
Did you not ask the abode one morning when it would be inhabited

ألم تسأل الدار الغداة متى هيا

1. Did you not ask the abode one morning when it would be inhabited
I counted for it eight years

١. أَلَم تَسأَلِ الدارَ الغَداةَ مَتى هِيا
عَدَدتُ لَها مِنَ السَنينَ ثَمانِيا

2. In the valley of Diba so it changed
From life a droplet that does not awaken, being sleepy

٢. بِوادِي الظِباءِ فَالسَليلِ تَبَدَّلَت
مِنَ الحَيِّ قَطراً لا يُفِيقُ وَسافِيا

3. Every young, passionate she-camel bred on it
And every high-humped male camel leading the caravans

٣. أَرَبَّت عَلَيهِ كُلُّ وَطفَاءَ جَونةٍ
وَأَسحَمَ هَطالٍ يَسُوقُ القَوارِيا

4. It still waters it and its lands
With heavy downpours driving the clouds

٤. فَلاَ زَالَ يَسقِيهَا ويَسقِي بِلاَدَهَا
مِنَ المَزنِ رِجافٍ يَسوقُ السَواريا

5. It waters the brackish sea generously though it throws it back
The udders of wounds, then it went away

٥. يُسَقّي شَرِيرَ البَحرِ جَوداً تَرُدُّهُ
حَلائبُ قُرحٍ ثِمَّ أَصبَحَ غادِيا

6. I knew it in its entirety as if they were
The bones of kings, pride and arrogance

٦. عَهِدتُ بِها الحَيَّ الجَميعَ كَأَنَّهُم
عِظامُ المُلُوكِ عِزَّةً وَتَبَاهِيا

7. They have a council where necks overcome each other
The pots of the protectors push away the enemies

٧. لَهُم مَجلِسٌ غُلبُ الرَقابِ مَراجحٌ
قِدارُ الحِفاظِ يَدفَعُونَ الأَعَادِيا

8. And noble, honest youths not timid or terrified
Young men who covet money, desiring more

٨. وَفِتياِن صِدقٍ غيرُ وَخشٍ أُشابَةٍ
مَكاسِيبُ لِلمالِ الطَرِيفِ مَعاطيا

9. If they moan one day, you would hear among them
Singing, chanting, tapping and calling

٩. إِذا ظَعَنُوا يَوماً سَمِعتَ خِلالَهُم
غِناءً وَتَأييهاً وَنَقراً وَحادِيا

10. And the clamor of an intoxicated singer in chains
Competing with the strings, one who is no archer

١٠. وَرَنَّةَ هَتّافِ العَشِيِّ مُكَبَّلٍ
يُنازِعُهُ الأَوتارَ مَن لَيسَ رَامِيا

11. Competing with him is a doe-eyed gazelle
With a smooth cheek she leaves the heart burning

١١. يُنازِعُهُ مِثلُ المَهاةِ رَفِيقَةٌ
بِجَسِّ النَدامى تَترُكُ القَلبَ رانِيا

12. Tomorrow a youth of fate so days and nights passed over them
Succeeding one another

١٢. غَدا فَتَيا دَهرٍ فَمَرّا عَلَيهِمُ
نَهارٌ وَلَيلٌ يَلحَقانِ التَواليا

13. Successes of people who became ruins so their telltales
Weep and the ruins weep

١٣. تَوالِيَ مَن غالَت شَعُوبٌ فَأَصبَحَت
كُلُولُهُمُ تَبكي وَتُبكي البَواكِيا

14. I remembered a memory of Ummayma after
I suffered at the hands of Ummayma, suffering

١٤. تذكّرتُ ذِكرىً مِن أُميمةَ بَعدَما
لَقِيتُ عَناءً مِن أُمَيمَةَ عانِيا

15. She does not accept less than a delicate youth
And I cannot regain my youth

