
I advised you, but you suspected my advice,

إني نصحتك فاتهمت نصيحتي

1. I advised you, but you suspected my advice,
And claimed you were experienced and matured,

١. إِنّي نَصَحتُكَ فَاِتَّهَمتَ نَصيحَتي
وَزَعَمتَ أَنَّكَ ذو تَجارِبَ حُوَّلُ

2. And you went recklessly riding every wild opinion,
Until what you say and do brought you down.

٢. وَذَهَبتَ تَركَبُ كُلَّ رَأيٍ جامِحٍ
حَتّى طَحا بِكَ ما تَقولُ وَتَفعَلُ

3. How ill-omened is your opinion when you claim or think
That we should accept your unpleasant judgment.

٣. يا شُؤمَ رَأيِكَ حينَ تَزعُم أَو تَرى
أَنّا عَلى مَكروهِ حُكمِكَ نَنزِلُ

4. Tie your stick to your tongue, only
The vile submissive one suffers disgrace.

٤. اغلُل عَصاكَ إِلى لِسانِكَ إِنَّما
يَلقى الهَوانَ الفاحِشُ المُتَبَذِّلُ

5. We are not, when your right hand takes the stick,
Of those you threaten with it, so they cower.

٥. لَسنا إِذا أَخَذَت يَمينُكَ بِالعَصا
مِمَّن تَهُشُّ بِها عَلَيهِ فَيَجفَلُ

6. The instructor finds no obedience
Until people see he is reasonable.

٦. إِنَّ المُؤَدِّبَ لا يُصادِفُ طاعَةً
حَتّى يَراهُ القَومُ مِمَّن يَعقِلُ

7. Did you see what was done by those you claimed
Would not dare oppose you for an hour?

٧. أَرَأَيتَ ما صَنَعَ الَّذينَ زَعَمتَهُم
لا يَجرُأونَ عَلَيكَ ساعَةَ تُقبِلُ

8. Their slippers seized you between the processions,
As the troops looked on and the swords clashed.

٨. أَخَذَتكَ بَينَ المَوكِبَينِ نِعالُهُم
وَالجُندُ يَنظُرُ وَالصَوافِنُ تَصهلُ

9. They returned you barefoot, your thirst
With forehead blood you quench and drink.

٩. وَرَدَتكَ أَرسالاً تَطوفُ ظِماؤُها
بِدَمِ الجَبينِ تُعَلُّ مِنهُ وَتُنهَلُ

10. You set out to speak of mountainsides
Too steep for forces, though picks dig.

١٠. صَدَرت تُحَدِّثُ عَن جَوانِبِ صَخرَةٍ
تَهفو القُوى عَنها وَيَنبو المِعوَلُ

11. If the times were rid of the likes of you
Its lofty parts would long be desolate.

١١. صَمّاءَ لَو قُذِفَ الزَمانُ بِمِثلِها
باتَت جَوانِبُهُ العُلى تَتَهَيَّلُ

12. My lord, forbearance is an armor
With which to repel the foe and guard the slain.

١٢. مَولايَ إِنَّ مِنَ الأناةِ لَجُنَّةً
يُرمى العدوُّ بِها وَيُحمى المَقتَلُ

13. Right is what the righteous legislate, so what
Can the misguided demand or the corrupt desire?

١٣. وَالحَقُّ ما شَرَعَ الهُداةُ فَما عَسى
يَتَطَلَّبُ الغاوي وَيَبغي المُبطِلُ

14. I advised sincerely when advice was due,
And I see the misguided quick to blame.

١٤. إِنّي نَصَحتُ وَلاتَ حينَ نَصيحَةٍ
وَأَرى المُضَلَّلَ بِالمَلامَةِ يَعجِلُ

15. Be as you wish, for had you thought to repent,
A closed door would have barred your way.

١٥. كُن كَيفَ شِئتَ فَلَو هَمَمتَ بِتَوبَةٍ
لَثَناكَ عَمّا رُمتَ بابٌ مُقفَلُ

16. Pharaoh believed when his ruin was certain,
And disaster flowed to destroy him.

١٦. فِرعَونُ آمَنَ حينَ حُمَّ قَضاؤُهُ
وَجَرى بِمَهلَكِهِ العُبابُ المُرسَلُ

17. Do you think acceptance came to him in his belief?
Or do you know that it would not be accepted?

١٧. أَتَرى القُبولَ أَتاهُ في إيمانِهِ
أَم أَنتَ تَعلَمُ أَنَّهُ لا يُقبَلُ

18. The city notables brought you their advice
And its finest, most righteous scholar warned you.

١٨. آتاكَ أَعيانُ المَدينَةِ نُصحَهُم
وَنَهاكَ عالِمُها الأَبَرُّ الأَمثَلُ

19. You claimed they were witless old women
When they were forbearing and the gathering was restrained

١٩. فَزَعَمتَهُم فَوقَ المَقاعِدِ نِسوَةً
وَسَفِهتَ إِذ حَلُموا وَعَفَّ المَحفَلُ