
They refused to sit while the army was being sacrificed,

أبوا أن يقعدوا والجيش يزجى

1. They refused to sit while the army was being sacrificed,
So its launch was nearing,

١. أَبَوْا أن يقعدوا والجيشُ يُزجَى
فَيُوشِكُ أن يكونَ له انْطِلاقُ

2. And they had nothing but the Quran being recited.
No horses or camels were being led.

٢. وليس لهم سِوَى القُرآنِ يُتلَى
فلا خَيْلٌ ولا إبلٌ تُساقُ

3. So they sought refuge in the Prophet and implored him
To carry them, but he was too troubled and they were restricted.

٣. فَلاذوا بالنبيِّ وناشدُوه
لِيَحْمِلَهُمْ فَضاقَ بهم وضاقوا

4. They turned away with tears flowing down their cheeks,
Tears filling their eyes and dripping down.

٤. تَوَلَّوْا تَسْتَهِلُّ على لِحاهُمْ
دُموعٌ مِلءَ أعينهِم تُراقُ

5. Do they lack the horses during the march
While the caravan precedes them to God?

٥. أتُعْوِزُهُمْ لَدَى الزَّحفِ المطايا
ويَسْبِقُهم إلى اللهِ الرِّفاقُ

6. So a group of fighters cast them off,
Shooting them with incessant arrows.

٦. فَرَقَّ لهم من الغازِينَ قَومٌ
رُمُوا مِنهم بخطبٍ لا يُطاقُ

7. And they brought the she-camels, so they got rest
From the depressing worries and regained consciousness.

٧. وَجَاءَوا بالرَّواحِلِ فاستراحوا
مِنَ الهمِّ المُبرِّحِ واسْتفاقوا

8. Can one guided by faith and piety
Be like one misled by deceit or hypocrisy?

٨. أمَنْ يَهديهِ إيمانُ وَتَقْوىً
كمن يُردِيه غِشٌّ أو نِفاقُ