1. We build and the hands of ignorance constantly demolish
So who will build for us without demolishing?
١. نَبني وَتَهدِمُ أَيدي الجَهلِ دائِبَةً
فَمَن لَنا بِبِناءٍ غَيرِ مُنهَدِمِ
2. Oh woe to Egypt! Will you not stop being rebellious
For every grave misfortune or sweeping calamity?
٢. يا وَيحَ مِصرَ أَما تَنفَكُّ ثائِرَةً
لِحادِثٍ جَلَلٍ أَو نَكبَةٍ عَمَمِ
3. Oh nation of Copts, generations bear witness
To what we and you have of honest covenants
٣. يا أُمَّةَ القبطِ وَالأَجيالُ شاهِدَةٌ
بِما لَنا وَلَكُم مِن صادِقِ الذِمَمِ
4. These are our positions in life speaking
So ask them to absolve us of accusations
٤. هَذي مَواقِفُنا في الدَهرِ ناطِقَةٌ
فَاِستَنبِئوها تُريحونا مِنَ التُهَمِ
5. If there is disagreement amongst you in the matter
For us today we have none but God as judge
٥. إِن يَختَلِف مِنكُمو في الأمرِ مُختَلِفٌ
فَما لَنا اليَومَ غَيرُ اللَهِ مِن حَكَمِ
6. Do not wrong religion, for religion commands us
With what you know of morals and decency
٦. لا تَظلِموا الدينَ إِنَّ الدينَ يَأَمرُنا
بِما عَلِمتُم مِنَ الأَخلاقِ وَالشِيَمِ
7. Among us and you are men with no restraint
Who do not shy from religions or sanctuaries
٧. مِنّا وَمِنكُم رِجالٌ لا حُلومَ لَهُم
وَلا يَفيئونَ لِلأَديانِ وَالحُرَمِ
8. You are to us brothers, nothing separates us
From you despite the hardship of fates and fortunes
٨. أَنتُم لَنا إِخوَةٌ لا شَيءَ يُبعِدُنا
عَنكُم عَلى عَنَتِ الأَقدارِ وَالقِسَمِ
9. Obstinacy with cities is not our desire
Nor is discord our glory except for regret
٩. لَيسَ اللجاجُ بِمُدنٍ مِن رَغائِبِنا
وَلا الشقاقُ بِمُجدينا سِوى النَدَمِ
10. Oh woe to Egypt for descendants without stability
Except to wreak havoc on nations and peoples
١٠. يا وَيحَ مِصرَ لِخُلفٍ لا رُكودَ لَهُ
إِلّا لِيَعصِفَ بِالأَقطارِ وَالأُمَمِ
11. Like volcanoes in both eras, never calming
Except to spew fire and embers
١١. مِثلُ البَراكينِ في الحالَينِ ما هَدَأَت
إِلّا لِتَقذِفَ بِالنيرانِ وَالحِمَمِ
12. If its people reconciled, nothing would remain
Of need in the conscience of the Nile and the Pyramids
١٢. وَلَو تَآلَفَ أَهلوها لَما بَقِيَت
مِن حاجَةٍ في ضَميرِ النيلِ وَالهَرَمِ
13. Oh people what good is discord? So concur
And rectify your affairs with wisdom to straighten
١٣. يا قَومِ ماذا يُفيدُ الخُلفُ فَاِتَّفقوا
وَقَوِّموا أَمرَكُم بِالحَزمِ يَستَقِمِ
14. Safeguard the covenants and become a nation that
Knew the meaning of life, neither did injustice nor wrong
١٤. صونوا العُهودَ وَكونوا أُمَّةً عَرَفَت
مَعنى الحَياةِ فَلَم تَعسِف وَلَم تَهِمِ
15. Oh people, do not neglect that the enemy has
An eye that watches for your feet to slip
١٥. يا قَومِ لا تَغفَلوا إِنَّ العَدُوَّ لَهُ
عَينٌ تُراقِبُ مِنكُم زَلَّةَ القَدَمِ