1. She is not ugly or repulsive,
Approaching homes with a dusty face.
١. وَلَيسَت بِشَوهاءَ مَقبوحَةٍ
تُوافي الدِيارَ بِوجهٍ غَبِر
2. So leave this one and make a promise to another,
For the worst speech is that which is excused.
٢. فَذَر ذا وَعدِّ إِلى غَيرِهِ
فَشَرُّ المَقالَةِ ما يُعتَسرَ
3. Oppression is only against its people,
And people are just like these trees.
٣. وَما البَغيُ إِلاَّ عَلى أَهلِهِ
وَما الناسُ إِلاَّ كهذي الشَجَر
4. You see the branch in the prime of youth
Swaying in green delights.
٤. تَرَى الغُصنَ في عُنفُوانِ الشَبا
بِ يَهتَزُّ في بَهَجاتٍ خُضَر
5. After a time, it withers,
Returning to yellowness and breaks.
٥. زَماناً مِنَ الدَهرِ ثُمَّ التَوى
فَعادَ إِلى صُفرَةٍ فاِنكَسَر
6. How many impoverished brothers
Came to wealth until mended.
٦. وَكَم مِن أَخِي عَليَةٍ مُقتِرٍ
تَأَتَّى لَهُ المالُ حَتّى اِنجَبَر
7. And another who had abundant riches,
Events made him destitute.
٧. وَآخرَ قَد كانَ جَمَّ الغِناءِ
رَمَتهُ الحَوادِثُ حَتّى اِفتَقَر
8. And how many absent ones feared demise
But returned and ruined those at home.
٨. وَكَم غائبٍ كانَ يَخشَى الرَدى
فَآبَ وَأَودَى الَّذي في الحَضَر