1. O son of Rizam, do you think you can overcome fate?
Taste calamity's sting, and you will see.
١. أأنت يا ابنَ رِزامٍ تَغلِبُ القَدَرا
جَرِّبْ لك الويلُ من غِرٍّ وسوف ترى
2. Be patient, captive, do not despair though you stumble,
For trials make the free man wise and patient.
٢. جَرِّبْ أُسَيْرُ ولا تَجزعْ إذا عَثرتْ
بك التجاريبُ إنّ الحُرَّ من صبرا
3. You have lied to your people - truth has no vanquisher;
Consider this, if you are one who considers.
٣. كذبتَ قومك إنّ الحقَّ ليس له
من غالبٍ فَاعْتَبِرْ إن كنتَ مُعتبِرا
4. Alas, you have only misguidance to follow,
And the misguided among people lead only to ruin.
٤. هيهاتَ مالكَ إلا الغَيُّ تتبعُهُ
والغيُّ يتبعه في النَّاسِ من فجرا
5. Evil is the prince and evil is the people who made
You their leader, that they might gain their desire.
٥. بِئسَ الأميرُ وبئسَ القومُ إذ جعلوا
لك الإمارَةَ كيما يُداركوا الظَّفرا
6. The victors are the people of Islam - they see no terror
In the fray, no cowardice or withdrawal.
٦. الظّافرونَ بنو الإسلامِ لا فَزَعاً
يرى العِدَى في الوغَى منهم ولا خَوَرا
7. They are stalwart, clothing war in its finery
When it bares itself, and the defenders turn tail.
٧. همُ الأُلَى يُلبِسونَ الحربَ زِينتَها
إذا تَعَرَّتْ وَولَّى الذّادةُ الدُّبُرا
8. What do you hope to accomplish with raids?
You have attempted, O son of Rizam, a difficult goal.
٨. ماذا تُحاوِلُ بالأشياعِ تَندبُهم
حاولت يا ابنَ رِزامٍ مطلباً عَسِرا
9. You thought it an undetected raid,
Yet your secret scheming is now revealed.
٩. ظَنَنْتَها غزوةً تَخفَى مكائدها
فما احتيالُكَ في السِرِّ الذي ظَهَرا
10. Had not God's messenger been informed by his envoy,
He would have been informed by Him who bears all news.
١٠. لو لم يُوافِ رَسولَ اللّهِ مُخبِرُهُ
وافاهُ مِن ربِّهِ مَن يحمِلُ الخبَرا
11. How many impenetrable secrets has Gabriel broken open,
Exposing their hidden mysteries till they became known!
١١. كم فَضَّ جِبريلُ مِن صَمَّاءَ مُغْلَقَةٍ
أنْحَىَ على سِرِّها المكنونِ فاشتهرا
12. Over Abu Raafi let there be weeping and grief -
Hasten your own soul if you are a cautious man.
١٢. على أبي رافعٍ فَلْتَبْكِ مِن أسَفٍ
وَاسْتَبْقِ نفسَكَ إنْ كُنْتَ امرأً حذرا
13. The Jews are humiliated - no boldness is expected of them
At the hands of one who forbade and commanded them.
١٣. ذلت يهود فما يرجى لها خطرٌ
على يدي من نهى فيها ومن أمرا
14. Leave them be, captive! Calamity awaits you from a man
Who has lost his way and embarked upon delusion.
١٤. دَعْها أُسيْرُ لكَ الويلاتُ من رجلٍ
ضَلَّ السَّبيلَ فأمسى يَركبُ الغَررَا
15. Do you not see God's servant with his band?
Magnify him and them, and the company around him.
١٥. ألستَ تُبصِرُ عبدَ اللهِ في نَفَرٍ
أعْظِمْ به وبهمْ من حَولِهِ نَفَرا
16. They came to you, O son of Rizam, and had you complied,
God would have removed defilement and harm from you.
١٦. جاؤوكَ يا ابنَ رِزامٍ لو تطاوعُهم
لأذهبَ اللَّهُ عنكَ الرِّجسَ والوَضَرا
17. But you are one whom, if lightning struck,
It would not deter from the inclinations of misguidance.
١٧. لكنّك المرءُ لو ترميهِ صاعقةٌ
تَنهاه عن نَزعاتِ الغَيِّ ما ازْدجَرا
18. They offered you good - a hand reached out to you
The like of which has not extended benefit or harm.
١٨. رَدُّوا لكَ الخيرَ تُسدِيه إليكَ يدٌ
ما مِثلُها من يدٍ نَفْعاً ولا ضَرَرا
19. They said: "Come with us, if you would come,
And ask the Messenger, to attain deliverance."
١٩. قالوا انْطَلِقْ معنا إن كنتَ مُنطلقاً
فأْتِ الرَّسولَ وَسَلْهُ تبلغِ الوَطَرا
20. You might have any noble rank and glory over the Jews,
And God rewards those who give thanks.
٢٠. ما شِئتَ مِن سُؤْدُدٍ عالٍ ومن شَرَفٍ
على اليهودِ ويَجزِي اللَّهُ من شكرا
21. But he refused and was lured by a vain hope
That drew him to ride forth hastily.
٢١. أبَى وراجعَهُ من نفسه أمَلٌ
أغراهُ بالسَّيرْ حتَّى جَدَّ مُبتَدِرا
22. Then he turned back, persisting in his delusions,
Deeming that a clever decision.
٢٢. ثُمَّ انثنَى يَتمادَى في وَساوِسه
يَظنُّ ذلك رأياً منه مُبتَسَرا
23. He chose a despicable, cunning, evil plot,
And the fate of the ignorant transgressor befell him.
٢٣. واختارَها خُطَّةً شَنعاءَ ماكرةً
فحاقَ بالجاهلِ المأفونِ ما مكرا
24. He intended evil upon God's servant, and there leapt
Toward him the howl of Aad as it destroys the streams.
٢٤. أرادَ شرّاً بعبدِ اللَّهِ فَانْبعثتْ
مِنْه صَرِيمةُ عادٍ يَنقُضُ المِرَرا
25. He saw him more loathsome than a wolf, so he hurried
To meet him with his sword and let loose a flowing blood.
٢٥. رَآهُ أَخْوَنَ مِن ذئبٍ فَعاجَلَهُ
بالسَّيفِ يُوردُه مِنه دماً هَدَرا
26. His companions pounced upon those with him
Of his people, and slaughter grew hot and spread.
٢٦. وَانْقضَّ أصحابُه يَلْقونَ من معهُ
مِن قومِهِ فاستحرَّ القتلُ وَاسْتَعَرا
27. The sword did not cease taking them
Save the terrified remnants fleeing out of sight.
٢٧. لم يتركِ السيفُ منهم وَهْوَ يأخذُهم
إلا حُشَاشَة هافٍ يَسبقُ البصرا
28. He went with the wind, uncaring that they were destroyed,
Nor heeding however God's decree came to pass.
٢٨. مَضَى مع الرِّيحِ لا يأسَى لمهلِكِهِم
ولا يُبالي قضاء اللَّهِ كيفَ جَرَى
29. Thus betrayal is met with calamity,
And how can the evildoer feel safe from evil consequence?
٢٩. كذلك الغدرُ يَلْقَى الويلَ صاحِبُه
وكيف يأمنُ عُقْبَى السُّوءِ من غَدَرا