1. The saints and the tender-hearted pronounced you present,
And the resolute and mighty pronounced you absent.
١. أَفتى العَوارِفِ وَالعَواطِفِ حاضِراً
وَفَتى العَزائِمِ وَالعَظائِمِ غائِبا
2. You made your people content, as well as the crescent moon,
Through your great resolve you achieved glory.
٢. أَرضَيتَ قَومَكَ وَالهِلالَ وَدَولَةً
عَزَّت بِهِمَّتِكَ الكَبيرَةِ جانِبا
3. It was as if you were Khams, the well-armed,
And as if Qana were boats and canoes.
٣. فَكَأَنَّما كُنتَ الخَميسَ عَرَمرَماً
وَكَأَنَّما كانت قَناً وَقَواضِبا
4. You honored its sanctity and protected its authority,
And fulfilled those necessary rights.
٤. عَظَّمتَ حُرمَتَها وَصُنتَ ذِمامَها
وَقَضَيتَ مِن تِلكَ الحُقوقِ الواجِبا
5. You bid us farewell and departed hastily,
To meet severe and perilous adversity.
٥. وَدَّعتَنا وَمَضيتَ لا مُتَمَهِّلاً
تَلقى شَدائِدَ جَمَّةً وَمَصاعِبا
6. You remained an exile, though no man becomes an exile
Except he who shuns his people and takes resolve as friend.
٦. وَأَقَمتَ مُغتَرِباً وَما اِغتَرَبَ اِمرُؤٌ
يَنأى فَيَتَّخِذ العَزائِمَ صاحِبا
7. You endure the wounds of heroes peacefully,
As though you wrap the executioner engaged in battle.
٧. تَأسو جِراحَ الباسِلينَ مُسالِماً
وَكَأَنَّما تَغشى الجِلادَ مُحارِبا
8. It was as if we came to glorify a warrior
Whose regiments and troops filled the roads.
٨. وَكَأَنَّما جِئنا نُعَظِّمُ غازِياً
مَلَأَ المَسالِكَ وَالدُروبَ كَتائِبا
9. He shook the impregnable fortresses and razed them,
And calamity took him, so he emerged the victor.
٩. هَزَّ المَنيعَ مِنَ الحُصونِ فَهَدَّهُ
وَمَضى البَلاءُ بِهِ فَبَزَّ الغالبا
10. Praise is not for the inactive or ignorant
Who at the events of fate remains blithe.
١٠. لَيسَ الثَناءُ لِخامِلٍ أَو جاهِلٍ
يُمسي عَلى جِدِّ الحَوادِثِ لاعِبا