1. Are these the dwellings of the people that time has changed?
So they bent over it, weep for it O traveler!
١. أَهذي ديارُ القَومِ غَيَّرها الدَهرُ
فَعُوجوا عَليها نَبكِها أَيُّها السَّفْرُ
2. Erase them, O passer of eras and their repeater
When an era passes, another repeats after it.
٢. محا آيها مَرُّ العُصورِ وَكرُّها
إِذا مَرَّ عَصرٌ كَرَّ مِن بَعدِهِ عَصرُ
3. We ask her: where are her inhabitants?
Does the abandoned, desolate abode speak?
٣. نُسائِلُها أَينَ استقلَّ قطينُها
وَهَل تَنطق الدارُ المُعَطَّلةُ القَفرُ
4. You see an eighty year old whose tears
From prolonged weeping reddened his white hair.
٤. وَكائن تَرى من ذي ثَمانين خَضَّبت
لِطُولِ البُكى مِن شَيبهِ الأَدمعُ الحُمرُ
5. He wept for a nation whose glories of yore
Were destroyed by the betrayals of fate.
٥. بَكى وَطَناً أَودَت بِسالفِ مَجدِهِ
حَوادث دَهرٍ مِن خَلائقهِ الغَدرُ
6. The south and the north attacked it
And did not stop until victory was made possible for them.
٦. أَغارَت عَلَيهِ مِن جَنوبٍ وَشَمأَلٍ
فَما برحت حَتّى أُتيحَ لَها النَصرُ
7. Alas! It is Egypt that suffered because of us
So woe to Egypt! What did Egypt suffer?
٧. أَلا إِنَّها مصرُ الَّتي شَقِيَت بِنا
فَيا وَيحَ مصرٍ ما الَّذي لَقِيَت مِصرُ
8. Its lost glory cannot be restored
By its sons, who have no glory or pride.
٨. مَضى عِزُّها المَسلوبُ ما يَستعيدُه
بَنُوها فَلا عِزٌّ لَديهم وَلا فَخرُ
9. They slept away from it, and their sleep was prolonged
I ransom you with my soul, arise, for dawn has risen!
٩. هُمُ رَقَدوا عَنها فَطالَ رُقادُهُم
فَديتكُمُ هُبُّوا فَقَد طَلعَ الفَجرُ
10. Do you not see that your affairs have been divided
By foreign hands? Make haste! Do you have any control?
١٠. أَلمّا تَروا أَن قَد تُقُسِّمَ أَمرُكُم
بَأَيدي الأُلى جَدّوا فَهل لكمُ أَمرُ
11. Is there no freeman among you who, if he calls
To reform, a freeman will respond to him?
١١. أَما فيكمُ حُرٌّ إِذا قامَ داعياً
إِلى صالحٍ أَوفى فجاوَبَهُ حُرُّ
12. Two honorable men, when invited to a glorious deed,
Will not cower, nor refrain when called to it.
١٢. كَريمان لَمّا يَجثُما عَن عَظيمةٍ
وَلا بهما إِذا يُدعوان لَها وَقرُ
13. Both are resolute and prudent,
Feared by frightening tribulations, but they do not know fear.
١٣. هُما هَضبَتا عَزمٍ وَحَزمٍ كِلاهُما
يَخافُهما الخَطبُ المَخُوفُ فَما يَعرو
14. They are the treasure of nations, if disaster befalls,
Leaving them helpless and deprived of treasure.
١٤. هُما الذُخرُ لِلأَوطانِ إِن جَلَّ حادِثٌ
فَضاقَت بِهِ ذَرعاً وَأَعوزَها الذُخرُ