1. O you downtrodden people, is it not enough
What the politicians have said about us?
١. يا أَيُّها الشَعبُ الذَلولُ أَما كَفى
ما قالَ أَقطابُ السِياسَةِ فينا
2. You are blessed with a people led by a hair
If only your obeyed leader were honest
٢. بورِكتَ مِن شَعبٍ يُقادُ بِشَعرَةٍ
لَو كانَ قائِدُكَ المُطاعُ أَمينا
3. The three bolts of lightning shocked you, so wake up
Are you still misguided and infatuated?
٣. أَخَذَتكَ ثالِثَةُ الصَواعِقِ فَاِستَفِق
أَفَما تَزالُ مُضَلَّلاً مَفتونا
4. When the prophets passed away, did you not learn
Do you want worldly life or religion?
٤. هَل أَنتَ إِذ مَضَتِ البُعوثُ مُخَبِّري
أَتُريدُ دُنيا أَم تُحاوِلُ دينا
5. Those whom you claimed were our allies
Supported the enemies openly against you
٥. إِنَّ الَّذينَ زَعَمتَهُم حُلَفَاءَنا
نَصَروا العِدى نَصراً عَلَيكَ مُبينا
6. They fight over our inheritance, and when content
The clamor returns calmly and quietly
٦. يَتَنازَعونَ تُراثَنا فَإِذا رَضوا
عادَ الضَجيجُ هَوادَةً وَسُكونا
7. You worked your opinion amidst doubts for ages
And busied yourself with the impossible for years
٧. أَعمَلتَ رَأيَكَ في الوَساوِسِ حِقبَةً
وَشَغَلتَ نَفسَكَ بِالمُحالِ سَنينا
8. And you started raving about covenants, yet the covenant
Of politics refused to be protected
٨. وَطَفِقتَ تَهذي بِالعُهودِ وَقَد أَبى
عَهدُ السِياسَةِ أَن يَكونَ مَصونا
9. The wolf is more truthful than them in covenant
And more righteous than them in oath and honesty
٩. الذِئبُ أَصدَقُ مِن أولَئِكَ مَوثِقاً
وَأَبَرُّ مِنهُم ذِمَّةً وَيَمينا
10. The thief gets angry if we mention him one day
With mention of their leader in the same vein
١٠. اللِصُّ يَغضَبُ إِن جَعَلنا ذِكرَهُ
يَوماً بذكر زعيمِهم مقرونا
11. And I see the immoral one with all his different traits
Closer to the honor of morals than them
١١. وَأَرى البَغِيَّ عَلى اِختِلافِ شُؤونِها
أَدنى إِلى شَرَفِ الخِلالِ شُؤونا
12. The spilled blood shed by a rabble
Who were mad with killing the innocent
١٢. ضَجَّ الدَمُ المَسفوكُ في يَدِ عُصبَةٍ
جُنَّت بِقَتلِ الأَبرِياءِ جُنونا
13. Ruined is the civilization of destroyers who threw it
To the winds of virtues and highness so it perished
١٣. بِئسَت حَضارَةُ هادِمينَ رَموا بِها
شُمَّ الفَضائِلِ وَالعُلا فَهَوَينا
14. They made harm in both worlds its hand
And sin its face and immorality its forehead
١٤. جَعَلوا الأَذى في العالَمينَ لَها يَداً
وَالإِثمَ وَجهاً وَالفُسوقَ جَبينا
15. They corrupted knowledge and arts, for they
Made evils into knowledge and arts
١٥. وَيحَ المَعارِفِ وَالفُنونِ فَإِنَّهُم
جَعَلوا الشُرورَ مَعارِفاً وَفُنونا
16. They assumed false assumptions about it, and I know
It will melt into blood and iron for certain
١٦. ظَنّوا الظُنونَ بِها وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّها
سَتَذوبُ في الدَمِ وَالحَديدِ يَقينا