared.
٤٣. نَوائِبُ رُوِّعَ التَنزيلُ مِنها
وَضَجَّ القَبرُ وَالبَيتُ العَتيقُ
44. Can what the kingdoms desire be destined,
When the children of the world are fixated on frivolities?
٤٤. أَيُقدَرُ لِلمَمالِكِ ما تَمَنّى
وَقَد عَلِقَت بَني الدُنيا عَلوقُ
45. An incurable disease has hardened our hearts,
And an anxiety in our conscience adheres.
٤٥. أَمَضَّ قُلوبَنا داءٌ دَخيلٌ
وَهُمٌّ في جَوانِحِنا لَصيقُ
46. And a startled one raves with delusions,
As the discernment and the sigh recur to him.
٤٦. وَبَرَّحَ بِالتَرائِبِ مُستَطيرٌ
يُعاوِدُهُ التَمَيُّزُ وَالشَهيقُ
47. Until a people wished that poison were
In stimulants a potion and a drink.
٤٧. وَجَفَ الريقُ حَتّى وَدَّ قَومٌ
لَوَ اَنَّ السُمَّ في اللَهَواتِ ريقُ
48. In us is from the striker of calamities what neither
The flexible strong forearm can endure.
٤٨. بِنا مِن ضارِبِ الحِدثانِ ما لا
يَطيقُ مَضاءَهُ العَضبُ الذَليقُ
49. It is as if his wounds in every heart
Are mouths for death, or folds.
٤٩. كَأَنَّ جِراحَهُ في كُلِّ قَلبٍ
شِفاهٌ لِلمَنِيَّةِ أَو شُدوقُ
50. The hooting of the owl and crow has settled in us,
Will there be no end to the wailing and the squawking?
٥٠. رُوَيدَ البومِ وَالغِربانِ فينا
أَما يَفنى النَعيبُ وَلا النَعيقُ
51. Every tomorrow calls to evil,
And every evening is a herald of evil.
٥١. أَكُلُّ غَدِيَّةٍ بِالسوءِ داعٍ
وَكُلُّ عَشِيَّةٍ لِلشَرِّ بوقُ
52. We wished to be blind to troubles,
And for our hearing ducts to be sealed.
٥٢. وَدَدنا لِلنَواعِبِ لَو عَمينا
وَسُدَّت مِن مَسامِعِنا الخُروقُ
53. Hope in God and earnest expectation belie
What we fear of tribulations.
٥٣. يُكَذِّبُ ما نَخافُ مِنَ البَلايا
رَجاءُ اللَهِ وَالأَمَلُ الصَدوقُ
54. And truth prevails between terrifying
Pieces of news, its falsehood vain and futile.
٥٤. وَيَعلو الحَقُّ بَينَ مُهَوِّلاتٍ
مِنَ الأَنباءِ باطِلُها زَهوقُ
55. I say to the one apprehensive of nations: patience,
For patience befits the afflicted.
٥٥. أَقولُ لِجازِعِ الأَقوامِ صَبراً
فَإِنَّ الصَبرَ بِالعاني خَليقُ
56. When the tribulations of fate intensify one day,
Comfort and company therein are excellent.
٥٦. إِذا فَدَحَت خُطوبُ الدَهرِ يَوماً
فَنِعمَ العَونُ فيها وَالرَفيقُ
57. Take it easy, for the caprices of fate are destiny,
And evil in the world is deep-rooted.
٥٧. رُوَيدَكَ إِنَّ رَيبَ الدَهرِ حَتمٌ
وَإِنَّ الشَرَّ في الدُنيا عَريقُ
58. Perhaps God will provide us relief,
Changing what is feared into what is palatable.
٥٨. لَعَلَّ اللَهَ يُدرِكُنا بِغَوثٍ
يُبَدِّلُ ما يَروعُ بِما يَروقُ
59. Abundant blessings are from Him,
As is the subtle kindness and refined favor.
٥٩. لَهُ الآلاءُ سابِغَةً وَمِنهُ
خَفِيُّ اللُطفِ وَالصُنعُ الرَقيقُ
60. He wants to divert adversities from us,
And calamities recoil and awaken.
٦٠. يُريدُ فَتَرعَوي النَكَباتُ عَنّا
وَتَزدَجِرُ الخُطوبُ وَتَستَفيقُ
61. We hope for what befits Him, and we complain
To Him of harm that does not befit.
٦١. نُؤَمِّلُ ما يَليقُ بِهِ وَنَشكو
إِلَيهِ مِنَ الأَذى ما لا يَليقُ