1. Is there in the abodes at dawn a steadfast one,
Or in the quarters of intimacy a frequent visitor?
١. هَل بِالدَيارِ الغَداةَ مِن صَمَمِ
أَم هَل بِرَبعِ الأَنِيسِ مِن قِدَمِ
2. Or whom do you call out to from the high-ceilinged houses
That are ruined like a dilapidated basin?
٢. أَم ما تُنادي مِن ماثِلٍ دَرَجَ السَ
يلُ عَلَيهِ كَالحَوضِ مُنهَدِمِ
3. You ask him to fulfill the pact that was your pact
When you brought together those that did not cast.
٣. تَسألُهُ العَهدَ وَهوَ عَهدُكَ واِس
تَجمَعَ مَن حَلَّهُ وَلَم يَرِمِ
4. You are the sorrowful one seeking the traces
Of the living; if you intend their resting places you will arise.
٤. إِنَّكَ أَنتَ المَحزونُ في أَثَرِ ال
حيِّ فَإِن تَنوِ نِيَّهُم تُقِمِ
5. There was in it one whom I loved and one
Who found happiness in life that did not last.
٥. كانَ بِها بَعضُ مَن هَوِيتُ وَمَن
يَلقَ سُرُوراً فِي العَيشِ لَم يَدُمِ
6. My companion asks me of my sickness though he
Slept supperless while I did not sleep.
٦. يَسأَلُني صَاحِبي بِدائي وَقَد
نامَ عِشاءً وَبِتُّ لَم أَنَمِ
7. My cure and origin of my sickness
Are one thing, and it is the greatest of diseases.
٧. إِنَّ شِفائِي وَأَصلُ دائِي
لَشَيءٌ واحِدٌ وَهوَ أَكبَرُ السَقَمِ
8. From the days she bequeathed her lover
And evil meets the horizons of agony.
٨. مِن عَهدِ ما أَورَثَت حَبِيبه
وَالشَرُّ يُوافِي مَطالِعَ الأَكَمِ
9. I use a name other than hers though God knows
The secrets of all who conceal.
٩. أَكني بِغيرِ اِسمِها وَقَد عَلِمَ
اللَهُ خَفِيّاتِ كُلِّ مُكتَتَمِ
10. Fearing the slanderer repeating too much
Casting aspersions into it and integrity of words.
١٠. مَخافَةَ الكاشِحِ المُكَثِّرِ أَن
يَطرَحَ فيها عَوائِرَ الكَلِمِ
11. Goodly is her complexion and candidness
And height when at rest or gently breeze.
١١. طَيِّبَةُ النَشرِ وَالبُداهَةِ
وَالعِلاّتِ عِندَ الرُقادِ وَالنَسَمِ
12. Her mouth smiles as if from a sweet-
Smelling perfume and a beautiful smile.
١٢. كَأَنَ فَاهَا إِذا تَبَسَمَّ مِن
طٍيبِ مِشِمٍّ وَحُسنِ مُبَتسَمِ
13. She rubs herself with fresh scent or jasmine
Or bright flowers of the darkest gloom.
١٣. تَستَنُّ بِالضَروِ مِن بَراقِشَ أَو
هَيلان أَو ناضِرٍ مِنَ العُتُمِ
14. She is tawny as the blessed night - the red
Dusk that ushers in the darknesses.
١٤. غَرّاءُ كالليلَةِ المُبَارَكَةِ القَم
راءٍ تَهدِي أَوائِلَ الظُلَمِ
15. There was thrown in it ripened raisins and zabib
Berries from a hill dripping from pods.
١٥. رُكَّبَ فِي السامِ والزَبيبِ أَقا
حِيُّ كَثِيبٍ تندى مِنَ الرَهَمِ
16. With strained water from ageless water
That was filtered on a night of Scorpio.
١٦. بِماءٍ مُزنٍ مِن ماءٍ دَومَةَ قَد
جُرِّدَ فِي لَيلِ شمأَلٍ شَبِمِ
17. On it was cooked quince pulp - the leftovers
Of transparent Isaac of little regret.
١٧. عُلَّت بهِ قَرقَفٌ سُلاَفَةُ إِس
فِنطٍ عُقارٌ قَلِيلَةُ النَدَمِ
18. Into it was thrown sweet almonds from double-
Skinned musk and strips of hot peppers.
١٨. أُلقيَ فِيها فِلجانِ مِن مِسكِ
دارِينَ وفِلجٌ مِن فُلفُلٍ ضَرِمٍ
19. It was returned to the porcelain pot - engraved,
Settled in the clay furious and fermenting.
