
Your love, your love, while the world has concerns,

هواك هواك والدنيا شؤون

1. Your love, your love, while the world has concerns,
And for young men, a time of tranquility.

١. هَواكِ هَواكِ وَالدُنيا شُؤونُ
وَلِلصَبَواتِ آوِنَةً سُكونُ

2. Events and nights disturb me,
While your love is protected from their turmoil.

٢. تُقَلِّبُني الحَوادِثُ وَاللَيالي
وَحُبُّكِ عَن تَقَلُّبِها مَصونُ

3. You thought that my tears had flowed for another,
And that yearning and sorrow had calmed.

٣. ظَنَنتِ سِواهُ أَن نَزَحَت دُموعي
وَأَن هَدَأَ التَشَوُّقُ وَالحَنينُ

4. Patience - the most wretched love is a love
That suspicion has crept into its sides.

٤. رُوَيدَكَ إِنَّ أَشقى الحُبِّ حُبٌّ
تَمَشَّت في جَوانِبِهِ الظُنونُ

5. Before me, sleeplessness had wearied a people,
Yet neither hearts nor eyes grew tired.

٥. وَقَبلي أَعيَتِ البُرحاءُ قَوماً
فَما وَفَتِ القُلوبُ وَلا العُيونُ

6. If I consulted my mind about you,
A sensible intellect would unveil my confusion.

٦. وَإِنَّي لَو أُشاوِرُ فيكِ رَأيي
لَكَشَّفَ غَمرَتي عَقلٌ رَصينُ

7. It finds nothing binding passions
Except a love on which sturdy honor is built.

٧. يَجُدُّ عَلائِقَ الأَهواءِ إِلّا
هَوىً يُبنى بِهِ الشَرَفُ المَكينُ

8. And what prevents me is sought by a soul
That cares not if events do not care.

٨. وَيَمنَعُني الَّذي تَبغينَ نَفسٌ
تَهونُ الحادِثاتُ وَلا تَهونُ

9. Knowledge and refined lineage raised it,
And morals that are precious wealth.

٩. نَماها العِلمُ وَالحَسبُ المُصَفّى
وَأَخلاقٌ هِيَ الذُخرُ الثَمينُ

10. The free man has naught, if fates are counted,
Save his morals in them to aid him.

١٠. وَما لِلحُرِّ إِن عَددَتِ العَوادي
سِوى أَخلاقِهِ فيها مُعينُ

11. If morals do not prevent their folk
Fortresses and castles make him permitted.

١١. إِذا الأَخلاقُ لَم تَمنَع أَخاها
أَباحَتهُ المَعاقِلُ وَالحُصونُ

12. You are his life, precious Nile,
And you are the pillar of his kingdom.

١٢. عَزيزَ النيلِ أَنتَ لَهُ حَياةٌ
وَأَنتَ لِمُلكِهِ الرُكنُ الرَكينُ

13. You turn back the wonders of events from him,
Fears that are humbled and submit.

١٣. تَرُدُّ رَوائِعَ الحِدثانِ عَنهُ
مَهولاتٍ تَذِلُّ وَتَستَكينُ

14. If Egypt’s wishes go astray one day,
A clear light from you guides them.

١٤. إِذا حادَت أَماني مِصرَ يَوماً
هَداها مِنكَ نورٌ مُستَبينُ

15. And if its positions waver in the nights,
Certainty ignites from your crown.

١٥. وَإِن رابَت مَواقِفَها اللَيالي
فَمِن تاجيكَ يَنبَلِجُ اليَقينُ

16. Light the path of life for us, for we
Were led astray by darkness and glooms.

١٦. أَضِئ نَهجَ الحَياةِ لَنا فَإِنّا
أَضَلَّتنا الغَياهِبُ وَالدُجونُ

17. Counsel every free and noble mind
Who has lineage and faith among his people.

١٧. وَوالِ مِنَ النَوابِغِ كُلَّ حُرٍّ
لَهُ في قَومِهِ حَسَبٌ وَدينُ

18. He consults you, never failing to advise,
Nor wronging you with what he betrays.

١٨. تُشاوِرُهُ فَما يَألوكَ نُصحاً
وَلا يَجني عَلَيكَ بِما يَخونُ

19. Does the royal palace rise high
When its edges are inclined by branches?

١٩. أَتَملِكُ دَوحَةُ المُلكِ اِرتِفاعاً
إِذا مالَت حِفافَيها الغُصونُ

20. Ask history and see what it has prepared
For you, nations and centuries.

٢٠. سَلِ التاريخَ وَاِنظُر ما أَعَدَّت
لَكَ الأُمَمُ الخَوالي وَالقُرونُ

21. Lessons of fate and eras among them
Are in Baghdad and Andalusia's arts.

٢١. عِظاتُ الدَهرِ وَالأَجيالِ مِنها
بِبَغدادٍ وَأَندَلُسٍ فُنونُ

22. The scholars went astray, so morals were chaos -
Savages that neither herded nor gentled.

٢٢. غَوى العُلَماءُ فَالأَخلاقُ فَوضى
جَوامِحُ ما تَريعُ وَما تَلينُ

23. We walk in fearful blindness,
Death lurking in its sides.

٢٣. نَسيرُ مِنَ العِمايَةِ في مَخوفٍ
تَرامى في جَوانِبِهِ المَنونُ

24. I saw the people and proverbs gathered
