1. My people, the harbinger of life is afraid,
So take the path of the diligent and walk.
١. قَومِي أَهابَ مِنَ الحياةِ بَشيرُ
فَخُذوا سَبيلَ العامِلين وَسِيروا
2. The matter is serious, so we have no excuse
If we sleep while the nations soar.
٢. الأمرُ جَدَّ فما لنا من عاذرٍ
إن نَحنُ نِمْنا والشُّعوبُ تطيرُ
3. The old is gone and a new era has come,
Unparalleled among passing eras.
٣. ذَهَب القَديمُ وجاء عصرٌ ماله
بين العُصورِ الذّاهباتِ نظيرُ
4. The jinn filled the earth, their veil is gone,
So after being hidden they now appear.
٤. الجِنُّ مِلءُ الأرضِ زَالَ حِجَابُهم
فَلَهُمْ بها بَعدَ الخَفاءِ ظهورُ
5. They are mysterious symbols that do not disappear,
From them drips dew, and in the clouds are eagles.
٥. هُمْ في العُبابِ أراقمٌ ما يَنْقَضِي
منها الدّبيبُ وفي السّحابِ نُسورُ
6. Oh people of mankind, if you do not rise up,
Then living is ignorance and life is vanity.
٦. إيهٍ شُعوبَ الإنس إن لم تنهضوا
فالعيشُ جَهلٌ والحياةُ غُرورُ
7. Why this stillness when every day there is a raging
Colossus in the earth of the nations rising up?
٧. فيمَ السُّكونُ وكلَّ يومٍ مَارِدٌ
في الأرضِ من أُممِ الحياةِ يَثورُ
8. Does the seriousness of the West persist rising
While the East is folded winged and fettered?
٨. أَيظلُّ جَدُّ الغَربِ يَدأبُ صَاعِداً
والشّرقُ مَطويُّ الجَناحِ كَسيرُ
9. We are its children, so it will not see us seeking
The religion of immobility, nor will it see us waning.
٩. إنّا بَنوهُ فَلن يَرانا نَبْتَغِي
دِينَ الجُمودِ ولن نَراهُ يَبورُ
10. The misguided lied, life is not for the immobile,
Life is events and affairs.
١٠. كَذَب المُضلَّلُ ما الحياةُ لِجَامدٍ
إنّ الحياةَ حَوادِثٌ وأُمورُ
11. What is the state of one who casts down his weapon, shunning
While around him the war, restless, turns?
١١. ما حالُ مَنْ يُلقِي السّلاحَ مُجانِباً
والحربُ ثائرةُ العَجاجِ تَدورُ
12. Oh children of Egypt! Look around you
And prepare, for tribulations are many.
١٢. إيهٍ بني مصرَ انْظُروا ما حولكم
وتأهَّبوا إنّ الخُطوبَ كثيرُ
13. Looking closely, all kingdoms
Are war, and all the worlds are in turmoil.
١٣. كلُّ الممالكِ إنْ تَأمّلَ ناظِرٌ
حَرْبٌ وكلُّ العالمينَ مُغيرُ
14. Every day disasters take flight,
And evils surge in the battle for survival.
١٤. في كلِّ يومٍ تَستطيرُ مصائبٌ
وتَموجُ في دُنيا الكِفاحِ شُرورُ
15. The right to survival belongs to those who protect their principles,
And death befits the subjugated and vile.
١٥. حقُّ البَقاءِ لِمَن يَصونُ ذِمارَهُ
والموتُ بالعانِي الذّليلِ جَديرُ
16. Do not be stingy with money, for it is for your glory,
A wall or fence when building.
١٦. لا تَبخلوا بِالمالِ فهوَ لِمجدِكم
عِند البِنايةِ حائطٌ أَو سورُ
17. The country's right called for its dues to be paid,
And money for the nation's right is trivial.
١٧. حقُّ البلادِ دَعَتْ تُريد أداءَه
والمالُ في حقِّ البلادِ يَسيرُ
18. What excuse do you have that your charity does not overflow
While the Nile, gushing charity, is abundant?
١٨. ما عُذْرُكم ألّا يَفيضَ عَطاؤُكم
والنّيلُ فيّاضُ العَطاءِ غزيرُ
19. No man claims destitution and poverty
While the palm of his hands can give.
١٩. لا يَدَّعِي الإملاقَ والفَقرَ امْرُؤٌ
كَزُّ اليَدَيْنِ فما بِمصرَ فقيرُ
20. If wants were given by those complaining of hunger,
I would swear his efforts are but embers.
٢٠. القوتُ لو يُعطيه مَن يشكو الطَّوى
لَحَلفتُ جَهْدي إنّه لَقَتورُ
21. No bestower of his soul to his nation
Was thrifty of praise and miserly.
٢١. ما جَادَ بَاذِلُ نفسِه لِبلادِه
وإنِ احْتَفَى مُثْنٍ ولَجَّ شَكُورُ
22. It is of its gifts, so if he is miserly of what
It bestowed upon him, he is truly ungrateful.
٢٢. هو من مَواهِبها فإنْ يَبْخَلْ بما
وَهَبتْ عليها إنّه لَكَفُورُ
23. Evil is the lad who pays the rights of his comrades
In adversities while his wealth lies demolished.
