1. Mahaysa, convey what you have been commanded,
For it is the religion of Muslims or death.
١. مَحيصةُ بلّغْ ما أُمِرتَ فإنّما
هو الدينُ دينُ المسلمِينَ أو القتلُ
2. Go to Fadak and convey the message of Muhammad,
And warn its people whom ignorance has led astray.
٢. إلى فَدَكٍ فَاحْمِلْ بَلاَغ مُحمّدٍ
وأَنْذِرْ بها قوماً أضلَّهمُ الجَهْلُ
3. They refused to answer the caller of Allah, and sought
The way of ruin, blinded by rancour and hatred.
٣. أَبَوْا أن يُجِيبوا دَاعِيَ اللَّهِ وَابْتَغُوا
سَبِيْلَ الألى أعماهُمُ الحِقْدُ والغِلُّ
4. They say the army of Muhammad will not
Achieve victory in Khaybar, it is an unachievable desire.
٤. يَقولون لن يَسْطِيعَ جيشُ مُحمّدٍ
بخيبرَ نصراً إنّها مَطلبٌ بَسْلُ
5. It is defended by the champions of its people,
Men, when they enter the fray, jesting ceases.
٥. يُدافِعُ عنها من صَنَادِيْدِ أهلِها
رِجالٌ إذا خاضوا الوَغَى بَطَلَ الهَزْلُ
6. It has Amir steadfast in trials, and Yasir,
It has Marhab and Al-Harith the brave hero.
٦. لها عامرٌ عِنْدَ البلاءِ وياسرٌ
لها مَرْحَبٌ والحارثُ البطلُ الفَحْلُ
7. In it are thousands of archers and warriors,
They are lethal poison for whoever tries them.
٧. وإنَّ بها من كُلِّ رامٍ وَضَارِبٍ
أُلوفاً هُم السُّمُّ الذُّعافُ لمن يَبْلو
8. Yet we do not dislike peace, so wait,
Mahaysa, and be patient, for it is the perfect plan.
٨. على أنّنا لا نكرهُ السّلمَ فانتظِرْ
مَحيصةُ واصبِرْ إنّها خُطّةٌ فَصْلُ
9. Thus they spoke, scheming as is their habit,
But what does scheming avail, or trickery benefit?
٩. كذَلِكَ قالوا يمكرون كَدَأْبِهِمْ
وماذا يُفيْدُ المكرُ أو يَنفعُ الخَتْلُ
10. They prolonged the term until they saw the seriousness of his people,
And the seriousness of the Messenger of Allah - which would prevail.
١٠. أطالوا المدَى حَتَّى يَروا جَدَّ قومِهم
وَجَدَّ رسولِ اللَّهِ أيُّهما يَعْلُو
11. When they were driven with truth from the fortress of Na'im,
And were told, "For your people, the ways have narrowed."
١١. فلمَّا رُمُوا بالحقِّ من حِصْنِ نَاعمٍ
وَقِيْلَ لهم ضاقت بقومِكمُ السُّبْلُ
12. Their messengers walked to make peace, with hearts before them
That were agitated scrolls and messages.
١٢. مَشتْ رُسْلُهم للصّلحِ تَهوِي أمامَها
قُلوبٌ هِيَ الكُتْبُ الحثيثةُ والرُّسْلُ
13. The chief of the people, Nu'n son of Yu'sha remains
Saying, "Come, that is the easy ship."
١٣. يَظَلُّ عَمِيْدُ القومِ نُونُ بنُ يُوشَعٍ
يَقولُ هَلُمُّوا ذَلِكَ المركبُ السَّهْلُ
14. And take refuge in the wings of the Prophet, where they found
A generous one whose forgiveness and grace are hoped for.
١٤. ولاذُوا بأكنافِ النبيِّ فصادفوا
كرِيماً يُرجَّى عنده العفوُ والفَضْلُ
15. He made peace permitted for them, and their
Blood and wealth - if he let them be - were permissible.
١٥. أحلَّ لهم صُلحاً وإنّ دِماءَهم
وَأمْوَالَهم إن رَدَّهُمْ خُيَّباً حِلُّ
16. If they were created for villainy, yet he
Is worthy of all magnanimity attributed to the noble.
١٦. لئن خُلِقوا لِلُّؤمِ أهلاً فإنّه
لكلِّ الذي يسمو الكِرامُ به أَهْلُ
17. For him is half of those fields, he counts them
For every poor one, whom misery and poverty have bitten.
١٧. له النِّصْفُ من تِلْكَ الحُقولِ يُعِدُّهُ
لِكُلِّ فقيرٍ عضَّهُ البؤسُ والأزْلُ
18. Thus the protector of the people, whose shade they hope for,
For what good is a protector without shade?
١٨. كذلكَ مَوْلَى القومِ يَرْجُونَ ظِلَّهُ
وما خيرُ مولىً لا يَكونُ له ظِلُّ