On what was the state of its owner.

٢٤. رَأَيتُ الشَعبَ وَالأَمثالُ جَمٌّ
عَلى ما كانَ مالِكُهُ يَكونُ

25. Kingdoms are not kept for vanities
That are steered by depravity and immorality.

٢٥. وَما تَبَقى المَمالِكُ لاهِياتٍ
تُصَرِّفُها الخَلاعَةُ وَالمُجونُ

26. When the righteous ones go astray, there is no guide,
And if the shepherds betray, there is no trustee.

٢٦. إِذا غَوَتِ الهُداةُ فَلا رَشيدٌ
وَإِن خانَ الرُعاةُ فَلا أَمينُ

27. Most wondrous is a starved people I see
Shepherded by a fat shepherd.

٢٧. وَأَعجَبُ ما أَرى شَعبٌ نَحيفٌ
يَسوسُ قَطيعَهُ راعٍ بَدينُ

28. Their ignorance lost the East,
And an endemic disease destroyed it.

٢٨. أَضاعَ الشَرقَ أَهلوهُ وَأَودى
بِهِ مِن جَهلِهِم داءٌ دَفينُ

29. Obeying desires made weak souls among them
That took prohibitions lightly.

٢٩. أَذَلَّت طاعَةُ الأَهواءِ مِنهُم
نُفوساً بِالزَواجِرِ تَستَهينُ

30. They were as conquering lions in glory,
So glory was lost and the den was plundered.

٣٠. وَكانوا كَالأُسودِ الغُلبِ عِزّاً
فَضاعَ العِزُّ وَاِستُلِبَ العَرينُ

31. When a community's passion conquers it,
I guarantee it a destroyed life.

٣١. إذا ما أُمَّةٌ غَلَبَت هَواها
فَإِنّي بِالحَياةِ لَها ضَمينُ

32. Precious Nile, hopes are thirsty,
Twisting in yearning, and you are the plentiful water.

٣٢. عَزيزَ النيلِ وَالآمالُ ظَمأى
تَلوبُ وَعِندَكَ الماءُ المَعينُ

33. The horizons prepared wholesome things for it,
Free of turbidity and mire.

٣٣. أَعَدَّ لَها المَشارِقُ صالِحاتٍ
يُجانِبُ صَفوَها كَدَرٌ وَطينُ

34. The young rejoiced at the spectacle they saw,
While the elders bore misfortunes and adversities.

٣٤. فَرِحَ الصِغارُ لِما رَأَو مِن مَنظَرٍ
حَمَلَ المَصائِبَ وَالخُطوبَ كِبارا

35. I see the elders of the people, if ignorant of what
Events are folded over, as small.

٣٥. وَأَرى كِبارَ الناسِ إِن جَهلوا الَّذي
تُطوى عَلَيهِ الحادِثاتُ صِغارا

36. If they laugh amid processions sometimes,
I have wept over the countries again and again.

٣٦. إِن يَضحَكوا بَينَ المَواكِبِ مَرَّةً
فَلَقَد بَكَيتُ عَلى البِلادِ مِرارا

37. Each day they appoint for its people
A king who humiliates their necks tyrannically.

٣٧. في كُلِّ يَومٍ يَخلِقونَ لِأَهلِها
مَلِكاً يُذِلُّ رِقابَهُم جَبّارا

38. The governors ridiculed us, so they went a way
That filled us with shame and spilled disgrace.

٣٨. سَخِرَ الوُلاةُ بِنا فَساروا سيرَةً
مَلَأَت لَنا خِزياً وَفاضَت عارا

39. O people of the Nile, what can you want
When fate cracked your kingdom, so it faded?

٣٩. يا بَني النيلِ ما عَسى أَن تُريدوا
صَدَعَ الدَهرُ مُلكَكُم فَاِضمَحَلّا

40. Most people are most ignorant
Of kingdoms - who sees the ignorant as worthy of rule?

٤٠. أَكثَرُ الناسِ بِالمَمالِكِ جَهلاً
مَن يَرى الجاهِلينَ لِلمُلكِ أَهلا

41. The most deserving people of glory are a people
Who lived free in their land, independent.

٤١. وَأَحَقُّ الشعوبِ بِالمَجدِ شَعبٌ
عاشَ حُرّاً في أَرضِهِ مُستَقِلّا

42. Fill the land with effort, O people of the Nile,
And immerse the two worlds in knowledge and merit.

٤٢. املَأوا الأَرضَ يا بَني النيلِ سَعياً
وَاِغمُروا العالَمينَ عِلماً وَفَضلا

43. You take misleading desire as religion
And count the invalid as occupation.

٤٣. تَجعَلونَ الهَوى المُضَلِّلَ ديناً
وَتَعُدّونَ باطِلَ الأَمرِ شُغلا

44. Did you reckon war of nights as peace
And think oppression of events as justice?

٤٤. أَحَسِبتُم حَربَ اللَيالي سَلاماً
وَظَنَنتُم ظُلمَ الحَوادِثِ عَدلا

45. Follow truth zealously and stubbornly with my head -
Sufficient for you is the jesting of past times.

٤٥. اتبَعوا الجِدَّ وَاِعصِبوها بِرَأسي
حَسبُكُم ما مَضى مِنَ الدَهرِ هَزلا

46. With the Nile is a flood that goes on,
And I see each flood unfold.

٤٦. إِنَّ بِالنيلِ غَمرَةً تَتَمادى
وَأَرى كُلَّ غَمرَةٍ تَتَجَلّى