٢٣. بئس الفَتَى يقضِي الحُقوقَ رِفاقُه
في النّائباتِ وَمَالُه مَذحورُ
24. A man must not deny the favor of his country,
The country's favor upon men is great.
٢٤. لا يُنكرنَّ المرءُ فضلَ بِلادِه
فضلُ البلادِ على الرجالِ كبيرُ
25. They are for sacrifice, so they have no hesitation
If conscience proves true and feeling flows.
٢٥. هُم للفِداءِ فَما لَهمْ مُتزحزَحٌ
إنْ صَحَّ وِجدانٌ وبَرَّ شُعورُ
26. The most faithful of men in events is he who has
A heart filled with love of his country flourishing.
٢٦. أوفى الرّجالِ على الحوادثِ مَن له
قَلبٌ بِحُبّ بِلادِه مَعْمورُ
27. I am with my people, if an incident denies
Or a collective matter rises, I am proud.
٢٧. إنّي بقومي إن تنكّرَ حَادِثٌ
أو جَلَّ أمرٌ جَامِعٌ لَفخورُ
28. They burst the dams of modernity with might that
Time has slackened and not known slackness.
٢٨. صَدعوا قُوى الحِدْثانِ بالبأسِ الذي
فَتَر الزّمانُ وما عَراهُ فُتورُ
29. They surged, competing to the furthest extent
To shield it from clouds and build it castles.
٢٩. وتَدَفَّقُوا يَتَسابَقونَ إلى مَدىً
بالسُّحب عنه وبالبِحارِ قُصورُ
30. Thirst complained its thirst and it rained,
So a prince relented and a laborer began.
٣٠. شَكتِ الكِنانةُ ظِمْئَها واسْتَمطرتْ
فَهَمى أميرٌ واستهلّ أجيرُ
31. For whom are the treasures entrusted, their secrets
Beneath the soil, baskets and rocks?
٣١. لِمَنِ الكنوزُ اسْتُودِعتْ أَسْرارَها
تَحتَ التُّرابِ جَنادِلٌ وَصُخورُ
32. For jinn or science since they amassed,
A guard stands over them, alert.
٣٢. للجنِّ أو للعلمِ منذ تكدَّسَتْ
رَصَدٌ عليها قائمٌ وخفيرُ
33. They remained as in their first era and passed
Nations above them and eras.
٣٣. لَبِثَتْ كَأوّلِ عَهدِها وتقادمتْ
أُممٌ مَشَتْ مِن فَوقِها وعُصورُ
34. Oh land, were it not for the righteousness of our forefathers,
Those treasures would not be buried in graves.
٣٤. يا أرضُ لولا البِرُّ من آبائِنا
ما غَيّبَتْ تِلكَ الكنوزَ قُبورُ
35. Were they not saved for the day their awakening comes
In fateful times, serious and grave?
٣٥. هَلْ أُخِّرَتْ إلا لِيشهدَ بعثَها
يومٌ يَجيءُ به الزَّمانُ خَطيرُ
36. Give Egypt the trust, it is an awakening
For Egypt, beloved and a rebirth.
٣٦. أدِّى إلى مصرَ الأمانةَ إنّه
بَعثٌ لِمصرَ مُحبَّبٌ ونُشورُ
37. You are the treasure house of time and its doubts,
If hardships come or sorrows prove severe.
٣٧. أنتِ الخِزانَةُ للزّمانِ وَرَيْبهِ
إن حَلَّ صعبٌ أو ألَمَّ عَسيرُ
38. I saw the matter after its tribulations
Has reached its destiny, and matters have destiny.
٣٨. إنّي رأيتُ الأمرَ بعد مِطَالِه
بلغَ المصيرَ وللأُمورِ مَصيرُ
39. If nations had a choice, they would not have coveted
Anything less than our determination.
٣٩. لو كان لِلأُمَمِ الخِيارُ لما اشْتَفَتْ
منّا بما دونَ السِّماكِ صُدورُ
40. Of what use is the plotting of haters when
A destiny for Egypt and its people is ordained?
٤٠. ماذا احْتِيالُ النّاقِميِنَ وقد مَضَى
قَدَرٌ لِمصرَ وأَهلِها مَقدورُ
41. Has not what a people tasted of its sorrows been enough,
A people patient in the cycles of time?
٤١. أَوَ ما كَفَى ما ذَاقَ مِن آلامِه
شَعبٌ على نُوَبِ الزّمانِ صَبورُ
42. Oh my people, be diligent in events and work,
For diligence is true and helpful support.
٤٢. يا قومُ جِدُّوا في الحوادثِ واعْملوا
فالجِدُّ عَوْنٌ صادقٌ وظَهيرُ
43. May God protect your country and strengthen it,
A flag raised over its far reaches.
٤٣. حَفِظَ الإِلهُ بِلادَكم وأعزَّها
عَلَمٌ على أرجائها مَنشورُ
44. If you remember Egypt's independence, it is
A symbol indicating Egypt's independence.
٤٤. إن تذكروا اسْتقلالَ مِصرَ فإنَّه
رَمزٌ إلى اسْتِقلالِ مِصرَ يُشيرُ
45. To it belongs my high glory and the goodness of its shade,
And to it belongs my honest and well-known discourse.
٤٥. لي مجدُه العالي وَطِيبُ ظِلالهِ
وله بياني الصَّادقُ المأثورُ