
I was told what those who came together did

نبئت ما صنع الذين تألفوا

1. I was told what those who came together did
They reminisce places of reckoning

١. نُبِّئتُ ما صَنَعَ الَّذينَ تَأَلَّفوا
يَتَذاكَرونَ مَواطِنَ الأَحسابِ

2. They call out to Egypt, and Egypt is the glory of fatherhood
Exalted and the honor of a tribe and companions

٢. يَدعونَ مِصر وَمِصرُ مَجدُ أُبُوَّةٍ
عالٍ وَعِزُّ عَشيرَةٍ وَصِحابِ

3. So I was pleased, then I knew what they did not do
Then I was angry, appeased without favor

٣. فَرَضيتُ ثُمَّ عَلِمتُ ما لَم يَصنَعوا
فَغَضِبتُ ثُمَّ رَضيتُ غَيرَ مُحابِ

4. They shook off the palms from the weak, they were assailed by
The madness of prohibitions and the unruliness of minds

٤. نَفَضوا الأَكُفَّ مِنَ الأُلى جَمَحَت بِهِم
شُرُدُ النُهى وَعوازِبُ الأَلبابِ

5. They held back the reins of their countries by a covenant
The deviant recoiled from it on his heels

٥. وَرَعوا ذِمامَ بِلادِهِم بِوَصِيَّةٍ
نَكَصَ الغَوِيُّ لَها عَلى الأَعقابِ

6. O supplies of the valley for the day of his hopes
And his preparations for the sudden misfortune

٦. يا عُدَّةَ الوادي لِيَومِ رَجائِهِ
وَعَتادِهِ لِلحادِثِ المُنتابِ

7. Quench the demands with calm, and know
That tranquility is the most successful of causes

٧. روضوا المَطالِبِ بِالرَوِيَّةِ وَاِعلَموا
أَنَّ السَكينَةَ أَنجَحُ الأَسبابِ

8. If the hair of the Truth is whitened by falsehood
Its means have failed for the seekers

٨. إِن شيبَ حَقُّ العالَمينَ بِباطِلٍ
أَعيَت وَسائِلُهُ عَلى الطُلّابِ

9. Verily, deliberation is protection for the brave
And wisdom is the impenetrable armor of the winner

٩. إِن الأَناةَ لِذي الشَجاعَةِ عِصمَةٌ
وَالحَزمُ دِرعُ الأَغلَبِ الوَثّابِ

10. And the matter, if darkness veils its faces
Then reason is the brightest star and flame

١٠. وَالأَمرُ إِن حَجَبَ الظَلامُ وُجوهَهُ
فَالرَأيُ أَسطَعُ كَوكَبٍ وَشِهابِ

11. Who will dispute the rights and their people
And rebuke them with blame and reproach

١١. مَن ذا يُجادِلُ في الحُقوقِ وُلاتَها
وَيُصيبُهُم بِمَلامَةٍ وَعِتابِ

12. And say to the compliant clapper his rejection
Do you die or live without a drink?

١٢. وَيَقولُ لِلصادي المُصَفِّقِ وِردُهُ
أَتَموتُ أَم تَحيا بِغَيرِ شَرابِ

13. He refuses death when its flames overflow
And sees the fresh water boiling in the cups

١٣. يَرِدُ المَنِيَّةَ إِذ يَفيضُ ذُعافُها
وَيَرى الزُلالَ يَغيضُ في الأَكوابِ

14. Who will deter the inviters of life from it
And wants it for people as a whip of torment?

١٤. مَن ذا يَرُدُّ عَنِ الحَياةِ دُعاتَها
وَيُريدُها لِلناسِ سَوطَ عَذابِ

15. Who will contend with people in the sun of morning?
Who will veil its face with a mask?

١٥. مَن ذا يُماري الناسَ في شَمسِ الضُحى
مَن ذا يُقَنِّعُ وَجهَها بِنِقابِ

16. Do not gloat, enemies, verily their eyes
Were set upon you in coming and going

١٦. لا تُشمِتوا الأَعداءَ إِنَّ عُيونَهُم
نُصِبَت لَكُم في جَيئَةٍ وَذَهابِ

17. Nothing you see is more dazzling
Than a calamity that befalls you and affliction

١٧. لا شَيءَ أَبهَجُ مَنظَراً فيما تَرى
مِن نَكبَةٍ تَجتاحُكُم وَمُصابُ

18. Block the way of evil, avoid harm
And take matters with wisdom and right

١٨. سُدّوا سَبيلَ الشَرِّ وَاِجتَنِبوا الأَذى
وَخُذوا الأُمورَ بِحِكمَةٍ وَصَوابِ

19. The reasonable one, if the governors enact
In a tradition of his reason and scripture

١٩. ذو العَقلِ إِن سَنَّ الوُلاةُ وَأَدَّبوا
في سُنَّةٍ مِن عَقلِهِ وَكِتابِ

20. You are the guardians of truth in your homelands
And the truth splits the doubt of the skeptic

٢٠. أَنتُم وُلاةُ الحَقِّ في أَوطانِكُم
وَالحَقُّ يَصدَعُ شُبهَةَ المُرتابِ

21. God is Greater! Do you have apart from it
A homeland lasting to the vanishing eras?

٢١. اللَهُ أَكبَرُ هَل لَكُم مِن دونِها
وَطَنٌ يُرامُ لِغابِرِ الأَحقابِ

22. God in hope for beloved Egypt
The harbinger shouted it at the doors

٢٢. اللَهَ في أَمَلٍ لِمِصرَ مُحَبَّبٍ
هَتَفَ البَشيرُ بِهِ عَلى الأَبوابِ

23. Return the greeting calmly and treat
With gentleness every veil and barrier

٢٣. رُدّوا التَحِيّةَ هادِئينَ وَعالِجوا
بِالرِفقِ كُلَّ سِتارَةٍ وَحِجابِ

24. And take good omens from the birds, and beware
The birds of ill omen, ever grumbling

٢٤. وَتَيَمَّنوا بِالطَيرِ سَعداً وَاِحذَروا
لِلنَحسِ طَيراً دائِمَ التَنعابِ

25. Take refuge in the manners of life, and observe
The whims of a resentful folk, angry

٢٥. لوذوا بِآدابِ الحَياةِ وَراقِبوا
نَزَواتِ قَومٍ ناقِمينَ غِضابِ