١٥. فَلا هِيَ تَرضى دُونَ أَمرَدَ ناشِئٍ
وَلا أَستَطِيع أَن أَرُدَّ شَبابِيا

16. My time with youth and its people was long
And I faced terrors that turned gray hair white

١٦. وَقَد طالَ عَهدِي بالشّبابِ وَأَهلِهِ
وَلاقَيتُ رَوعاتٍ يُشِبنَ النَواصِيا

17. The act of a loving friend appeared so when I followed it
It turned away and left my need in my heart

١٧. بَدَت فِعلَ ذِي وُدٍّ فَلَمّا تَبِعتُها
توَلَّت وَأَبقَت حاجَتِي في فُؤاديا

18. And it filled the heart's darkness and I do not want
Other than it and am not neglectful of its love

١٨. وَحَلَّت سَوادَ القَلبِ لا أَنا باغِياً
سِواها وَلا عَن حُبِّها مُتَراخِيا

19. And had its connection remained I would not have spurned it
But separation from the beloved is enough of a healer

١٩. وَلَو دامَ مِنها وَصلُها ما قَلَيتُها
ولَكِن كَفى بِالهَجرِ لِلحُبِّ شافِيا

20. And she did not doubt except that she saw
My hair turned white and my incisors yellow

٢٠. وَما رابَها مِن رِيبَةٍ غَيرَ أَنَّها
رَأَت لِمَّتِي شابَت وَشابَ لِداتِيا

21. She blames my emaciated camel but I was
Disdainful of blaming the chaste women

٢١. تَلُومُ عَلى هُلكِ البَعيرِ ظَعينَتي
وَكُنتُ عَلى لَومِ العَواذِلِ زارِيا

22. Don't you know I was derided as a warrior
So today you have no right over me nor I over you

٢٢. أَلَم تَعلَمي أَنّي رُزِئتُ مُحارِباً
فَما لَكِ مِنهُ اليَومَ شيءٌ وَلا لِيا

23. And before it I was derided with abasement
And he was the son of my mother and the most loyal of friends

٢٣. وَمِن قَبلِهِ ما قَد رُزِئتُ بِوَحوَحٍ
وَكانَ اِبنَ أُمّي والخَليلَ المُصافِيا

24. A young man whose manners were perfect except
He was generous so he left no money remaining

٢٤. فَتىً كَمُلَت أَخلاقُه غَيرَ أَنَّهُ
جَوادٌ فَما يُبقي مِنَ المالِ باقِيا

25. A young man in whom what pleased his friend was complete
Even if what pained his enemies was in it

٢٥. فَتىً تَمَّ فِيهِ ما يَسُرُّ صَديقَهُ
عَلى أَنَّ فِيهِ ما يَسُوءُ الأَعاديا

26. He says to whoever insisted he spend his money
Shall I spend my days and leave my money?

٢٦. يَقُولُ لِمَن يَلحاهُ في بَذلِ مالِهِ
أَأُنفِقُ أَيّامِي وَأَترُكُ مالِيا

27. He pours rivulets with his spear and buys
Praise that remains even if it is expensive

٢٧. يُدِرُّ العُروقَ بالسِنانِ وَيَشتَري
مِنَ الحَمدِ ما يَبقَى وَإِن كانَ غالِيا

28. I detested the long-armed, slow man
If he did not set out for glory he walked away

٢٨. أَشَمُّ طَوِيلُ السَاعِدَينِ سَمَيدَعٌ
إِذا لَم يَرُح لِلمَجدِ أَصبَحَ غادِيا

29. When disaster befell that young man
From the worries of man what cannot be found

٢٩. أُتِيحَت لَهُ وَالغَمُّ يَحتَضِرُ الفَتى
وَمِن حاجَةِ الإِنسانِ ما لَيسَ لاَقِيا

