
Come O Rifa'ah, neither hesitating nor distressed,

أقبل رفاعة لا معرج لامرئ

1. Come O Rifa'ah, neither hesitating nor distressed,
Seeking what you desire without being blamed.

١. أَقْبِلْ رِفاعَةُ لا مُعَرَّجُ لامْرِئٍ
يَبغِي الذي تَبغِي ولا مُتَلَوَّمُ

2. You came to the chosen Messenger from his Lord,
And you followed him - what an excellent one who comes early!

٢. جِئتَ الرسولَ المجتبَى من ربِّهِ
وقدِمتَ تتبعُه فنِعمَ المَقدِمُ

3. You have honored yourself, so set forth desiring him
As a religion - it is the greatest, most venerable honor.

٣. أكرمتَ نفسك فانطلقت تُريدُه
دِيناً هو الشّرفُ الأجلُّ الأعظمُ

4. It builds life on a firm foundation
Of God's power which cannot be destroyed.

٤. يَبني الحياةَ على أساسٍ ثابتٍ
من قُوةِ اللَّهِ التي لا تُهْدَمُ

5. If you want to ascend with yourself higher and higher
Then you must have faith, for it is the ladder.

٥. إن شئتَ أن ترقى بنفسِكَ صاعِداً
فعليكَ بالإيمانِ فهو السُّلَّمُ

6. It is the wing - if you gain it, fly
And traverse the atmosphere, for you are the swift falcon.

٦. وَهْوَ الجناحُ فإن ظَفِرتَ به فَطِرْ
واطْوِ الجِواءَ فأنتَ أنتَ القَشْعَمُ

7. Great ambitions are not stirred without it
As a cause, nor do downtrodden souls rise high.

٧. لا تنهضُ الهِمَمُ الكِبارُ بغيرِه
سبباً ولا تَسمُو النُّفوسُ الحُوَّمُ

8. The boy was fortunate, as you were fortunate, and perhaps
The fortunate one served, becoming one who is served.

٨. سَعِدَ الغُلامُ كما سَعِدَت وربّما
خَدَمَ السّعيدُ فكان مِمّن يُخْدَمُ

9. Through its master the worlds gained might - its land
And its sky - and He is the Most Mighty, the Most Generous.

٩. عَزَّت بسيّدِهِ العوالمُ أرضُها
وسماؤُها وَهوَ الأعزُّ الأكرمُ

10. He has entrusted you with the affair of your people - take it on
And be determined, O Rifa'ah, for the likes of you are determined.

١٠. أَفْضَى إليكَ بأمرِ قومِكَ فَاضْطَلِعْ
وَاعْزِمْ رِفاعةُ إنّ مثلَكَ يعزِمُ

11. And take the blessed Book - nothing like it
Has been written by a hand in what is transcribed and numbered.

١١. وَخُذِ الكتابَ مُباركاً ما مثلُه
كتبتْ يَدٌ فيما يُخَطُّ وَيُرقَمُ

12. Read it to them as one who spreads out a banquet, and invite them
To follow you to that which is most upright.

١٢. إقرأه مُتَّئِداً عليهم وَادْعُهم
أن يتبَعوكَ إلى التي هِيَ أقْوَمُ

13. And for those who disobey you for a time - if they exceed the time
Then God will judge what He wills and rule.

١٣. وَلِمَنْ عَصاكَ مدىً فإنْ بلغوا المدَى
فاللّهُ يَقْضِي ما يشاءُ ويَحكمُ

14. Or has one month dragging another after it not sufficed
For those who seek pretexts from amongst them?

١٤. أوَ ما كفى شهرٌ يجرُّ وراءَهُ
شَهراً لِمن يبغِي المحَجَّةَ مِنهُمُ

15. Your people belong to God, O son of Zayd - they
Have heard the Book and so they followed you and submitted.

١٥. للّهِ قَومُكَ يا ابنَ زيدٍ إنّهم
سمعوا الكِتابَ فشايعوكَ وأسلموا

16. Light upon light, and insight which He added to it
From His abundant grace - the Most Faithful, the Most Generous!

١٦. نُورٌ على نورٍ ونُعْمى زادها
من فضلِهِ الأوفى الكريمُ المنعِمُ

17. Khuza'ah knew after ignorance, so it was guided,
And he who knows is guided to the truths.

١٧. عَلِمَتْ خزاعةُ بعد جهلٍ فَاهْتَدَتْ
وإلى الحقائقِ يَهتدي مَن يعلمُ

18. If they mention the excellence of men - which of them
Progressed and preceded - you are the foremost and the preceding!

١٨. إن يذكروا فَضْلَ الرجالِ وأيُّهم
أرْبَى فأنتَ السابقُ المتقدّمُ