
Revive hope and renew aspiration

أعد الرجاء وجدد الأملا

1. Revive hope and renew aspiration
And establish for us exemplars among our people

١. أعِدِ الرَّجاءَ وجَدِّدِ الأَمَلا
وأَقِمْ لَنا مِن قَومِنا المُثُلا

2. And unite upon the religion of guidance the nations
The guides are gone so the paths have branched off

٢. وَاجْمَعْ على دينِ الهُدَى أُممَاً
غَابَ الهُداةُ فَضَلَّتِ السُبُلا

3. They busied themselves with idols and took
The religion of blindness as a replacement for their religion

٣. عَكَفَتْ عَلَى الأصنْامِ واتَّخذَتْ
دينَ العَمَى من دينها بَدَلا

4. The minds of the disobedient ruled them so they fell
And they disobeyed the rational advisors

٤. مَلَك الغُواةُ عُقولَها فهَوَتْ
وَعَصَتْ مِنَ النُّصَحاءِ من عَقَلا

5. They were vexed by them and destroyed by
What their wanton one said and what he did

٥. ضاقتْ بهم ذَرْعاً وأَهْلَكها
مَا قَالَ فَاسِقُها وَمَا فَعَلا

6. Nations that ignorance shadows kills
So they increase in ignorance each time they are killed

٦. أُمَمٌ يَظَلُّ الجَهْلُ يَقْتُلُها
فَتزيدُ جَهْلاً كُلّما قَتلا

7. The doctor despaired and sadly went
To discard knowledge and reject remedies

٧. حَارَ الطَّبِيبُ ورَاحَ مِن أَسَفٍ
يُلقِي العُلومَ ويَنبذُ الحِيَلا

8. He brought them medicine but they liked
To carry diseases and ailments

٨. حَمَلَ الدَّواءَ لَها فَأَعْجَبَها
أن تَحمِلَ الأَدواءَ والعِلَلا

9. What should the people do if they worshipped
Their whims, should they worship nonsense

٩. مَاذَا عَلى الأقْوامِ إذْ عَبَدُوا
أَهْواءَهم أنْ يَعبُدوا الهُبلا

10. What sufferings does the East endure from tribulations
That erase peoples and raze states

١٠. ماذا يُعاني الشّرقُ من مِحَنٍ
تَمحو الشُّعوبَ وتَمْسَحُ الدُّوَلا

11. Oh what a pity for the people if they are destroyed
Do they have any strategy for their affair?

١١. يا وَيْلَتا لِلقَومِ إن هَلَكوا
هَلْ يَملِكوَن لأمرِهمْ حِوَلا

12. Woe to the lover of religion from a man
Who did not live up to the exemplary man

١٢. إيهٍ مُحبَّ الدّينِ مِن رَجُلٍ
مَا جَازَه مَن يَنْشُدُ الرَّجُلا

13. You kept your love far from its corruption
A world that increases the confusion of its lover

١٣. نَزَّهتَ حُبَّكَ عَن مفاسِدِها
دُنيا تَزِيدُ مُحِبَّها خَبَلا

14. And you stuck to your Lord, not leaving Him
Seeking the despicable and following obscenities

١٤. ولَزْمتَ رَبَّكَ لا تُفارِقُه
تَبغِي الخَسيسَ وَتَتْبعُ الهَمَلا

15. He gave you from His satisfaction a pen
That did not sleep from truth or forget

١٥. أَعطاكَ مِن رضِوانِه قَلماً
ما نامَ عَن حقٍّ ولا غَفَلا

16. If not for it placating his zeal
When carnage flares up it would have ignited

١٦. لولا تُسَكِّنُ مِن حَمِيَّتهِ
عِندَ احْتِدامِ البأسِ لاشْتَعلا

17. Love through it an intrepid hero
Who never stopped accompanying a splendid hero

١٧. أَحْبِبْ بِه مِن مَاجدٍ بَطلٍ
ما انْفَكَّ يَصْحَبُ مَاجِداً بَطَلا

18. He only chose seriousness to make it
His confidant if the pen of a man is foolishness

١٨. ما اختار إلا الجِدَّ يَجْعَلُه
نَجواهُ إن قَلمُ امرئٍ هَزَلا

19. A language whose reader converses with God
During his opening and speaks to the messengers

١٩. لُغةٌ يُناجي اللهَ قَارِئُها
في فتحهِ وَيُحادثُ الرُّسُلا

20. Oh Fatah increase us in wisdom and guidance
We fear deviation and pitfalls

٢٠. يا فَتحُ زِدْنَا حِكمةً وَهُدىً
إنّا نَخافُ الزَّيْغَ وَالزَّلَلا

21. Clarify for us the ways of the enlightened ones who were guided
And strike with the sword of God whoever swerved

٢١. بَيِّنْ لنا سُبْلَ الأُلىَ رَشَدُوا
وَاضْرِبْ بِسَيْفِ الله مَن عَدَلا

22. And illuminate our world that became turbid
With an uninterrupted light across the days

٢٢. واسْطَعْ بِدُنْيانا التي اعْتكَرَتْ
نُوراً على الأيّامِ مُتَّصِلا

23. Oh Fatah say it unambiguously
Have you not seen the momentous events

٢٣. يا فتحُ قُلْها غَيْرَ كَاذبةٍ
أفَمَا رَأيتَ الحادِثَ الجَلَلا

24. A blind man leading the people in a country
A blind man esteeming whoever is ignorant

٢٤. أعَمْىَ يَقودُ النَّاسَ في بَلَدٍ
أَعْمَى يُعظِّمُ قَدْرَ مَن جَهِلا

25. No one who takes on the truth aids him
And protects his egg like one who betrayed

٢٥. ما مَنْ تَولَّى الحقَّ يَنصرُهُ
ويَصُونُ بَيْضَتَهُ كمن خَذَلا