1. She is from Uqayl or from Hilal son of 'Amir
Her tents are in Dhu'l-Rumath, in the valley of water
١. عُقَيلِيَّةٌ أَو مِن هِلالِ بنِ عامِرٍ
بذي الرِمثِ مِن وادِي المِياهِ خِيَامُها
2. When she smiles in the night and the night is dark around her
Her smile illuminates the ignorant night's darkness
٢. إِذا اِبتَسَمَت في الليلِ وَالليلُ دُونَها
أَضاءَ دُجى الليلِ البَهِيمِ اِبتِسامُها