
The oppressors want, but we refuse

يريد الغاصبون ونحن نأبى

1. The oppressors want, but we refuse
And God denies that from intention

١. يُريدُ الغاصِبونَ وَنَحنُ نَأبى
وَيَأَبى اللَهُ ذَلِكَ مِن مُرادِ

2. They stood between us for a long time
During which they blamed us with heavy guilt

٢. أَقاموا بَينَنا دَهراً طَويلاً
رَمونا فيهِ بِالنُوَبِ الشِدادِ

3. For them in injustice traces will remain
Its features until the day of calling

٣. لَهُم في الظُلمِ آثارٌ سَتَبقى
مَعالِمُها إِلى يَومِ التَنادِ

4. They persisted in it and took it as a religion
And the worst injustice is the injustice of the obstinate

٤. تَمادَوا فيهِ وَاِتَّخَذوهُ ديناً
وَشَرُّ الظُلمِ ظَلمُ ذَوي التَمادي

5. Oh children of discrimination, you have no place
So depart hastily from the countries

٥. بَني التاميزِ لَيسَ لَكُم مُقامٌ
فَزولوا مُسرِعينَ عَنِ البِلادِ

6. Leave us, O children of discrimination, we
Are tired of living in long mourning

٦. دَعونا يا بَني التاميزَ إِنّا
مَلَلنا العَيشَ مِن طولِ الحِدادِ

7. Does the misfortunes depress us every day
And the wailers frighten us in every call

٧. أَتُفجِعُنا المَآتِمُ كُلَّ يَومٍ
وَتُفزِعُنا النُعاةُ بِكُلِّ نادِ

8. We walk in politics in darkness
That covers every horizon in blackness

٨. نَسيرُ مِنَ السِياسَةِ في ظَلامٍ
يُجَلبِبُ كُلَّ أُفقٍ بِالسَوادِ

9. Oh children of discrimination, where is the light that guides
Souls that have no guide in Egypt

٩. بَني التاميزَ أَينَ النورُ يَهدي
نُفوساً ما لَها في مِصرَ هادِ

10. You claimed that your plan is reform
And that we want nothing but corruption

١٠. زَعَمتُم أَنَّ خُطَّتَكُم صَلاحٌ
وَأَنّا لا نُريدُ سِوى الفَسادِ

11. And you came with protection and it is more harmful
And ominous than what we fear from caprices

١١. وَجِئتُم بِالحِمايَةِ وَهيَ أَدهى
وَأَشأَمُ ما نَخافُ مِنَ العَوادي

12. Oh children of Egypt, and evil is the fate of Egypt
If you do not hear the voice of the caller

١٢. بَني مِصرٍ وَبِئسَ مَآلُ مِصرٍ
إِذا لَم تَسمَعوا صَوتَ المُنادي

13. Affliction in arrogance is lasting
And evil every day is increasing

١٣. بَلاءٌ في الكنانَةِ مُستَمِرٌّ
وَشَرٌّ كُلَّ يَومٍ في اِزدِيادِ

14. The hypocrite and the sycophant have enriched
And the young man of jihad spent without provision

١٤. لَقَد أَثرى المُنافِقُ وَالمُداجي
وَباتَ فَتى الجِهادِ بِغَيرِ زادِ

15. Take solace, O free people, we
Consider our country the best supplies

١٥. عَزاءً مَعشَرَ الأَحرارِ إِنّا
نَعُدُّ بِلادَنا خَيرَ العَتادِ