30. It was enough for us, O Banu Kaab, for we did not see
For what was except what Allah repaid fully

٣٠. كَفَينا بَني كَعبٍ فَلَم نَر عِندَهُم
لِما كانَ إِلاَّ ما جَزى اللَهُ جازِيا

31. And the day of An-Nakheel when we came to your women
Rushing she-camels racing the trained racers

٣١. وَيَومَ النُّخَيلِ إِذ أَتَينا نِساءَكم
حَواسِرَ يَركُضنَ الجِمالَ المَذاكِيا

32. And a severe day with no relief
Deafening those thought noble

٣٢. وَيَومٍ شَدِيدٍ غَيرِ ذِي مُتَنَفَّسٍ
أَصَمَّ عَلى مَن كانَ يُحسَبُ راقِيا

33. As if the people's groan from fear of its evil
And their souls had reached the highest limit

٣٣. كَأَنَّ زَفِيرَ القَومِ مِن خَوفِ شَرِّهِ
وَقَد بَلَغَت مِنهُ النُفُوسُ التَراقِيا

34. The groan of a resolute darkness covered man
Not considering the consequences

٣٤. زَفِيرُ مُتَمٍّ بالمُشَيَّأِ طَرَّقَت
بِكاهِلِهِ فَلا يَرِيمُ المَلاقِيا

35. We will inherit you; indeed, the inheritance is to you
A beloved settlement of deliverance and flood

٣٥. سَنُورِثُكُم إِنَّ التُراثَ إِليكُمُ
حبِيبٌ قُراراتِ النَجا فَالمغالِيا

36. And water from the springs, bitter and turbid
And a wolf that prowled if the night darkened on him

٣٦. وَماءً مِنَ الأَفلاجِ مُرّاً وغُدَّةً
وَذِئباً إِذا ما جَنَّهُ الليلُ عادِيا

37. And our cooked meat from the stomach of Ukma; you
Leaped to their lords wrongfully

٣٧. وَأَطواءَنا مِن بَطنِ أَكمَةَ إِنَّكُم
جَشِمتُم إِلى أَربابِهِنَّ الدَواهِيا

38. If only my people were not betrayed by their ancestors
And their dreams in the morning were spoils

٣٨. وَلَو أَنَّ قَومي لَم تَخُنّي جُدُودُهُم
وَأَحلامُهُم أَصبَحتُ للفَتقِ آسِيا

39. But my people have become like Khaybar
With its harmful things that do not harm the enemies

٣٩. وَلكنَّ قَومي أَصبَحُوا مِثلَ خَيبَرٍ
بِها داؤُها وَلاَ تَضُرُّ الأَعادِيا

40. The grudges of my people do not cease between them
And their shame until they become loyal

٤٠. فَلاَ تَنتَهِي أَضغانُ قَومي بَينَهُم
وَسَوآتُهُم حَتّى يَصِيرُوا مَواليا

41. Loyal to an alliance, not loyalty to relations
But blood relations asking for help

٤١. مَوالِيَ حِلفٍ لا مَوالِي قَرابَةٍ
وَلكِن قَطِيناً يَسأَلُونَ الأَتاوِيا

42. So I did not find brothers except as comrades
And I did not find family except as dwellings

٤٢. فَلَم أَجِدِ الإِخوانَ إِلاَّ صَحابَةً
وَلَم أَجِدِ الأَهلِينَ إِلاَّ مَثاوِيا

43. While an old woman gloated over her friend
And another blaming her and being hostile

٤٣. وَكانَت قُشَيرٌٌ شامِتاً بِصَديقِها
وآخَرَ مَزرِيّاً عَلَيهِا وَزارِيا

44. But the brother of glory and generosity, Malik
Kept true to the covenant and accord

٤٤. وَلكِن أَخُو العَلياءِ والجُودِ مالِكٌ
أَقَامَ عَلى عَهدِ النَوى وَالتَصافِيا

