
We found truth and right with you

وجدنا الحق عندك والصوابا

1. We found truth and right with you
So we came to do justice for the afflicted nation

١. وجدنا الحقَّ عندكَ والصّوابا
فجئنا نُنصِفُ الوطن المُصابا

2. You were compassionate to it, plundered and wounded
Suffering in its battles and tribulations

٢. عَطفتَ عليه مُسْتَلَباً جريحاً
يُعاني في مصارعِه العذابا

3. You protected its life and uncovered
The calamities of fate that it faces with difficulties

٣. فَصنتَ حياتَه وكشفتَ عنه
خُطوبَ الدّهرِ تدفعها صعابا

4. We were satisfied with your kindness that made a promise
That illuminated its path and erased the fog

٤. رضينا للكنانةِ مِنكَ عهداً
أضاء سبيلَها ومحا الضّبابا

5. Its hopes walked with white steps
Though blackness was its dye

٥. مشت آمالُها بيضاً خُطاها
وقد كان السّوادُ لها خِضابا

6. It looks forward to the rise of lights joyfully
And seizes the paths and trails

٦. تَؤمُّ مَطالِعَ الأنوارِ فَرْحَى
وتبتدرُ المسالكَ والشِّعابا

7. We were satisfied with your blessed promise to us
So we do not bother with the angry people

٧. رَضينا عهدكَ الميمونَ فينا
فلسنا نَحفِلُ القومَ الغِضابا

8. O father of cubs, be a helper for the people
For foxes and wolves are fed up

٨. أبا الأشبال كن للشَعبِ عوناً
فقد ملَّ الثّعالبَ والذّئابا

9. You chose the men and stood among them
To rule with agreeable gentleness

٩. تخيّرتَ الرجالَ وقمتَ فيهم
تُدير الحكمَ سمحاً مُستطابا

10. Your swords for the holy war are many
And we surely have the ones that strike

١٠. سيوفُكَ للجهادِ الحقِّ شتَّى
وإنّ لنا لأَصْدَقَها ضِرابا

11. We saw Al-Shadhili and how he proceeds
When a matter becomes difficult after another

١١. رأينا الشاذليَّ وكيف يمضي
إذا ما الأمرُ بعد الأمرِ نابا

12. None saw like his opinion and determination
Nor did we see in him any deficiency or flaw

١٢. فلم يَرَ مِثلَهُ رأياً وعزماً
ولم نَرَ فيه مَنقصةً وعابا

13. I saw the love of the lake, how it clears
So for it was a reward or recompense

١٣. رأيتُ هوى البحيرةِ كيف يصفو
فكان لها جَزاء أو ثوابا