
Egypt, you are life and death together

مصر أنت الحياة والموت طرا

1. Egypt, you are life and death together
For a martyr you struck down with your arrows

١. مِصرُ أَنتِ الحَياةُ وَالمَوتُ طُرّاً
لِشَهيدٍ رَمَيتِهُ بِسِهامِكْ

2. His soul went willingly to be with you
And fulfilled its purpose through your own

٢. ذَهَبَت نَفسُهُ لِنَفسِكِ زُلفى
وَتَقضَّى مَرامُهُ في مَرامِكْ

3. What right takes precedence over your rights?
What reins are held before your reins?

٣. أَيُّ حَقٍّ مِن قَبلِ حَقِّكِ يُقضى
وَذِمامٍ يُصانُ قَبلَ ذِمامِكْ

4. God bless your children, and happiness to
The fortunate one who serves among your faithful

٤. باركَ اللَهُ في بَنيكِ وَطوبى
لِسَعيدٍ يَكونُ مِن خُدّامِكْ

5. The blessing of life comes to me from your hands
And the beauty of life from your favors

٥. نِعمَة العَيشِ مِن أَياديكِ عِندي
وَجَمالُ الحَياةِ مِن إِنعامِكْ

6. If we were to sacrifice ourselves for your sake
We could not fulfill even a little of what you deserve

٦. لَو بَذَلنا النُفوسَ فيكِ كِباراً
ما قَضَينا القَليلَ مِن إِكرامِكْ

7. God refined my speech and granted me
The eloquent, faithful pen that is mine

٧. هَذَّبَ اللَهُ مَنطِقي وَحباني
بِالصَفِيِّ الوَفِيِّ مِن أَقلامِكْ

8. A pen that bears events
Just as you bear suffering and pain

٨. قَلَمٌ تَحمِلُ الحَوادِثُ مِنهُ
مِثلَ ما تَحمِلينَ مِن آلامِكْ

9. It left nothing of her greetings but what
The raids of her soldiers stole from your greetings

٩. لَم يَدَع مِن سَلامِها غَيرَ ما أَب
قَت إِغاراتُ جُندِها مِن سَلامِكْ

10. No sign of any kingdom ever rose as high
Nor can any standard rival yours

١٠. لا سَمَت في الوُجودِ أَعلامُ مُلكٍ
أَو يَكونَ السِماكُ مِن أَعلامِكْ