
Praise be to Allah, who has no partner

الحمد لله لا شريك له

1. Praise be to Allah, who has no partner
Whoever does not say it has wronged himself

١. الحَمدُ لِلَهِ لاَ شَرِيكَ لَهُ
مَن لَم يَقُلها فَنَفسَهُ ظَلَما

2. Who brings the night into the day
And makes the day brighten the darkness

٢. المُولِجِ الليلَ في النهارِ
وَفِي الليلِ نَهاراً يُفرِّجُ الظُّلَما

3. Who lowers and raises the heavens over the earth
And did not build pillars underneath it

٣. الخافِضِ الرافِعِ السَماءَ عَلى ال
أَرضِ وَلَم يَبنِ تَحتَها دِعَما

4. The Creator, Originator, Shaper in the wombs
Water until it becomes blood

٤. الخالِقِ البارِئِ المُصَوِّرِ في ال
أَرحامِ ماءً حَتّى يَصِيرَ دَما

5. From a hanging drop, its measure predetermined
He creates from it humans and jinn

٥. مِن نُطفَةٍ قَدَّها مُقدّرُها
يَخلُقُ مِنها الأَبشارَ وَالنَسَما

6. Then bones He established and covered with flesh
Then covered the feathers and pupils with skin

٦. ثُمَّ عِظاماً أَقَامَها عَصَبٌ
ثُمَّتَ لَحماً كَساهُ فَالتأَما

7. And voice and color and livelihood and
Diverse morals and separated speech

٧. ثُمَّ كَسا الرِيشَ والعَقائِقَ أَب
شاراً وَجِلداً تَخالُهُ أَدَما

8. Then surely you will be gathered
By Allah openly, a sworn oath

٨. وَالصوتَ وَاللَونَ وَالمَعايِشَ وَال
أَخلاَقَ شَتّى وَفَرَّقَ الكَلِما

9. So consult now what appears to you
And adhere if you find adherence

٩. ثُمَّتَ لاَ بُدَّ أَن سَيَجمَعُكُم
وَاللَهِ جَهراً شَهادَةً قَسَما

10. In this earth and heaven, and no
Adherence save for whom He had mercy

١٠. فَائتَمِرُوا الآنَ ما بَدا لَكُمُ
وَاِعتَصِمُوا إِن وَجَدتُمُ عِصَما

11. O people do you see
Persia lost and its cheek rubbed in the dirt

١١. فِي هذِهِ الأَرضِ وَالسَماءِ وَلا
عِصمَةً مِنهُ إِلاَّ لِمَن رَحِما

12. They became slaves herding your sheep
As if their kingdom was but a dream

١٢. يا أَيُّها الناسُ هَل تَرَونَ إلى
فَارِسَ بادَت وَخَدُّهَا رَغِما

13. From Saba those with purpose when
They built against its flood without poles

١٣. أَمسُوا عَبِيداً يَرعَونَ شاءَكُمُ
كَأَنَّما كانَ مُلكهُم حُلُما

14. So they were torn in the countries and admitted
Humiliation and tasted adversity and loss

١٤. مِن سَبَأ الحاضِرينَ مآرِبُ إِذ
يَبنُونَ مِن دُونِ سَيلِهِ العَرِما

15. And they exchanged the lotus tree and the meadows
With stubbornness and the buildings became ruined

١٥. فَمُزِّقُوا فِي البِلادِ واعتَرَفُوا
الهونَ وَذاقُوا البَأساءَ والعَدَما

16. O Owner of earth and heaven and whoever
Allah separates will not fear sin

١٦. وَبُدِّلُوا السِدرَ وَالأَراكَ بِهِ الخَم
طَ وَأَضحى البُنيانُ مُنهَدِما

17. I am a man who has wronged himself, unless
You pardon me I will shed copious tears

١٧. يا مالِكَ الأَرضِ وَالسَماءِ وَمَن
يَفرَق مِنَ اللَهِ لا يَخَف أَثَما

18. I will be thrown with the disbelievers into the
Lowest abyss, O Lord I kindle the embers

١٨. إِنِّي اِمرُؤٌ قَد ظَلَمتُ نَفسِي وَإِلاَّ
تَعفُ عَنّي أُغلا دَماً كَثِما

19. It lifts with the wagons and iron from the
Tall trunks, their stems immersed in darkness

١٩. أُطرَحُ بِالكَافِرِينَ في الدَرَكِ ال
أَسفَلِ يَا رِبِّ أصطَلي الصَرِما

20. Called out arise and embark with your family
Allah is faithful to people for what He claimed

٢٠. يَرفَعُ بالقارِ والحَدِيدِ مِنَ ال
جَوزِ طِوالاً جُذُوعُها عُمُما

٢١. نُودِيَ قُم وَاركَبَن بأَهلِكَ إنَّ
اللَهِ مُوفٍ لِلناسِ ما زَعَما