
For whom has the abode become desolate with downpours

لمن الديار عفون بالتهطال

1. For whom has the abode become desolate with downpours
Remaining upon traces of those departed long ago

١. لِمَنِ الدَيارُ عَفَونَ بِالتهطالِ
بَقِيَت عَلى حِجَجٍ خَلَونَ طِوالِ

2. It laments in the morning, though I adorned it yesterday
And indeed I strayed with that, what a straying!

٢. بَكَرَت تَلُومُ وَأَمسِ ما كلَّلتُها
وَلقد ضَلَلتُ بِذاكَ أيَّ ضَلالِ

3. It is as if their camels set out early in the morning
A continuous caravan groaning with the loads

٣. وَكَأَنَّ عِيرَهُمُ تُحَثُّ غُدَيَّةً
دَومٌ يَنُوءُ بِيانِعِ الأَوقالِ

4. Have you seen, if my she-camel knelt in the dark night
And I set out from it, my limbs weak

٤. أَرَأَيتَ إِن بَكَرَت بِلَيلٍ هامَتِي
وَخَرَجتُ مِنها بالِياً أَوصالِي

5. Would my camels scratch their faces at me
Or strike their hooves at my situation?

٥. هَل تَخمِشَن إِبلي عَليَّ وجُوهَها
أَو تَضرِبَنَّ نُخُورَها بِمآلِي

6. And when I see the swords flash and lightning
They avail not ‘Amr and Umm of fighting

٦. وَإِذا رأَيتُ السَّيلَحِينَ وَبارِقاً
أَغنَينَ عَن عَمرٍو وَأُمٍّ قتالِ

7. He ruled Khawarnaq, Sadir and subjugated it
What is between the donkeys of its people and their cattle

٧. مَلَكَ الخَوَرنَقَ والسَدِيرَ ودانَهُ
ما بَينَ حِميَرَ أَهلِها وَأُوالِ

8. He descended on Ubly then went against them
How excellent the two warriors and lone knight

٨. حَلاَّ بأُبليٍّ وَراحَ عَلَيهِما
نَعَمُ القَطِينِ وَعازِبُ الخَوّالِ

9. Until when the bats fluttered and the dawn broke
And they pushed each other in the fray, what a pushing!

٩. حَتّى إِذا خَفَقَ السِماكُ وَأَسحَرا
وَتَبالَيا في الشَّدِّ أيَّ تَبالِ

10. Solomon prayed for peace between them
With a blue wild cow amidst the shadows

١٠. سَلَّى سَلامانُ اللُبانَةَ عَنهُما
بِنَمِيرَةٍ زَرقاءَ بَينَ ظِلالِ