
O you who feed the army, you satiated the swords with blood

يا مطعم الجيش أشبعت السيوف دما

1. O you who feed the army, you satiated the swords with blood
Without you, they would never be full or satisfied

١. يا مُطعِمَ الجيشِ أشبعتَ السُّيوفَ دَما
لولاكَ ما شَبعتْ يَوماً ولا طَعِما

2. You are life itself, flowing in every path
Covering the masses, covering the sharp and unyielding swords

٢. أنتَ الحياةُ جَرَتْ في كلِّ مُنطَلقٍ
تَغشَى الكميَّ وتغشى الصَّارِمَ الخَذِما

3. Generosity continues endlessly, neither stinginess nor boredom
The religion of chivalry refuses stinginess and boredom

٣. تَتابع الجودُ لا بُخلٌ ولا سَأَمٌ
دِينُ المروءةِ يأبى البُخلَ والسَّأما

4. The Muslims are a hand of God, working
Its fingers advancing steadfastly in their task

٤. المسلمونَ يَدٌ للَّهِ عَامِلَةٌ
تَمضِي أصابعُها في شأنِها قُدُما

5. No finger complains of weakness to another
Nor differs when it feels pain

٥. لا تشتكِي إصبعٌ من إصبعٍ وَهَنَاً
ولا تُغايِرُها إذ تَشتكِي الألما

6. O Saad, you fulfilled your duty to God from the harvest
Had it been gold, you would not have increased it in glory

٦. يا سعد أدَّيتَ حقَّ اللَّهِ من ثَمَرٍ
لو كانَ من ذَهَبٍ ما زِدْتَه عِظَما

7. Thus good is to be seized when one is called
Lest it be plundered among the people by the plunderers

٧. كذلك الخيرُ يُدعَى المُرءُ مُغتَنماً
إن راحَ يَنْهَبُه في القومِ مُغْتَنِما

8. Your palm trees increased you, O Saad ibn Saa'dah
In bounty, and increased over their likes in generosity

٨. زَادَتْكَ نَخْلُكَ يا سعدُ بن ساعدةٍ
فَضلاً وزادَتْ على أمثالِها كرما

9. This was seized by the hands of the people as spoils
But God records - so look, do you see the Pen?

٩. هذا جَنَاهَا بأيدِي القومِ مُنْتَهَبٌ
واللَّهُ يكتبُ فَانْظُرْ هل تَرَى القَلَمَا

10. He counted it, O Saad, then multiplied it
You cannot count it until you count all the nations

١٠. أحْصَاه يا سعدُ عَدّاً ثم ضَاعَفَهُ
فلستَ تُحْصِيهِ حَتّى تُحْصِيَ الأُمَما

11. Repel Uyaynah and restrain the ignorance of his companion
Though the talk is the talk of time, had they but known

١١. ادفع عُيينةَ واردعْ جهلَ صاحِبِهِ
إنّ الحديثَ حديثُ الدّهرِ لو عَلِما

12. The dates of Medina, there is no bargaining over them
Nor does the sword turn back from them, terrified and confused

١٢. تَمْرُ المدينةِ ما فيه مُسَاوَمَةٌ
أو يَرْجِعَ السَّيْفُ عنه مُترَعاً بَشِما

13. The food of every volunteer is for God
He does not sheathe his sword from those who worship idols

١٣. طَعَامُ كلِّ فَتىً للَّهِ مُنتَدَبٍ
لا يغمدُ السَّيْف عَمَّنْ يُطعِمُ الصَّنما

14. You prevented him and helped God during (the Battle of) Hamra
Against the confederacy of polytheists who reject him as judge

١٤. مَنَعْتَهُ ونصرتَ اللَّهَ في هَمَلٍ
من عُصبةِ الشِّركِ لا يَرْضَوْنَهُ حَكَما

15. And you protected it as a sign of truth that you preserve
One who does not preserve knowledge cannot preserve honor

١٥. وَصُنْتَهُ عَلَماً للحقِّ تَحفظُهُ
لا يحفظُ العِرضَ مَن لا يحفظُ العَلَمَا

16. What can people do if their sanctities are lost?
And what if the earth does not carry its burdens?

١٦. ما يَصنَعُ النَّاسُ إن ضاعتْ مَحارِمُهم
وما على الأرضِ أن لا تحمل الرِمَما

17. Did you not, on the day of Badr, attack with the horses, rushing
Into the fires of battle, burning with determination?

١٧. ألم تُهِبْ يوم بَدرٍ بالأُلَى نفروا
للحربِ يَصْلَونَ من نيرانِها ضَرَما

18. O people! The multitudes of disbelief are gathering
So where will the religion of God go if defeated?

١٨. يا قومُ إنّ جُموعَ الكُفرِ حاشدةٌ
فأين يذهبُ دِينُ اللَّهِ إن هُزِما

19. If no one spends the night imploring against the evil they plotted
Then none of us will survive or be safe

١٩. إن لم يَبِتْ ناجياً من سوءِ ما اعْتَزَمُوا
فلا نَجَا أحدٌ منّا ولا سَلِما

20. O you who roused the scattered people from their resting places
Why do you falter in pursuing them?

٢٠. يا باعِثَ القومِ شَتَّى من مَجَاثِمهم
ما بالُ عَزْمِكَ في آثارِهِم جَثَما

21. You threw down your weapon in dislike
And went about suffering worry and illness

٢١. من حَيَّةِ السُّوءِ أَلقَيتَ السِّلاحَ على
كُرْهٍ وَرُحْتَ تُعانِي الهمَّ والسَّقَمَا

22. You were eager for it, glorious occurrence
You left no remnant for disbelief of its masses

٢٢. كُنتَ الحريصَ عليها وَقْعَةً جَلَلاً
لم تُبقِ للكُفرِ مِن آطامِهِ أُطُمَا

23. Thus said the Messenger of God, and from you
The witnesses were delighted - you did not waver

٢٣. كذاكَ قالَ رسولُ اللَّهِ فابتهجتْ
مِنكَ المَشاهِدُ لم تنقِلْ لها قَدَمَا

24. He gave you your share, rewarding the intention that proved true
The Law of God does not show bias or wrong anyone

٢٤. أَعطَاكَ سَهْمَكَ يَجزِي نِيَّةً صَدَقَتْ
شَرِيعةُ اللَّهِ ما حابَى ولا ظَلَمَا