
The cooing of the doves in the hollow

زمير الهبانيق في زمخر

1. The cooing of the doves in the hollow
bamboo stalk when they alight with fluttering

١. زَمِيرُ الهَبانِيقِ فِي زَمخَرٍ
مَجُوفٍ إِذا ما ارتَجَسنَ ارتِجَاسا

2. So when I heard them with spears
They rushed at them a crushing swarm

٢. فلَمّا كَسَعتُهُمُ بالرِماحٍ
أَخلَّوا إِليهِنَّ حوماً دِحاسا

3. As if the echoing of their voices
As they approached the fifth of the waters

٣. كَأَنَّ تَجاوُبَ أَصواتِها
إِذا ما قَرَبنَ المِياهَ الخِماسا