١٩. رُدَّت إِلى أَكلَفِ المَناكِبِ
مَرسُومٍ مُقِيمٍ في الطّينِ مُحتَدِمِ
20. Ripened walnuts that the peach stone remover stripped Without cracking or crushing.
It bubbles and its bracelets like the
٢٠. جَونٍ كَجَوزِ الخَمّارِ جَرَّدَهُ
الخُرّاسُ لا ناقِسٍ وَلا هَزِمِ
21. Echo returned from resounding Misab.
With an obstruction that squares the sword - long handed
٢١. تَهِدُر فِيهِ وَساوَرَتهُ كَما
رُجِّعَ هَدرٌ مِن مُصعَبٍ قَطِمِ
22. Like darkness made to fit tightly together.
Planted by green palm fronds
٢٢. وَحائِلٍ بازِلٍ تَربَّعَتِ الصَ
يفَ طَوِيلَ العِفاءِ كَالأُطُمِ
23. A carver slicing the necks with his feet.
And a raid whose bridges burned that
٢٣. غَرَّزَها أَخضَرُ النَواجِذِ
نَسّافٌ نُحورَ الفِصالِ بالقَدَمِ
24. I hurried in it with quick steadfast steps.
With wide open mouth - the ankles
٢٤. وَغارةٍ تَسعَرُ المَقانِبَ قَد
سارَعتُ فِيها بِصَلدمٍ صَمَمِ
25. Joined, scraping the bowls brought together.
In its elbows proximity and palm
٢٥. فَعمٍ أَسِيلٍ عَرِيضِ أَوظِفَةِ الرِ
جلَينِ خاظِي البَضيعِ مُلتَئِمِ
26. Print like toadskin grown together.
It was threaded on the seam and perfected
٢٦. في مِرفَقيهِ تَقارُبٌ وَلَهُ
بِركةُ زَورٍ كَجَبأَةِ الخَزَمِ
27. Without returning to carefulness of chewing.
It is long necked - extended with its lays
٢٧. خِيطَ عَلى زَفرَةٍ فَتَمَّ وَلَم
يَرجع إِلى دِقَّةٍ وَلا هَضَمِ
28. But did not test on determining ripeness.
As if after the horses were cut off
٢٨. وَهوَ طَوِيلُ الجِرانِ مُدَّ بِلَح
ييِه وَلَم يأزَما عَلى كَزَمِ
29. And the battle joined the warring parties.
A wanton seeking pigeons while the
٢٩. كأَنَّهُ بَعَدما تَقَطَّعتِ ال
خَيلُ وَمالَ الحَمِيمُ بِالجُرُمِ
30. Southern wind makes it rise to the hill.
It casts down the heavily armed knight
٣٠. شُوذانقٌ يَطلُبُ الحَمامَ وَتَز
هاهُ جَنُوبُ لِناهِضٍ لَحِمٍ
31. Until he disappears into the darkness.
I hurried it on the morrow and it
٣١. يُطِيحُ بالفارِسِ المُدَجَّجِ ذي القَو
نَسِ حَتّى يَغِيبَ في القَتَمِ
32. Rivaled the extremities of peace.
Inform my friend whose frowning distresses me,
٣٢. أَعجَلَها أَقدَحِيُّ الضَّحاءَ ضُحىً
وَهيَ تُناصِي ذَوائِبَ السَلَمِ
33. I cannot restrain his anger.
If it should be lost what I carried then
٣٣. أَبلِغ خَلِيلَي الَّذي تَجَهَّمَني
ما أَنا عَن غِيّهِ بِمنُصَرِمِ
34. I carried a sin like a towering burden.
God's trust and it is greater than
٣٤. إِن يَكُ قَد ضاعَ ما حَمَلتُ فَقَد
حَمَلتُ إِثماً كَالطَودِ مِن إِضَمِ
35. The plateau of misfortune and the cornerstone of the tent.
I tell you the secret - I do not tell
٣٥. أَمانَةُ اللَهِ وَهيَ أَعظَمُ مِن
هَضبِ شَرَورى وَالرُكنِ مِن خِيَمِ
36. The people - and single you out apart from relatives.
I deter the slandering enemy if
٣٦. أُخبِرُكَ السِرَّ لا أُخَبِّرُهُ
الناسَ وَأُصفيكَ دُونَ ذِي الرَحِمِ
37. He suspects you - deterring from me insistently.
My father Urwa deterred the beasts if
٣٧. وَأَزجُرُ الكاشِحَ العَدُوَّ إِذا
اِغتابَكَ زَجراً مِنّي عَلى أَضَمِ
38. He feared they would blend with the sheep.
You betrayed the covenant of brotherhood - initiating
٣٨. زَجرَ أَبِي عُروَةَ السِباعَ إِذا
أَشفَقَ أَن يلتَبِسنَ بِالغَنَمِ
39. And did not fear the consequences of vengeance.
٣٩. فخُنتَ عَهدَ الإِخاءِ مُبتَدِئاً
وَلَم تَخَف مِن غَوائِلِ النِقَمِ