
For how pleasant is this abode and how noble this refuge

هنا يا سراة الأزد حطوا رحالكم

1. For how pleasant is this abode and how noble this refuge
For whoever hopes to succeed and gain

١. هُنا يا سَراةَ الأَزْدِ حُطُّوا رِحالَكُمْ
فما أطيبَ المثوَى وما أشرفَ الحِمَى

2. Seeks other than it, a home or encampment
Come now, O son of Abdullah, focus your eyes and kindle

٢. هنا البِرُّ والتَّقوى هُنا الخيرُ كُلُّه
لِمَنْ كانَ يرجو أن يفوزَ وَيغنما

3. From the light that illuminates what was dark to them
God has guided you, you are a seer

٣. هُنا المنزلُ الميمونُ ما من مُوَفَّقٍ
يُريدُ سِواهُ مَنزلاً أو مُخَيَّما

4. The best of all people in the world altogether
Your Lord has guided you with it, His creation perceiving

٤. أجِلْ يا ابنَ عبدِ اللهِ عينَيْكَ واقْتَبِسْ
مِنَ النُّورِ ما يَجلو الغياهِبَ عنهما

5. So He has granted with it a clear light and blessed
And entrusted you leadership of the people, pressing onward

٥. تبيَّنْ هَداكَ الله إنّك ناظرٌ
أجلَّ بني الدُّنيا جميعاً وأعظما

6. With the men who come after, though blind
Jarash complained of the length of the siege, but not

٦. هَداكم به رَبٌّ تَدراكَ خَلْقَهُ
فجادَ به نُوراً مُبيناً وأنْعَما

7. Did your resolves complain, which God has targeted who He targeted
You returned intending trickery, so the illusion

٧. وولاكَ أمرَ القومِ تمضِي مُجاهداً
بهم مَنْ يَلِيهم من رجالٍ ذَوِي عَمَى

8. Of harm perturbed its builder, who imagined
Sakhr saw in their talk and your affliction

٨. شَكَتْ جَرَشٌ طولَ الحِصَارِ وما اشْتَكَتْ
لكم هِمَمٌ يرمِي بها اللَّهُ مَن رَمَى

9. Scenes that shook him, so he greeted and surrendered
Were you as they supposed, fearing their might?

٩. رجعتم تُريدونَ المكيدةَ فَاعْتَرى
أذى الوهمِ من عُمَّارِها من تَوهّما

10. Should it not suffice them to mock the sword and blood?
They are God's sacrifices, gone astray, so what can they do

١٠. رأى شَكَرٌ من خطبِهم وبلائِكُمْ
مشاهِدَ هَزَّتْهُ فحيَّا وسَلّما

11. Except meet the slaughter, an unavoidable decree?
Thus spoke the truthful one, the righteous, he

١١. أكنتم كما ظنّوا تخافونَ بأسَهُمْ
ألم يَكْفِهِمْ أن يُضحِكوا السَّيْفَ والدَّما

12. Will meet what he meets of inspired words
Were they a tale about the two messengers, told

١٢. هُمُ البُدْنُ بُدْنُ اللهِ ضَلَّتْ فمالها
سِوَى النَّحرِ تَلْقاهُ قضاءً مُحَتَّما

13. To their people, or were they a defiant army?
The two warned them, so they desisted their misguidance

١٣. كذلك قال الصادِقُ البَرُّ إنّه
لَيُلْقِي الذي يُلْقِي من القولِ مُلْهمَا

14. And said, "A messenger has come with upright religion."
And God's light filled their dwellings

١٤. أكانَ حديثاً للرسولَيْنِ ساقه
لقومهما أم كان جَيْشاً عَرَمْرما

15. Illuminating what was dark before

١٥. هُما نبّآهم فَارْعَوَوْا عن ضلالِهم
وقالوا رسولٌ جاءَ بالدِّينِ قيِّما

١٦. وأصبح نورُ اللهِ مِلءَ ديارِهم
يُضِيءُ لهم ما كانَ من قبلُ مُظْلِما