45. So the bulls drowned and the women of Tameem
Picked up the broken spears

٤٥. فَأَصبَحَتِ الثَيرانُ غَرقَى وَأَصبَحَت
نِساءُ تَمِيمٍ يَلتَقِطنَ الصَياصِيا

46. For it after the support of the wet nurse and its calm
And the clamor of one who weeps if he wept

٤٦. لَهُ نَضَدٌ بِالَغورِ غَورِ تِهامَةٍ
يُجاوِبُ بِالرَعشاءِ جَوناً يمانِيا

47. The neighing of the bull tossing its head
Attacking the dogs with its horns

٤٧. فَأَصبَحَ بِالقِمرى يَجُرُّ عَفاءَهُ
بَهِيماً كَلَونِ الليلِ أَسوَدَ داجِيا

48. And the stillness of the wet masses of urine
Of which the women's modesty does not relish contact

٤٨. فَلَمّا دَنا للخرجِ خرجِ عُنَيزَةٍ
وَذِي بَقَرٍ أَلقى بِهِنَّ المَراسيا

49. Will you not convey to Awf and his camel friends
He who intends evil will not lack it; do not live

٤٩. لَها بَعدَ إِسنادِ الكَلِيمِ وهَدئِهِ
وَرَنّةِ مَن يَبكي إِذَا كانَ باكيا

50. So which eye of you will weep if you perish
It did not dry until it died as it was

٥٠. هَدِيرٌ هَدِيرَ الثورِ يَنفُضُ رَأسَهُ
يَذُبُّ بِرَوقَيهِ الكِلابَ الصَوارِيا

51. The broken fangs are not the tattered clothing
Of a lion protecting Tihama's valley

٥١. وَمِثلُ الدُمى شُمُّ العَرانِينِ ساكِنٌ
بِهِنَّ الحَياءُ لا يُشِعنَ التَّقافِيا

52. When it sees a dangling horn it craves and pants
Bold against the horns, attacking fiercely

٥٢. أَلا أَبلِغا عَوفاً وَصاحِبَ رَحلِهِ
ومَن يَغوِ لا يَعدَم عَلى الغيِّ لا حيا

53. So it is not preceded by anything it wants
And it is not overcome and has no escape

٥٣. فَأَيّتُمَا عَينِ بَكَت إِن هَلَكتُما
فَلا رَقَأَت حَتّى تَمُوتَ كَما هيا

54. With greater awe among the men
And another enemy and foe to it

٥٤. وَما شَكِسُ الأَنيابِ شَثنٌ بَنانُهُ
مِنَ الأُسدِ يَحمي مِن تِهامَة وادِيا

55. May Allah not distance you if a disaster
Befell you from us, the house companion wandering

٥٥. إِذَا ما رَأى قِرناً مَدِلاًّ هَوى لَهث
جَرِيئاً عَلى الأَقرانِ أَغضَفَ ضارِيا

56. But may Allah reward you, alive or dead,
In every state, the best of what He repays

٥٦. فَلَيسَ بِمَسبَوقٍ بَشَيءِ أَرادَهُ
وَلَيسَ بِمَغلُوبٍ وَلَيسَ مُفادِيا

57. So nothing remains of that house and its people
Except the pleasures of nights and days, songs

٥٧. بِأَعظَمَ مِنهُ في الرِجالِ مَهابَةً
وَآَخَرَ مَعدُوّاً عَلَيهِ وَعادِيا

58. If they come alive and generously with joy
They resided with them until meeting misfortune

٥٨. فَلاَ يُبعِدَنكَ اللَهُ إِن كانَ حادِثٌ
أَصابَكَ عَنّا نازِحَ الدارِ نائِيا

٥٩. وَلكِن جَزاكَ اللَهُ حَيَّاً وَهالِكاً
عَلى كُلِّ حالٍ خيرَ ما كانَ جازيا

٦٠. فَلَم يَبقَ مِن تِلكَ الديارِ وَأَهلِها
سُرَى الليلِ والأَيّامِ إِلاَّ مَغانيا

٦١. إِذا أَتَيا حَيّاً كِراماً بِغِبطَةٍ
أَناخا بِهِم حَتّى يُلاقُوا الدَواهِيا